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Any families in eastern suburbs


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Hi Sharon, no we are looking to come out again around August time. My husband loves Mt Helena and thinks we can be happier there than where we were before. Is it expensive for rentals and do you have any experience of the schools in that area, as that is my main concern. We were in Secret Harbour for 3 years and it wasn't for us.


Kerry x

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Hi Kerry,


How old are your children?


Mine are 5 and nearly 4. They are in Pre Primary and Kindy this year. They go to Mount Helena school. We are very happy with

the School and the Teachers, so far. Lots of the Mums and Dads I know also went to school there when they were younger, so

that must mean something!! If you are looking for private schools, there is Mundaring Christian School and college, which is

8 minutes drive away, and also Helena College, which is 15 mins away. Both very good so I have heard, there are others too but I !

do not know what they are like?


We lived in the Northern suburbs for a couple of years, didn't know our neighbours, everyone was English, it was a bit too like

Little Britain for us. We ended up moving to Mount Helena because of my Husbands work, I must admit I was not keen at first, as

I love the beach, but we have a much nicer life here in the Hills, we know ALL our neighbours and have regular street parties

at Christmas and New Year etc, which is great! There are loads of family orientated things to do and we find the people are a

lot friendlier here. Its more of a community, the kids play in the street, everyone sais hello and when a crisis happens, like the

recent bush fires, everyone rallies around to help out, its lovely. It is a bit clicky sometimes, as some Mums have lived here all

their life, but hey you are always going to get that wherever you go I reckon.


Why did you not like where you were before, if you don't mind me asking?

:biggrin: Sharon

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Sounds just like what we are looking for. For us, there just wasn't a community feel to Secret Harbour. We made friends of course but we could go weeks and not see anyone from our street. I think as we've always lived in a village, we missed the closeness of it, where you get to know most people in your area. The kids weren't going to the local school so we drove everywhere and they didn't get to play out with their friends as they weren't near us. Just a few things really. My eldest is 12, do you know which school they go to after Mt Helena primary? Not private. My other two are 6 and 8. What's the commute like into The city from there? Sorry, a thousand questions!

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We are a family with 2 girls aged 8 and 5 looking to meet friends in the eastern suburbs. Been here about 8 months and loving it so far. We have met some lovely and great people and always looking to meet more friends.





Hi jessie

where about's are you? We're a family of 4 with 2 girls age 19mths & 3 years and live in ellenbrook. We have being here 4 months. If you'd like to meet up let me know. Vicky :)

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Sounds just like what we are looking for. For us, there just wasn't a community feel to Secret Harbour. We made friends of course but we could go weeks and not see anyone from our street. I think as we've always lived in a village, we missed the closeness of it, where you get to know most people in your area. The kids weren't going to the local school so we drove everywhere and they didn't get to play out with their friends as they weren't near us. Just a few things really. My eldest is 12, do you know which school they go to after Mt Helena primary? Not private. My other two are 6 and 8. What's the commute like into The city from there? Sorry, a thousand questions!



Hi, I'd like to know this too, High School reputation and commute. How long drive to the beach?


Been on the property sites all evening trying to read between the lines. Some first hand insight would be fab!

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Hi jessie

where about's are you? We're a family of 4 with 2 girls age 19mths & 3 years and live in ellenbrook. We have being here 4 months. If you'd like to meet up let me know. Vicky :)


Hi Vicky


We are in Bennett Springs which is just other IDE of Whiteman Park. So u r not far at all. I think there was a suggestion of a meet up in Kalamunda which would be good. Otherwise we could always arrange something and meet up. We are full timers but can always meet up at the weekends. Let me know hat u think!



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Hi Vicky


We are in Bennett Springs which is just other IDE of Whiteman Park. So u r not far at all. I think there was a suggestion of a meet up in Kalamunda which would be good. Otherwise we could always arrange something and meet up. We are full timers but can always meet up at the weekends. Let me know hat u think!




Hi Lenny


do you have details of the meet up in kalamunda? And we will see if we can get there. If not we could maybe meet up at white man park one sat or sun afternoon?


Speak soon vicky :)

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