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Aphra problems


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Hi, just wondering has anyone had a letter of eligibility through recently? And has anyone handed their letter into aphra and been given a licence recently?

The aphra website states that the standards previously used to asses internationally qualified have been removed and are no longer being used. These standards include the part about diploma being acceptable in Australia. As I understand it this is a standard being considered for removal so would be degree only. And I have a friend who was told her letter of eligibility may be declined.

Im so worried ! Has anybody got anything from aphra through recently?

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  Judilc said:
Hi, just wondering has anyone had a letter of eligibility through recently? And has anyone handed their letter into aphra and been given a licence recently?

The aphra website states that the standards previously used to asses internationally qualified have been removed and are no longer being used. These standards include the part about diploma being acceptable in Australia. As I understand it this is a standard being considered for removal so would be degree only. And I have a friend who was told her letter of eligibility may be declined.

Im so worried ! Has anybody got anything from aphra through recently?


I really hope this not case I only have higher diploma:(

am only at anmac stage so hope this sorted by time I apply to APHRA.

keep us posted and hopefully it will still recognise uk trained diplomas

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I'm no good at adding links but if you go on aphra website and look under overseas nurses application standards it states that they are under review and the previous standards are no longer in use. I am going to call aphra tomorrow to ask re progress of my aphra and these legislation changes

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Not wishing to be troublesome, but.... Not one of you has got the name of the organisation right. It is AHPRA not APHRA. Perhaps they've got a point !! Degree only !!

My wife has had no end of trouble with her application, with their complete inflexibility regarding supplying documents that are no longer available, degree transcripts etc. They require more strictly regulated certification of documents than the government do for a visa to live and work in Australia, which seems a little perverse, but there you go !

Go APHRA (sic)

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  Perthpilotandnurse said:
Not wishing to be troublesome, but.... Not one of you has got the name of the organisation right. It is AHPRA not APHRA. Perhaps they've got a point !! Degree only !!

My wife has had no end of trouble with her application, with their complete inflexibility regarding supplying documents that are no longer available, degree transcripts etc. They require more strictly regulated certification of documents than the government do for a visa to live and work in Australia, which seems a little perverse, but there you go !

Go APHRA (sic)

to be fair I have in the past posted about Ahpra and my iPad auto corrects it to aphra so maybe that's what's happening!

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  Perthpilotandnurse said:
Not wishing to be troublesome, but.... Not one of you has got the name of the organisation right. It is AHPRA not APHRA. Perhaps they've got a point !! Degree only !!

My wife has had no end of trouble with her application, with their complete inflexibility regarding supplying documents that are no longer available, degree transcripts etc. They require more strictly regulated certification of documents than the government do for a visa to live and work in Australia, which seems a little perverse, but there you go !

Go APHRA (sic)


I had no trouble at all. I didn't even change my CV. Just sent my regular one.



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I have my permanent visa now and through Airsure my application reached the Ahpra office at Perth. I just wondered if they contact you by email to let you know if they have received it. I just wanted to know because when it is the only thing that you are waiting for before you can migrate I find it stressful in case it has gone missing. I cannot go through getting documents certified by JP again. It took ages! Anyway advice much appreciated. I am going to be going to NOR to Ellenbrook where my sister lives.


Thank you.

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Hi, I called ahpra office today, they said they are updating all standards including education and experience for overseas trained nurses however this should not affect my application other than it will take longer than normal. Not quite the same answer a friend of mine got when she called so I'm hoping my lady is right.

i sent regular cv but had problems with a letter I had sent from high school to prove English language skills as I Haven't done ielts so had 6 weeks to obtain correct documents, have them certified then sent back in

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  • 1 month later...

Hi wondering if anyone can help ! think the heat is affecting my ability to think !


i have recieved an email from AHPRA saying assessment is complete and i am considered eligible for registration (thank god) in order to grant registration i need to provide ID. Do i go to AHPRA office and do this ? do i get reg there and then ? ive read my email and re read it , someone who has any experience of this able to help ?



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Hi, Ochilgal, congratulations on your LOE. I am still waiting for mine. Can I ask how long did yours or anyone's on this forum take and which office? I sent mine to Perth. I am so excited, house sold, moved into a rental in UK, I just dare not book a flight until I have got this in case there is a problem. Anyway, here is to 2014 to everyone - have a lovely new year.

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  • 2 months later...

Ahpra are continually changing the goalposts. The process has been a long drawn out affair with still no sign of an end result. My application has been in for almost 5 months and they have acknowledged receipt of everything. Taken the money. Confirmed they have all the necessary docs. I have been nursing since 1987 and have degree. I have good range of experience with impeccable work history. I get standard email responses when I enquire and am no further forward. I'm in a fortunate position in that I have a supportive hubby who is working here in WA but this is a poor show and v v frustrating!!! Rant over ?

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Threatened to do that. Was informed they only have a desk for dropping docs off. There's always the concern that you don't want to rock the boat in case you jeopardise your case!! I'm biding my time until it arrives then I'm going to raise some issues. I've kept every email as evidence of their poor service. The nurse manager who has offered me a job has even tried calling them cos she's desperate for me to get started but they have their own agenda obviously. I'll just have to sit tight and be a lady of leisure

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  • 2 weeks later...

can any body please advise on the following:


My wife is currently in the process of getting her documents certified for the Aphra Application and is using a Public Notary. The Public Notary has advised that though they can state they have seen the original certificate they cannot verify its authenticity by just seeing it. Therefore they are stating they need to check authenticity for each certificate by contacting the awarding body or place a statement stating they have seen the certificate but cannot verify it authenticity.


Can anybody advise if this is acceptable for Aphra registration?

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  stu4668 said:
can any body please advise on the following:


My wife is currently in the process of getting her documents certified for the Aphra Application and is using a Public Notary. The Public Notary has advised that though they can state they have seen the original certificate they cannot verify its authenticity by just seeing it. Therefore they are stating they need to check authenticity for each certificate by contacting the awarding body or place a statement stating they have seen the certificate but cannot verify it authenticity.


Can anybody advise if this is acceptable for Aphra registration?


I used a notary public when submitting stuff for ahpra. Mine sighted the originals, photocopied them and put the red seal on. I would advise you to go to someone else. They will charge you more to contact the awarding body.

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