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How long for a 457

Guest Ali+ Ed

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Guest Ali+ Ed

Hi all!

My husband has been offered a job as a mental health nurse in kalgoolie which he has accepted. We are going over on a 457 visa which we have been told that the paper work is complete over there. How long will it be till we hear to go for medicals?

Any one with any experience of kalgoolie I would be very interested in you thoughts

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Congrats on the job! Once ours was lodged we were given details of the online DIAC system. You will be given a TRN (transaction reference number) which you use to log on (https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/inquiry/query/query.do?action=eVisa). Once you've logged on here you follow instructions to book a medical once it has been requested for you to do so. Mine was requested on the day it was lodged.

Hope this helps

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Hi all!

My husband has been offered a job as a mental health nurse in kalgoolie which he has accepted. We are going over on a 457 visa which we have been told that the paper work is complete over there. How long will it be till we hear to go for medicals?

Any one with any experience of kalgoolie I would be very interested in you thoughts


Welcome to PP.


We didn't need medicals for a 457. Once the employers application had been processed our visa was granted in 48 hours.


As to MH nursing in Kalgoorlie, what an amazing experience that will be, I really hope he enjoys it and it would be great if he could let us all know how he gets on.

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Hi all!

My husband has been offered a job as a mental health nurse in kalgoolie which he has accepted. We are going over on a 457 visa which we have been told that the paper work is complete over there. How long will it be till we hear to go for medicals?

Any one with any experience of kalgoolie I would be very interested in you thoughts


Guys hope my link below helps.....



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I am not sure how to describe Kalgoorlie as, in my experience, it is a town like no other and it doesn't appeal to everyone. I expect you have googled it and know all about it's origins and geographical location, so I will leave those areas alone.


Kal - as it is known to locals - is basically a mining town, but with huge tourist dollops spread around it, and it is a main transport link to the eastern states. My son lived and worked there for well over a year and loved it and I visited a few times during that period and liked it also. To me the whole town of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has a very unusual hybrid feel of colonial history and modern living that I liked. It is well serviced by transport links to the rest of Australia by air, road and rail. Indeed the main Perth to Sydney railway runs via Kal, as does the Great Eastern Highway. Kal is a major centre for the Royal Flying Doctor Service, and the hospital and medical services in the town are first class. Shopping seems to provide all that you need unless you crave IKEA or high class shopping. The supermarkets are open 24/7 (unlike the rest of WA) and are well stocked with all that you require, fresh, frozen or otherwise. There are many social and sports facilities and clubs, and I found the town to overall have a very friendly atmosphere. However there are downsides that you need to be aware of. It is very cold in winter, especially overnight when temps can fall below freezing - and very hot in summer when it can reach 45C during the day. Rainfall is lower than coastal towns and therefore when it is windy, it can get very dusty. There is a culture in the town of heavy drinking... mostly the miners, but not restricted to them, so there can be "disturbances" in public places and pubs. There is an Aboriginal presence in town too - most are absolutely fine, but there are those who just want to drink themselves into destruction and cause issues and you see that in the streets sometimes unfortunately. Friends I have in Kal, both professionals and otherwise, love living there, and whilst they come to Perth a few times a year or travel south to Esperance for a break by the ocean, are more than happy to live there. I am aware however that there are people who live in Kalgoorlie purely for the work they do and who can't wait to leave. So in my view, whether you like living in Kal or not will be all about your attitude and what you are expecting and what you are used to. Ali+Ed I wish you the best for your adventure. This is all my own personal view but I would be very interested to hear yours once you have arrived and settled into Kal life. Approach it with open eyes and arms and I am sure that you will do well.

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I used to spend a fair bit of time in Kal and it is a funny place. Personally i wouldnt want to live there as i didnt like the culture of drinking, the lack of things like good places to eat and its damned hot in the summer - it is a desert.


But, i know people that love it. On the PIO forum there are a couple of people who live there. Fourcorners is one.

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