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Visa granted today! Flying Christmas Day!


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Can not buy shorts and t shirts in uk at the mo just gonna cut all me jeans-trousers and long sleeve shirts down :0)


ha ha if you are familiar with primark in the UK you will love Kmart, they are pretty similar price and quality(!) and you can keep your long sleeves until your acclimatised :) if you have small children though i would get some decent clarks shoes and bring them, ive found them to be mega expensive here!!

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Our house is sold and all going through first week in jan. We are booking the removals tomorrow and flights will be booked by the end of the week. It's motoring now! I have a role at Murdoch Uni to take up in feb, so all systems go. Like you tayloal, we are car hunting etc. can I ask what you are doing accommodation wise when you land? Have you sorted anything, if so, what have you managed to find? Which area are you heading to? W are going Melville way as I need to be within easy reach of the Uni. Bet you can't wait!

Jess x


Rendlroo I'm glad it's all moving along for you, excellent. Has the sale moved on as quick as you hoped?

Zena, I also found no Aussie employer would entertain me without being in the country, I did touch very lucky with the job I got having plenty of recent relevant experience.


With regards to my own move, I moved out of my house last Friday and had all of my furniture taken ready for shipping. I used John Mason removals here in Liverpool and I haven't been able to fault them at all, they have been brilliant and very professional.

I finished work yesterday after 9 years and wasn't as emotional as I thought I might be, and I'm now ready to start a new chapter in my life.

Ive opened my Australian bank account and am in the process of transferring funds, I'm also car hunting via the Internet to get an idea of prices etc. January 2nd will be here before I know it:biggrin:

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so exciting to see some many moving down under around the same time as us...(husband & 2 boys) we are looking at the end of jan now..:) not booked flights yet but as soon as the house has completed we are off!! just wanna get going but the house sell seems to be dragging!! (to me anyway) ..... :) xxx

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Our house is sold and all going through first week in jan. We are booking the removals tomorrow and flights will be booked by the end of the week. It's motoring now! I have a role at Murdoch Uni to take up in feb, so all systems go. Like you tayloal, we are car hunting etc. can I ask what you are doing accommodation wise when you land? Have you sorted anything, if so, what have you managed to find? Which area are you heading to? W are going Melville way as I need to be within easy reach of the Uni. Bet you can't wait!

Jess x


Jess, I'm glad it's moving along nicely now for you all! Believe me, I have never had so many late nights and been sober .........so much to do, loose ends to tie up !!!


I'm heading to the Northern Suburbs when I land, I'm quite lucky really, I have a friend who has been out there for over a year now and I'm crashing with them for a few weeks

until I find a place. I'm going to be about a 20-25 min drive from work so will be needing to get a car Pronto when I arrive.


Have you sorted anything yourself?


I'm so looking forward to it now but have this bloomin thing called Christmas in between now and my travel date, its managing to draw cash out of me that I said it wouldn't :arghh:


It seems there are going to be quite a few 'new starters' landing in Perth in January !

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Congratulations! We're waiting for our permanent residency visa's to be granted..hopefully in January! We're both in healthcare and hoping for one of us to find a job before moving, otherwise I may do agency nursing so we can move ASAP! Good luck with everything! :biggrin:

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Hi we are emigrating in April and like you both have so much to do in not sure where to begin. We are looking for somewhere to stay when we land. We lived in Perth 3 years ago and have all our furniture in storage over there. We are getting a container to ship are belongings over do you know if you need an address or can you send it to storage first. We used no birds rentals for a car last time they were reasonable. Good luck with everything x

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