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Brisbane to Perth move


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Hi all,

We are new to this site but so far found it productive reading.


We have decided to leave Brisbane and head for Perth. There is nothing wrong with Brisbane it just seems we are one family, of many I think that has not been blessed with friends for us or our children. Life is lonely and since Perth came a close second in our final destination from the UK 2 years ago we thought we should give it a go rather than regret it in another 2 years. Our children are 5 & 3. I am a full time mum (45) and hubby works in the City but happy to relocate, if it stops me crying I think.



Any advice good or bad would be grateful, all forums cannot praise highly the friendliness of people in Perth. Has this been the same for all?


We are looking for newly developed suburbs with a good catholic school, prep to Y12 if we can. any ideas?

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Hi, welcome to PP.

We've certainly found Perth to be very friendly but having never been to Brissy I wouldn't be able to say whether it's any better or worse.

I can't help with the suburb/school query but I'm sure someone will be able to advise. Have a trawl through the forum, there are lots of similar threads to give you ideas and opinions on the pitfalls and benefits of certain areas.

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Hello ,


Welcome to PP. We live a Suburb called Baldivis about 45 mins away from Perth , train station is 5 mins away .. We are in the process of having a catholic school being built at the moment here in Baldivis . There are a few around the area as well .

Emigration is not easy at times is it ? Good luck with it all :)http://www.australiansuburbs.com.au/Perth, http://www.privateschoolsdirectory.com.au/perth-schools.php

Edited by jackboots
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There is a new Catholic school being built in Hammond Park which is about 20 minutes to the City. We are just changing our sons to Mater Christi a private Catholic school and from there they may go to Emmanuel Catholic College. We have been here 5 months and found it very friendly and have met some friends through this forum who we meet up with quite oftrn will children of various ages. hope that helps :)

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Before we moved OH left it up to me to decide on where to come to in Oz. I got it down to Brizzy or Perth. Perth for us won on the weather.


We moved to Perth and totally loved it. Went to Brissy for a holiday in March, loved it too and can def see why it suits a lot of folk, but while it was great for a holiday for us it wasnt a patch on Perth and what it offers. No big city feel here, so very easy to make friends, Perth equals for us a very chilled put place, with everything we need and want on our doorstep.


i hope it all works put for you xx

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Feeling so much positivity coming from Perth, it was 2nd choice too. Maybe should have been 1st. Thank you for sharing your views and I am researching schools as we speak. OH will be searching for jobs too. I feel this is really going to happen we have been so disappointed with Brisbane with much sadness too.


Trying to feel positive that we have realised now and taking action. Thank you



Before we moved OH left it up to me to decide on where to come to in Oz. I got it down to Brizzy or Perth. Perth for us won on the weather.


We moved to Perth and totally loved it. Went to Brissy for a holiday in March, loved it too and can def see why it suits a lot of folk, but while it was great for a holiday for us it wasnt a patch on Perth and what it offers. No big city feel here, so very easy to make friends, Perth equals for us a very chilled put place, with everything we need and want on our doorstep.


i hope it all works put for you xx

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Best k-12 Catholic school in western Australia is John XXIII College in Mount Claremont. Problem is you have to be married to the Pope to get in - as is the same for many of the other good catholic schools that are K-12. Next best Catholic high school - Sacred heart in Hilarys followed by Chisholm, Mount Lawley. your best bet is try and get into a Catholic primary that feeds into a high school and get the kids names down as soon as poss for high school in Year 7.

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Marrying the pope's a bit extreme so maybe I'll try the others....lol





Best k-12 Catholic school in western Australia is John XXIII College in Mount Claremont. Problem is you have to be married to the Pope to get in - as is the same for many of the other good catholic schools that are K-12. Next best Catholic high school - Sacred heart in Hilarys followed by Chisholm, Mount Lawley. your best bet is try and get into a Catholic primary that feeds into a high school and get the kids names down as soon as poss for high school in Year 7.
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Hello helenhope

Sorry to hear that you've not really been enjoying life in Brissy.. I was interested to read your post as I am moving from Bris to Perth too! I've not been having the same issues re. kids as I will be moving on my own. I've been here about 4 years and have enjoyed it but feel like a change and as I've said elsewhere here I miss the beaches that Brissy doesn't have. I think Perth may feel a bit more like home too (full of English and Irish!). Anyway, good luck with your move :-)

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