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Job Interview Need opinion


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Hi All

I want comments from your worthy experiences as its a bit frustrating for me and want a forum where I can share my concern.

I am a Civil Engineer with 4+ years experience living in WA since Nov 2012 and meanwhile I applied for PR which is due for grant soon as I was on 475 but thought PR is much better if you plan to stay here forever. I am working for a local builder at the moment.


Recently, I got interviewed for Manager Infrastructure position in a Shire. The interview was conducted by a panel comprising of CEO, Manager Corporate Services and the Executive Manager Technical Services (The main guy who is hiring). Must tell you that only 3 applicants were shortlisted for interview. My interview was for atleast 1 hour and a half which was a bit surprising and they asked me questions from technical matters to behavioral aspects including my salary expectations and notice period.....At the end of interview we had an informal chit chat as well and they told me that they will be in touch next week. When I was leaving, the Executive Manager walked out with me to the door and the first word he said was " You have done exceptionally well and I am very glad and I will get in touch with you soon" I was very encouraged and happy as I could feel I have performed very well. I also sent them thank you emails individually for the interview and again showed them my interest to pursue the job.


I gave the Ex. Manager a call the following week and he said they still have to reach a decision on thursday and again said you have done well. I then called HR on friday to know if there was an update so the lady from HR said they were discussing it on today (Friday) and should know something by monday. I somehow waited till sunday but didnt hear back on monday. upon inquiring the Manager did not come to office on monday so I am waiting if something happens today.


Just to let you know the current Manager Infrastructure is leaving the job at the end of month so the position is still not vaccant.


I want to know if I should keep high hopes or should I stop expecting a big news from them anymore. I am sure you guys can atleast comment to end my frustration from the long wait.



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The process here (certainly for health) is a little different than the UK where we got told we'd had/hadn't got the job right away, here we have to submit all the paperwork to HR, then for sign off for the manager etc., They may be awaiting referee reports for you and other people, they may have to tell unsuccessful applicants before telling the successful one (and they may not be available), there may be an appeals process to go through - whilst you did well, someone else may have interviewed equally as well or better (always that chance), we have sometimes had to ask candidates for an additional referee because the applicants have been very close. I guess what i'm saying is that - sometimes it can take several weeks before an applicant to know the outcome because of several things. I'd certainly keep my hopes up until they tell me otherwise.

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Guest guest10912

The delay could be for any number of reasons as Ali has mentioned. On the other hand, I tend to think (and have observed) that as time elapses, it does become less likely that the job offer will come to fruition. I would keep hopeful though and keep up regular contact, whilst ensuring you do not start to harass either.

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I've only had 3 interviews here, 2 of the jobs I got but all 3 of them took far longer to get back to me than initially indicated at the interview. Surely you've encountered this before?? People's work load change & thus their priorities, be patient. I would have waited until at least the Monday & maybe called every 2nd day after that ( depending on the response)

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Permanent roles often take longer to get an offer out compared to contract work, for the reasons outlined above.

I got offered my role at the end of the interview, but that is quite rare as its a smaller company who can make decisions quicker.


Your dealing with a government type organisation who will have lots of bureaucracy to get through (that's what HR departments specialise in) before they make any offers

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Cheers for commenting guys...Got to know someone else got the job offer, I am a bit sad but it is just like they will choose the best for them. Fingers crossed I am still working as a volunteer for a local builder and hope someday some thing will definitely pop up for me. Cheers for taking out time and sharing your opinion and experiences. Thanks

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I was reading your post and trying to work out your timeline. Please let me know if this is correct;


Week 1 - Interviewed and followed up with emails to say thanks.

Week 2 - You contacted the recruiting manager and told decision would be made Thursday. No info on Thursday so you contacted them again on Friday and informed decision being made and would find out Monday.

Week 3 - Monday you call again and told of the managers absence and you'd find out today. Today informed position to someone else.


If this is correct I have to say that sounds like something of a supersonic recruitment for WA, in my experience three months is a reasonable timescale from application close to decision.


In addition, if this is a correct time scale I'd advise restraint in the future. If I was recruiting to this position and you'd tried to call me this number of times I'd feel pressured into making a decision, that you might be a little 'needy' and potentially high maintenance. Regardless of what was said often plans change, conflicting priorities mean recruitment processes becomes extended and it may be no fault of the recruiting officer.

In the situation you describe the first call I would have made would have been at the end of week three at the earliest.


Maybe that's just a reflection of a different working environment but I'd be worried about appearing pushy if I'd taken your course of action.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Advise taken Portlaunay, I am afraid you are right. I asked for feed back from the Manager who was hiring and he had exactly answered what I am quoting below,


" Your interview was perfects in all respects and in some areas your experience was much higher than what we do in council, you are not only a good engineer but a good person too, Its just that sometimes, a candidate comes through who ticks all the boxes and is a bit more suitable for the job with specific job experience, If in future there is a position that suits your experience and qualification, we would be happy considering you".


They hired a local Oz candidate which is alright, what I earned from the interview is atleast I will be a known person for them in future if there is a position and I firmly believe that if I keep trying I will get into local government job sooner or later,,,,


I will keep your advise in mind next time I appear for an interview.




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Shah if you are lucky enough to get an interview again, I would back off about contacting them constantly to find out the result of the interview. As an HR manager, I have been subjected to this sort of behaviour by applicants. It goes as a black mark against you as it makes the employer think you might cause problems down the line, and as it is a permanent position, they want to make certain that the applicant they appoint is the perfect fit for the position and organisation.

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Shah if you are lucky enough to get an interview again, I would back off about contacting them constantly to find out the result of the interview. As an HR manager, I have been subjected to this sort of behaviour by applicants. It goes as a black mark against you as it makes the employer think you might cause problems down the line, and as it is a permanent position, they want to make certain that the applicant they appoint is the perfect fit for the position and organisation.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I have got a call for Manager(infrastructure) in council again :). I am surprised the job is open till 12 Nov but they have sent me an email for interview at my convenience from the given time slots. This is a telephonic interview as the location is another state regional area, and the employer has taken services of recruiting agency since physical interview would be very complicated for them being far away...I want to know if any of you have got experience with phone interview and got successful. Please share your experiences, it would prove useful... The interview is schedule tomorrow. One thing, I wont be calling them at all unless I hear back from them. What can be the possible questions I can ask from the interviewer. I also want to know if one can get a job straight after telephonic interview, if not what next can be followed.


Thanks again... seems like I am moving in some direction now.....atleast getting called for interview. :)

Urgent replies needed and will be highly appreciated please.


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