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Want upto 4 yr car seat


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I don't have any rug rats myself but K Mart sell them and I've found it one of the cheapest places to buy household items.


There's also gumtree and swap meets. There's a big swap meet in Wanneroo every Sunday and there were plenty for sale last weekend.


However, I don't think I'd buy a second hand child seat for safety reasons.


Anyway, I'm sure someone will come along with more experience than I and give you some better advice.


Good luck finding one.

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We got one that was suitable up to 7/8 it think, as it can change into a booster seat when they get big enough to use the seatbelt.


it was from kmart, think it was $250. It was the cheapest at the time. The up to 4 seats are often half price, ask in store and they will generally tell you when they are going to be on sale.


i was so annoyed having to get rid of our uk seats. We had two that went up to age 11!!

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Thanks, we got two today from baby buntings (?) in joondalup, both on sale so just under $200! Yes lozzachino I had 2 great seats I left in Saudi because I didn't think I could use here then I get here and discover I could of brought my daughters after all! The one we have bought today is not as nice as the one we left behind .....

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