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Would $50,000 be enough for a couple and baby?!


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After finding out were now expecting, the move has come forward considerably!!!. Only worry we have, is the wife now wont be able to work, once we arrive. I should be able to find employment, but reckon I can only get paid about $45-$50,000. Were now thinking theres no way we can afford to move and live on this.


We can and do live modestly, but know prices for rental and food is fairly expensive. We just don't want to get there and find out we cant afford to live and bring up a baby...or babies, still got the scan to come!! :unsure:


Any help or advice would be very much appreciated!!


Mike and Steph

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I've no experience of aus prices as yet Mike but have found since having our three kids that you adapt and live to your means. am sure you could apply this to wherever in the world you live. I'm certain someone knowledgeable will come along. Straight to the point has an excellent budget spreadsheet that he would send you if you pm him

j x

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We have spent around that since arriving, we are a family of 4 (2 expensive teenagers) we bought 2 cars, dh had a Nissan Patrol, me a fiesta, initial rent and bond on house and kitting it out with 3 beds, fridge-freezer etc, etc, etc., DH is the main wage earner and I didn't work for the first 4 months of being here and we manage ok, I have since joined a work agency as I was going stir crazy being on my own all day :) We had unexpected surprises like dental bills for 2 of us as well...


I think you will be ok, the sooner you start earning the easier it gets, dh didn't start work for over a month so that ate into the $50k as well :)

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First, what job are you going to be doing? It may be you are underestimating your earnings.


If your estimate is correct, then that would be a very low income for a family. Not impossible, but very low.


I would message straight to the point your email address and request a copy of his spreadsheet.


$50k is enough to get you settled, but, it will depend on how quick you start work.

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The way I read the OP's first post was that they would be earning $50k per annum and there is no mention of how much set up / arrival cash is being brought over. And as said above some people can go through that amount as arrival cash alone which is scary in itself I guess. I am a believer in anything is possible, and the give it a go mentality, but as everyday goes past over here the planning and research in relation to any move, especially if you are taking a big gamble in terms of job and any liquid assets, becomes even more important. To the extent of boring everyone I will keep saying it, "so much will depend on the level of debt you are going to carry and/ or are prepared to carry or can service and how you do that". PM for sheet by all means.

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$50,000 (+super) is $800 per week. I don't know if you can survive on that as I don't know how you live, but I don't think we could.


Have a look at some of the cost of living threads so you can get an idea of rent, elec, gas, water, internet, phones, fuel, food, health insurance and then you can work out if the figures work for you.

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Guest guest9824
After finding out were now expecting, the move has come forward considerably!!!. Only worry we have, is the wife now wont be able to work, once we arrive. I should be able to find employment, but reckon I can only get paid about $45-$50,000. Were now thinking theres no way we can afford to move and live on this.


We can and do live modestly, but know prices for rental and food is fairly expensive. We just don't want to get there and find out we cant afford to live and bring up a baby...or babies, still got the scan to come!! :unsure:


Any help or advice would be very much appreciated!!


Mike and Steph


Hi Mike and Steph,


I think there are some things to factor in to your move and whether $50,000 would be enough. I guess you would cut your cloth accordingly, people earn $200,000 plus and still 'struggle'(I say that tongue in cheek, but its all relative) living right up to their means, spending because they can, having huge mortgages, car loans, boat loans, because they can, its all relative and I guess if you have to, you would survive on a very small amount. The other factors are, are you bringing all your furniture with you?, have you got some money put by for enough rent to see you through the first 6 months or so?, do you have a bond? (ie first months rent paid in advance), have you a budget set by for a car? I know it looks like a daunting list of 'do yous' but I guess if you can say 'yes' to at least some of them if not all, then you may get by for a while on that $50,000 figure. Not to put a dampener on things, but I dont think (well I know) we would have moved out here to survive on that figure, knowing what we know now, but hindsight is a wonderful thing, and I guess it boils down to what is important to you, and how you see yourselves living and surviving here in Australia. Best of luck to you.



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I remember now, you were hoping to get financial work and were worried about getting work. If you are willing to get your hands dirty, there is loads of building work going on and I am guessing you could get laboring in that if you wanted to and earn more than what you currently think.


It will also as others have said, depend on how much cash you have to bring with you. It is surprising how much it is possible to spend initially. We arrived in 2008 with about $40k and it just disappeared - rent, bond, furniture as we didn't bring any with us and various other bits.


On the plus side, my wife has a student at the moment who is a new arrival and the family with two teens are living on about $50k a year and surviving - though only just and living in a fibro "shack" (there are lots of them in mandurah)


The first couple of years while you are restricted to not being able to work in Perth will probably be tough. But, not impossible and looking back at times when we have had it hard financially, it was a great and important learning curve. And hey, I am sure a few of us will take you out for a beer - I may even be able to lend you a car when you first arrive for a few weeks.

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Hi Mike and Steph


This question does get asked a lot, and I agree with all the above - not very helpful I know, but it will depend on how you live and budget. I have friends that say they spend $350 per week on groceries alone and couldn't possibly spend any less, I also have friends (and myself) who will spend around $150 per week on groceries and live very well. If you shop around you can get some bargains - ie The Spud Shed is about 1/2 the price of Woolies, and buy home brands instead of having to go for Heinz beans and all the things you are used to.


Yes rent is expensive and setting up will cost you a lot of money. If you budget to bring enough money over to see you through the first 6 months renting, and to buy anything you need that you aren't bringing over, then yes you'll be fine (not rich but better to be just OK and have some sunshine I reckon!), even if you don't get a job straight away.


I don't know what job you will be doing, but you may find that you are underestimating your pay.


I've just come across this salary information that may help you, but do see that there is a big range for each type of employment - http://content.mycareer.com.au/salary-centre though it does show averages.


Good Luck!

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I remember now, you were hoping to get financial work and were worried about getting work. If you are willing to get your hands dirty, there is loads of building work going on and I am guessing you could get laboring in that if you wanted to and earn more than what you currently think.


It will also as others have said, depend on how much cash you have to bring with you. It is surprising how much it is possible to spend initially. We arrived in 2008 with about $40k and it just disappeared - rent, bond, furniture as we didn't bring any with us and various other bits.


On the plus side, my wife has a student at the moment who is a new arrival and the family with two teens are living on about $50k a year and surviving - though only just and living in a fibro "shack" (there are lots of them in mandurah)


The first couple of years while you are restricted to not being able to work in Perth will probably be tough. But, not impossible and looking back at times when we have had it hard financially, it was a great and important learning curve. And hey, I am sure a few of us will take you out for a beer - I may even be able to lend you a car when you first arrive for a few weeks.


Hey Stormy, remeber me now!! all those questions!!!


Should be bringing aound $50-$60,000 depending on the house sale!!. Im not scared of doing anything to support the family. I only quoted $50,000 income as the areas we can work in, dont seem to pay that much. Thank so much for the support, beers sound good, might need a drink!!!.



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Hi Mike and Steph,


I think there are some things to factor in to your move and whether $50,000 would be enough. I guess you would cut your cloth accordingly, people earn $200,000 plus and still 'struggle'(I say that tongue in cheek, but its all relative) living right up to their means, spending because they can, having huge mortgages, car loans, boat loans, because they can.....





Have you been opening my mail again?

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Don't know much about this but for families working and on low incomes does centrelink not help out? Is there not help with childcare? maybe have a look on the centrelink website to see what it says or somebody who knows more can help. I think you would have to be on a permanent visa though, not sure which visa you have...

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Hey Pea,


Were bringing our furniture and have a bank account with the bond money saved. Will be bringing $50,000 (roughly) from the house sale, don't want to touch this, but may need to while Steph is off work. I reckon $50,000 is also the salary I would be getting, as the salaries for Mandurah or Bunbury, for my line of work aren't very high. Im restricted as there aren't many finance companies there, but I will do anything...within reason!! Mike

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Hi Mike


One of the things you might want to look at is getting yourself cross qualified. With a finance background, have you considered mortgage brocking? The reason this springs to mind is there is a lot of house building going on in the mandurah area and we are one of them. But, we could not find a broker in mandurah. We are having to go to baldivis for ours. Just a thought.

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Mrs p's job paid $50k on arrival. I didn't have work for the first three months and we had two kids aged (at the time), four and seven. We bought around £2k with us.

We made friends quickly, had bikes and cars given to us, furniture donated, picked stuff up off the verge and were overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of strangers. Freo is just that kind of place and now our hearts and souls belong to this community. To answer the OP's question I think $50k is reasonable but it depends entirely upon the kinds of people you are.

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We will be surviving on one wage until I can get a job. Not sure how long that will be as some firms are not recruiting until the new year. We did bring enough funds to keep us going for six months. Well, so we thought. Money seems to run away when you first get here.


We are waiting on our container so have our furniture. Whilst we are waiting we have bought two single mattresses from Ikea $59 each, a large camping table from KMart $19, two patio chairs, $15 each, double duvets $10 from Big W, single sheets $6.95 from Ikea. We have also bought a TV table from Ikea $15 (in the As is section). OK, not ideal, but to be fair if we had a proper bed, we would be OK living like this if we had to rather than buying a lot of furniture. We have not bought beds as we have two kingsize beds on the container. The verge collections look quite good. Our rental agent said she got a sofa and a BBQ for her house. I have also noticed that there are a lot of free items on Gumtree that just need collecting. You see signs for Garage Sales all over as well. I think if you are clever you can furnish a house quite easily and cheaply here.


I shop in Spud Shed at Jandakot. I have bought a whole beef fillet for $25 and have got 12 steaks from it. I think toilet rolls are expensive here for some reason. I get ours in the Reject Shop, 18 rolls for $4.50, the same in Woolies could cost $10. We are used to the sandpaper as we used this whilst saving and waiting for the visa:wink:.


Your biggest expense here will be rent. As has been said, you will need to cut your cloth accordingly. For instance, we don't like the TV here and cannot wait for Foxtel, but I will not get it until I am working. I see that as a luxury rather than a necessity.

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Foxtel is worse! I always wanted it till I was based on a site where I had it free in my room. Soon came to the conclusion that there is no way I would buy it. But give the tv time. Sbs is very good


We will be surviving on one wage until I can get a job. Not sure how long that will be as some firms are not recruiting until the new year. We did bring enough funds to keep us going for six months. Well, so we thought. Money seems to run away when you first get here.


We are waiting on our container so have our furniture. Whilst we are waiting we have bought two single mattresses from Ikea $59 each, a large camping table from KMart $19, two patio chairs, $15 each, double duvets $10 from Big W, single sheets $6.95 from Ikea. We have also bought a TV table from Ikea $15 (in the As is section). OK, not ideal, but to be fair if we had a proper bed, we would be OK living like this if we had to rather than buying a lot of furniture. We have not bought beds as we have two kingsize beds on the container. The verge collections look quite good. Our rental agent said she got a sofa and a BBQ for her house. I have also noticed that there are a lot of free items on Gumtree that just need collecting. You see signs for Garage Sales all over as well. I think if you are clever you can furnish a house quite easily and cheaply here.


I shop in Spud Shed at Jandakot. I have bought a whole beef fillet for $25 and have got 12 steaks from it. I think toilet rolls are expensive here for some reason. I get ours in the Reject Shop, 18 rolls for $4.50, the same in Woolies could cost $10. We are used to the sandpaper as we used this whilst saving and waiting for the visa:wink:.


Your biggest expense here will be rent. As has been said, you will need to cut your cloth accordingly. For instance, we don't like the TV here and cannot wait for Foxtel, but I will not get it until I am working. I see that as a luxury rather than a necessity.

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