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Go to the My School web site, put in Waikiki as a suburb and there are two primary schools. Pick one. Look at results in numbers at the bottom - red means below average, green above. There's a graph of the NAPLAN results, like SATS. Both primary are substantially below the Australian average right across the board. This is just a rough guide but not looking too great.

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  elfie said:
Id avoid Harrington Waters it backs on to Cooloongup you dont want to be near there .............. Aim for beach side of Waikki


Why? Harrington Waters is a lovely estate. My SIL and hubbie live there and they are both police officers. Although I can't comment on the primary school. Are you saying avoid Harrington Waters because of the catchment area for the school?

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  Scot01 said:


Go to the My School web site, put in Waikiki as a suburb and there are two primary schools. Pick one. Look at results in numbers at the bottom - red means below average, green above. There's a graph of the NAPLAN results, like SATS. Both primary are substantially below the Australian average right across the board. This is just a rough guide but not looking too great.

Thanks for taking the time to put the link up I have saved it to favourites for future use!



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  Scot01 said:


Go to the My School web site, put in Waikiki as a suburb and there are two primary schools. Pick one. Look at results in numbers at the bottom - red means below average, green above. There's a graph of the NAPLAN results, like SATS. Both primary are substantially below the Australian average right across the board. This is just a rough guide but not looking too great.


Thanks for the link

Its a bit disappointing, as I had heard some pretty good reports about Charthouse and we liked the look of the school


Might have to reconsider, as our boy is very academic even at his very young age. We would want a school that could really help him realise his full potential

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  Lou8670 said:
Why? Harrington Waters is a lovely estate. My SIL and hubbie live there and they are both police officers. Although I can't comment on the primary school. Are you saying avoid Harrington Waters because of the catchment area for the school?



Wait until you come here and see for yourself im saying its too close to Cooloongup which is not that nice an area as for schools no children of that age so does nto concern me .................... each and everyone to their own personally I wouldnt live there

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We used to live the other side of Cooloongup in Careeba Park, Rockingham, and yes it does have a bad reputation, but in comparison to most places in the UK it's not bad at all, we never had a problem. I also have friends who live on Harrington Waters and love it there. Yes if money were no object I would live on the beach side of Read Street. As always I would say come and look for yourself and make your own mind up. Unless you lived in a crime free area in the UK, I think you will be pleasantly surprised!



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I have been looking on street advisor to try and get a feel for a particular suburb.

They all seem to get good reviews though, so its hard to get a rounded view off there


I suppose its all relative though - I live in an area that others would maybe consider to be rough, but (touch wood) we've never had any issues


We've Never been to Western Australia but for some reason, we feel quite drawn to Waikiki (might just be the name)

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Waikiki is an older suburb so the houses were mostly built in the 70's and 80's, but the blocks are larger than new build areas. It is an OK average suburb. However it is hard to get a feel for a place unless you have actually been there. I know from experience that what looks good on paper might not necessarily be so. Also bear in mind that one persons idea of "nice" is another persons "yuck"!

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  elfie said:
Wait until you come here and see for yourself im saying its too close to Cooloongup which is not that nice an area as for schools no children of that age so does nto concern me .................... each and everyone to their own personally I wouldnt live there


I have been and looked for myself and found Harrington Waters and Port Kennedy lovely areas. As people have said on here before; it can be different from one street to the next but generally it didn't seem that bad to me and I'm from a sleepy rural place with very little crime.

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Any ideas which schools top the lists?

I've been looking on the my schools website, but to be honest everyone ive looked at has red ratings on the NAPLAN results


Its probably going to be the schools that determine the area we go for - that's our priority anyway, although employment may force us to think otherwise

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  nikkiwd said:
I was looking at Leeming, Willeton and Rossmoyne schools yesterday, they looked pretty good but not a very cheap areas

That's the reason. Just like in the UK good schools will have quite expensive houses within their catchment areas . Unless of course you go private which will then allow you to look further afield .

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