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Where to get a dog?


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It all depends what you want we looked at Labradors but they seem to cost $1500 -to- $2200 and can be picked up from the pet shop with little or no ID requerd,

we ended up getting a Kelpie X from a rescue organisation cost us $450 he comes with a vet check worming and has had the snip, you need to registrar the dog with the local authority

the rescue center will want you to fill in some paper work and they may want to visit you at home, we were asked to provide photos of our block and the fencing

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Dogs' Refuge Home - Shenton Park - Perth




Just got a Jack Russell from them as we lost one of our 2 dogs a while back

vacinated, spayed and chipped

Very caring place, would suggest anyone looking for a dog contacts them


That's where we got our Kelpie/Whippet cross. The ultimate lazy man's dog - she runs all day at a thousand miles an hour after anything and nothing.


Edit: I'd still love a Springer though

Edited by portlaunay
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Thanks guys. I'm a bit wary of a rescue dog mainly because we have 3 young hyperactive and very lively children so I would be worried of how the dog may have been treated prior to being 'rescued' and whether the dog had the right temperament. Also the kids would love a puppy. I've never had a dog but my OH has and we have looked after other peoples dogs for several weeks / months so we know what we'd be letting ourselves in for.


Do the rescue centres know the dogs backgrounds, what type of home they've come from and how they were treated? Just thinking that there are obviously all sorts of reasons for a dog to end up at a rescue centre.



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Do the rescue centres know the dogs backgrounds, what type of home they've come from and how they were treated? Just thinking that there are obviously all sorts of reasons for a dog to end up at a rescue centre.


For some of the dogs they do know the story, some are collected from the rangers in the various shires who have either taken them from houses wher they are neglected etc or have been picked up as strays and are never collected so there is no history

if you look at the web site for the rescue place mentioned in previous posts they have a section for puppies looking to be adopted

whatever you decide the puppies in the pet shops are not a good to see and if possible you should avoid, maybe if enough people avoid they might stop selling them, look for a breeder if you don't fancy a rescue dog

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All the centers we spoke to seem to have a good idea of the dogs back ground, and most rescue centers will stipulate that you must meet the dog first, the people we used have the dogs staying with foster homes to give them time to try and rehouse the dog to there full time home, this takes a lot of the unknown out of the process becouse the dogs would have been with them full time and some of the homes have kids so that information helps


we also have two kids 6 & 2 and did have the same issues,


i have before seen puppy's available from rescue places


you may want to think about what type of dog ie working dog type so very active, or something more released

Edited by Nutnudger
Fat fingers
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Whatever you do, please do not buy a puppy from a pet shop as they will have come from Puppy Farms that need to be wiped out! There are many rescue associations (just google) in WA who always have puppies and mature dogs to rehouse. If you have a particular breed in mind, there are rescue associations for them too (and again just google). However if you want a particular breed and want to buy from a breeder, you need to contact the Canine Association http://www.dogswest.com/dogswest/Home.htm and look at their recommendations of reputable breeders.


You always need to visit and spend time with the puppy or dog that you like so that you know he/she will suit and bond with you.


NEVER buy a puppy/dog off Gumtree or any pet shop...... if you do you are promoting Puppy Farms.... and if you do not have any idea what these are like... then just google again and you will see the disgraceful and inhumane situation the dogs are bred in and the disgusting way the Mum Woofers are treated. The RSPCA and very many charities and members of the public in WA are campaigning to make Puppy Farms illegal and to prosecute the people who run them.


"Steps off Soapbox"...... Sorry just get so incensed at people who are trying to make money out of inhumane practices with pets - or indeed any animals.

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