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What will you/do you miss the most?


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Aside from the obvious family & friends - what is the one thing you will (or do) miss the most in the UK?


I was asked this question at lunchtime and actually found myself having to think quite hard. I can list any number of things I won't miss!


We currently live in Essex and I think I will miss how easy it is to jump on the train up to London for a last minute day out/see a show etc. I know there will be similar things in Perth but there's just something about London for me!


Oh and Black Sheep Bitter :wacko:!

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The dog.


More than friends and family... Is this wrong?



I can relate to this......our cat!... Have shed many tears over our cat :( also, my sisters... Will miss them and our stupidity when together!.....oh and Primark! Also, i live within 5mins of the picadilly line...was in London this week and thought to myself, i will miss this! ....and of course the obvious...parents!! That is all :)

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Bodiam castle, National trust properties, green leafy lanes that have a canopy of oak trees over head, hedgehogs, my English girls school that has quintessential cream teas on the lawn at the end of term, my British blue cat who has thick, thick fur that I can bury my face in, the familiarity of knowing where I am going without looking at a map, London art galleries displaying the art work I had only ever seen in a book, firework night, building snowmen, sledging down hills when schools are closed as no one can get to work, tube trains, red buses, brilliant British TV dramas.


Oh my word...Oz had better be good after giving all this up!

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Crisp, autumnal mornings and frosty winter days (but not the grey drizzle in between!) and many of the items mentioned above. I think the more u try and pin point what it is you'll miss the more you realise England ain't all that bad but i sense the rose tinted glasses have been applied! here's hoping oz will offer its own comforts

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Redsquare - that's fine, just don't tell the family!!


I got round the pet issue by telling my OH we were taking the cats....end of (albeit I had to say that I'd pay the additional air fare back from Sydney!!


The idea of the British countryside is also very poignant right now as I have spent the day on a "memory lane" trip with my parents through the Yorkshire Dales. There is definitely something about the "damp country air, with a hint of wood fire" smell that will take some replacing!

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Maybe we should start a thread of what you won't miss, to counter this one.


We have already predicted that we will become nostalgic for what we remember Britain for. We will start to imagine it is all 'Morse, Miss Marple, Caroline quentine's Cornwall, Country file, etc". What we said we must do to counter all this is read the Daily Mail, watch a documentary about youth crime and remember what it was like the last time you travelled on the tube.

Edited by Akasully2
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Maybe we should start a thread of what you won't miss, to counter this one.


We have already or predicted that we will become nostalgic for what we remember Britain for. We will start to imagine it is all 'Morse, Miss Marple, Caroline quentine's Cornwall, Country file, etc". What we said we must do to counter all this is read the Daily Mail, watch a documentary about youth crime and remember what it was like the last time you travelled on the tube.


That wouldn't be a thread - it would be a dissertation on Britain Today!!

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There are things that I think I miss but they're idealised memories. They're a bit like the top 25 tracks in iTunes, a playlist of all the best bits that helps you forget that the rest of the album is actually a bit crap.


I think the only thing I really miss is fast, reliable broadband. We had 100mb in the UK and here it sometimes feels like we're back to dial up.

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I think the only thing I really miss is fast, reliable broadband. We had 100mb in the UK and here it sometimes feels like we're back to dial up.


opposite for us! Back in england we lived in the countryside, at the edge of a forest at the bottom of a big hill. We were lucky if we got 3mb speed! Here its 30mb and i think its amazing! Haha, all depends what you were used to :)


i thought i was missing the green hills, as everything seemed so flat here, but after a couple of drives to the perth hills and up to chittering, it really is just as beautiful and not far at all.


only things i really miss are superficial things like primark and new look! New look delivers for free to Australia when you spend £55 though! Just need primark to get with it and move to ecommerce and i will be sorted. To be honest though kmart is fairly similar, but maybe slightly less good quality for the price, but i did get two very cute primark style dresses in there yesterday, both reduced from $20 to $5. So two new dresses for $10, cant really complain!


there are still ways to get great british dramas here, we havent missed any good stuff, been watching By Any Means from BBC, The Guilty from itv, and of course catching up on Corrie :)

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Maybe we should start a thread of what you won't miss, to counter this one.


We have already predicted that we will become nostalgic for what we remember Britain for. We will start to imagine it is all 'Morse, Miss Marple, Caroline quentine's Cornwall, Country file, etc". What we said we must do to counter all this is read the Daily Mail, watch a documentary about youth crime and remember what it was like the last time you travelled on the tube.


I think you've hit the nail on the head ... for me I get nostalgic, I see birds custard for example and think "ahhhh" ... then realise I never actually bought it in the UK, it's just something from my childhood. There really isn't anything that I really miss that I don't feel that I've been able to replace in one way or another. I think if you focus on what will be missed, it can turn into homesickness and comparing the new to the old - you have to remember that when you arrive very little will be familiar and it can be quite an isolating experience.

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friends family pets real bacon a dam good indian curry gravy browning pets my own home and the freedom it gives being no more than 10 mins from the shops 30 mins to cardiff for good clothes shopping oh and pets british super bikes - yes i know its on foxtel not the same as attending race meets - glastonbury stonehenge avebury oh and did i say pets ...... oh and a real Samhain celebration :sad: its all the wrong way round here

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