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Arrgghhhhh!!! 3 weeks to go!!!


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This time in 3 weeks I we will be about to start the 2nd leg of our flight!!!

Cant believe its finally happening, even though its been along time coming it now feels surreal.

Any tips for the departure?? Leaving family? Getting to the airport without to many emotional breakdowns!!

Also any tip for flying with young children? I will be flying alone with a 6 & 3 year old.

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With Christmas in between those three weeks are really going to fly (pardon the pun) for you, how exciting! I had a thread on Poms in Oz a few months ago about flying solo with small children and got some good advice, so have a look on there and see if you can find it.


I flew earlier in the year on my own with a 5 year old and 2 year old and my top tips would be:


Get a night flight out of Heathrow if you can.

Get the three seats next to the window, that way you can sit in the aisle seat and barricade them in if needs be.

Purchase some kid size headphones for the little ones. We flew Singapore airlines (who were great by the way!) and even though they had kid sized headphones they were still too big for my two.

An iPad is useful if you have one.

And for yourself, say yes when they offer you wine :wink:


Most importantly, relax and don't stress about it, your kids will do you proud, and if they don't, remember that you will probably never see any of the other passengers again so don't worry about it :laugh:


Good luck with everything before you go and safe travels!



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With Christmas in between those three weeks are really going to fly (pardon the pun) for you, how exciting! I had a thread on Poms in Oz a few months ago about flying solo with small children and got some good advice, so have a look on there and see if you can find it.


I flew earlier in the year on my own with a 5 year old and 2 year old and my top tips would be:


Get a night flight out of Heathrow if you can.

Get the three seats next to the window, that way you can sit in the aisle seat and barricade them in if needs be.

Purchase some kid size headphones for the little ones. We flew Singapore airlines (who were great by the way!) and even though they had kid sized headphones they were still too big for my two.

An iPad is useful if you have one.

And for yourself, say yes when they offer you wine :wink:


Most importantly, relax and don't stress about it, your kids will do you proud, and if they don't, remember that you will probably never see any of the other passengers again so don't worry about it :laugh:


Good luck with everything before you go and safe travels!




I agree, Night flight is the thing to do with the little ones. I've been searching for flights lately and I'm pretty sure that Singapore Airlines do one from LHR. Its about 13 hours and you can choose a quick turnaround so you then get to perth about 5 hours later which isn't bad. I've also used emirates to Dubai and I certainly did not find them helpful at all. We were delayed due to overbooking of the flight and they refused to give me milk for my baby. I had to buy coffee without coffee! No milk was available in the airport and they would not allow me a food voucher as baby was not a paying passenger as travelling on my lap. Emirates IMO are to be avoided with small children, not a pleasant experience when your flying solo! Cathay were very child friendly but food wasn't the best child wise.. unless you book in advance!, though the seats weren't the most comfortable... so in summary I would say, absolutely night flight, and big consideration to the airline ( don't forget to book children's meals before departure).

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We are flying Emirates! Depart Manchester 13:20, 7.5 hrs to Dubai 2hrs in Dubai then fingers, toes & whatever else I can cross they will sleep the 10.5 hrs to Perth!

I happen to know the big fella is bringing tablets & a wide range of sticker/activity books, games etc!!

If all else fails I do have some medised! ;)

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