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Invitation delay from western australia.


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Hello, Can anyone tell me how long it will take to get invitation from WA.

I submitted EOI (190-WA preferred state) on 9th october,2013 but didnt get invitation untill 23rd oct,2013. So my migration agent submitted another EOI on 24th oct,2013.

But unfortunately I havent received my invitation as of now. My agent now says that WA is not sending invitation for state nomination currently. Is it true? Can anyone give me any suggestion:

My breakdown of points:

Occupation: Mechanical Engineer (233512);Assessment completed by Engineers Australia.

Age: 27>30 points

Education: 15 points

Experience: 5 years> 10 points

IELTS: 6.5 (L-7.5, R-6.0, W-6.0, S-7.0)> 0 points

WASS: 05 points.

TOTAL: 60 points.


What should I do now? Should I retake IELTS? Can I try for SS in a different state? I m very much worried about it.


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Western Australia changed thier skilled occupation list on the 28th October, is your occupation still listed? We submitted an EOI for a 190 visa at the beginning of October and recieved the invite to apply for state sponsorship a week later, so a week later we completed the application and test. This was on the 26th October under Project Administrator again with 60 points but they removed this off the list on the 28th so we are unsure as to where we stand now, its so frustrating! I hope you hear something soon, which agent are you using?

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Hi Mech32,

My husband has exact same points in the same things as you do. We submitted our EOI on 28th oct. We received a positive result in 3 days. And applied for WA SS on 1st Nov, took the test, paid 200$ and submitted our application. And still waiting, so reply. Our agent said currently it takes around 14-30 days to get a reply. But there are some people WHO are waiting over a month now :( Someone even wrote that they called to ask about their sponsorship result, they were simply told to wait.

Our agent said the timings are different, according to different occupations, points, etc. But you have the same points like us. It's strange.

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Glad I spotted this thread. I've just asked about time scales for WA SS on another thread. Got an email from WA to say my application received on 24th October and they've took my money but still waiting. I've emailed them tonight to ask about time scales so will let you know if I get a response. Good luck to all and frustration is not even the word for those of you whose job has come off the list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Debbie,


First of all congrats!

You dont have to wait for co to do medicals and pcc. We are still waiting for WA SS and finished medicals. First you have to get a HAP ID through "My Health Declarations" and get an appointment from a panel doctor. They load your medicals to emedicals and when you lodge your visa application, you provide your HAP id. PCC can take too long for some countries, so its better to do it asap. Like for our case Qatar gives it in 3-4 months, UAE 45 days, Turkey 2 seconds. You can find the remaining documents below.


Good luck



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Thanks sunflower.


I will check out the link and SkillSelect. Can't believe I am almost there. You would not believe how long I've been dreaming of this. I see you submitted your WA SS on 1st November. Mine was 24th October and I only just got my email yesterday so you should hear soon.


Good luck.

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Hi moss2oz,


Could you please clarify one question for me – previously you wrote “Got an email from WA to say my application received on 24th October and they've took my money but still waiting.”

As far as I understand you submitted your EOI on 24th October. And then right away you paid sponsorship fee. Am I right?

If this is the case could you please explain either I should pay fee of 200 AUD after just submitting of my EOI or after receiving an invitation through SS?


Thanks in advance!

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I submitted my EOI two weeks before. Then on 24th October I got invite to apply for sponsorship which is when I had to pay the 200 dollars. I received the email confirming sponsorship on Friday just gone (22nd).


When WA email with invite that is when you have to pay the 200 dollars.


Hope this helps.



QUOTE=Coldplay;80630]Hi moss2oz,


Could you please clarify one question for me – previously you wrote “Got an email from WA to say my application received on 24th October and they've took my money but still waiting.”

As far as I understand you submitted your EOI on 24th October. And then right away you paid sponsorship fee. Am I right?

If this is the case could you please explain either I should pay fee of 200 AUD after just submitting of my EOI or after receiving an invitation through SS?


Thanks in advance!

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Hi all,


I submitted EOI for V190 on 11/11 and status is still "submitted" to this day.

Will the status first change to "received" or similar as soon as someone is handling the EOI?


Also, is it possible that invite will follow straight away, or is there always extra documentation to obtain SS first (the questionnaire that proves you did your research etc)?



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WA will look at EOI's on a weekly basis I think and they will decide whether to invite you for sponsorship. As I said mine took about two weeks but I know it can take longer or shorter. The next thing you should receive is the invite to apply for WA SS and then you complete the form and the questionnaire and pay 200 dollars.


Hi all,


I submitted EOI for V190 on 11/11 and status is still "submitted" to this day.

Will the status first change to "received" or similar as soon as someone is handling the EOI?


Also, is it possible that invite will follow straight away, or is there always extra documentation to obtain SS first (the questionnaire that proves you did your research etc)?



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Anyone else submitted EOI around 11/11 ?

3 weeks later, still no response and received nothing but a communication regarding upcoming maintenance.


This is becoming more than just nerve wrecking...


I totally agree with you.

My case is the same as yours, but I submitted EOI 1 week earlier than you.

I haven’t heard anything since that time but receiving a confirmation e-mail of creating an account and submitting of EOI.

And still then is dead silence.

Keep waiting, fingers crossed…

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Sunflower are you in Qatar? We lived there for 3 years! Our Qatar police checks actually took 5 months to arrive ..... If you have a friend there or are still there you can go with passport to immi dept at top of salwa and it takes 1 week. Much easier.


to all others, congrats on your visa invites ! We just arrived here , it's beautiful .......









Hi Debbie,


First of all congrats!

You dont have to wait for co to do medicals and pcc. We are still waiting for WA SS and finished medicals. First you have to get a HAP ID through "My Health Declarations" and get an appointment from a panel doctor. They load your medicals to emedicals and when you lodge your visa application, you provide your HAP id. PCC can take too long for some countries, so its better to do it asap. Like for our case Qatar gives it in 3-4 months, UAE 45 days, Turkey 2 seconds. You can find the remaining documents below.


Good luck



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Judi,


I just saw your post. I wish I saw it before :( We left Doha 2 years ago. We applied to Qatar Consulate in İstanbul / Turkey. WE also applied to UAE consulate, they were really Professional.


We are still waiting for SS. I think by the time a CO will be assigned, it will be around 3 more months at least. I read in the aussie PCC booklet that it takes 3-4 months. But if it is 5 months thats too long! I dont mind flying to the sandpit for this paper. But do you think someone else could do it for us? We still have many friends there. Do we have to post our fingerprint documents to our friends and they will go and apply for it or how will it be? I asked a friend who is a 3rd generation qatar resident, he said we will have to go ourselves :(


By the way does anyone have any idea whats taking the WA SS so long? I'm getting more and more stressed every day :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone else submitted EOI around 11/11 ?

3 weeks later, still no response and received nothing but a communication regarding upcoming maintenance.


This is becoming more than just nerve wrecking...


Hi weaz, I submitted my EOI on 13 November. Going through the same headache as yours.


But only i found out my profession is under "restricted". Im into a time-waiting game now.


Hows your application going?

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Hi weaz, I submitted my EOI on 13 November. Going through the same headache as yours.


But only i found out my profession is under "restricted". Im into a time-waiting game now.


Hows your application going?



Still nothing on my side.

On the WA migration website they still indicate 30 days waiting time...


Hang in there!


They could post something on their website if they have unusual delays... At least we would know what to expect.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Still nothing on my side.

On the WA migration website they still indicate 30 days waiting time...


Hang in there!


They could post something on their website if they have unusual delays... At least we would know what to expect.

Hello buddy i did the eoi on 25 october with 60 point and welfare worker as occupation and thats for wa state..i havent heard anything from wa .. Please do update whats happening on your end .

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