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FIFO Panel Beater ?

Guest dannym02uk

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Guest dannym02uk

Hi everyone pretty new to this and just like to ask a quick question. I'm a Panel Beater to trade and currently travelling around Australia on a 12 month WHV. I came to Perth for 5 days and liked it a lot, while there I met a guy who told me there may be jobs opening up in a place called Karratha offering fly in fly out panel beating jobs I wasnt aware these jobs where available, just wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction regarding this. I have looked on Seek and other job seeker websites but can only find jobs within major cities.


Any info appreciated



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Hi Danny,


There may well be Fifo jobs going in your trade...but like any other Fifo job it may be difficult to get Into without knowing someone if you get my drift...


Also the fact that you are on a WHV visa would prob go against you. Have you done your regional work to qualify for the 2nd year?


Tbh if it was Perth you wanted to stay in I know you would have a very good chance of getting sponsored in your trade. If its the quick term money gain (and why not) as in Fifo work then it maybe a bit harder but worth looking into..



saying this as OH is a manager in a paint and panel shop with shops here and in the UK...

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Guest dannym02uk

Yeah Ive noticed while being here its who you know. I have been doing my regional, I have done half in Darwin and plan on doing the rest in Adelaide/Gladstone. My plan is to get the 2nd year visa go home see friends and family and come back out again, I liked Perth then again I liked Sydney and currently in Brisbane which Im also liking lol no doubt when I reach Melbourne and Adelaide I will enjoy them as well! I would like to look into Perth more as there semes to be work available for panel beaters and the chance of FIFO is also making it appealing albeit a slim chance. What are the wages like for panel beaters in Perth do you know ? Im 26 and worked in the same place (uk assistance) from an apprentice right through until July of this year and decided to go travelling Australia!


Thanks for the reply.

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