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Tipping - Whats the Deal


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When I recently went to the hairdressers once I had paid, I handed over a tip to the lady who had just done my hair and she seemed quite shocked. I presumed it was because the tip was not enough, but I had no other cash on me. When we tipped the removal men, again they were quite shocked. When my husband went to his barbers yesterday and asked about tipping, the hairdresser informed him that you don't tip in Oz. Is this true? It does not feel right not to tip, but I don't want to offend or be out of pocket if tips are not the norm. I know in the UK some wages are supplemented by the tips they receive ie in restaurants, cafes, hairdressers etc and it is something that we have always done.


Any advice greatly appreciated.




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Guest guest9824

I always tip, if the service is good, I know it's not as expected here, but if I get good service, I tip. Some places don't even have a tipping jar etc....I guess the wages are good enough without the need to make the wage up with tips, that's my theory anyway.:smile2:

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