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Perth get together - free drinks and food sponsored by Moneycorp


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Good to meet some of you tonight, would have been nice to see a few more PP members but it was lovely to speak to those who were there.


Was tempted, I even walk past the Boheme on my walk home from work.


But I usually get bored quite quick at these type of events, as I generally have little in common with the other people.


I'm also not really a part of the clique on PP or PIO.


Who knows though, I may motivate myself to popping into the next one.

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Was tempted, I even walk past the Boheme on my walk home from work.


But I usually get bored quite quick at these type of events, as I generally have little in common with the other people.


I'm also not really a part of the clique on PP or PIO.


Who knows though, I may motivate myself to popping into the next one.


There's a clique? I know there's a base of regular contributors and some banter occasionally but I hope we're inviting and friendly to all?


As for having little in common, I know exactly how you feel, I often think my views are very left field of most and I'm very uncomfortable at social events, especially in trendy city bars.

Hope you can make the next one, you'll be under no obligation to stay, come along for a free drink and some food and sneak away whenever you like, I'm sure we'd all love to have the opportunity simply to say hi.

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There's a clique? I know there's a base of regular contributors and some banter occasionally but I hope we're inviting and friendly to all?


As for having little in common, I know exactly how you feel, I often think my views are very left field of most and I'm very uncomfortable at social events, especially in trendy city bars.

Hope you can make the next one, you'll be under no obligation to stay, come along for a free drink and some food and sneak away whenever you like, I'm sure we'd all love to have the opportunity simply to say hi.


PIO is defo a LOT worse for the clique feel. But I think it's due to the abundance of middle aged women.


I do feel in a very small minority being a "southerner" (even though I was born in Aus), and a non-leftie, V8 lovin, CBD office working, big watch wearing, non-parent. :D

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I had it in my Calendar and everything. But then justfaffing made an appointment for us to see a mortgage lady. So we went and did that. Would have been interesting to attend as I've got to play around with some funds soon.

Will keep an eye out for another event. Especially if just social. Heck, I might even buy Bibbs a cider.

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PIO is defo a LOT worse for the clique feel. But I think it's due to the abundance of middle aged women.


I do feel in a very small minority being a "southerner" (even though I was born in Aus), and a non-leftie, V8 lovin, CBD office working, big watch wearing, non-parent. :D


We do so like to fit people into boxes and it just doesn't work, we're all complex and sometimes contradictory people and of course we can't help judge people on appearance or make assumptions on their character because of a single post on a forum. I thought, though small, there was a pretty good mix last night. Maybe next time.

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PIO is defo a LOT worse for the clique feel. But I think it's due to the abundance of middle aged women.


I do feel in a very small minority being a "southerner" (even though I was born in Aus), and a non-leftie, V8 lovin, CBD office working, big watch wearing, non-parent. :D


OOch just a tad sexist there Bibbs.... nothing wrong with being female and middle aged!

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Thank you so much for arranging. It was a really lovely evening, everybody was vv friendly and me and my other half are not really regular contributors on here. Just sorry we couldn't stay a bit longer.

It was lovely you came, I think I need to also post more on here

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Good to catch up with you too Fi. We did give you a wave when we left but you were deep in conversation. Glad you enjoyed yourself and the best of luck with the build. Let us know if we can help in any way.

Who was the family who you left with Port? They were lovely and it looked like your two daughters had made a great friendship.

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Good to meet some of you yesterday, and wish we could have stayed longer to talk to more people. Thanks to those who made us feel so welcome, you know who you are. Zena

Hi Zena, I couldn't remember your username but remember you from your avatar. I just wish I had more time to chat with everyone. I think I managed to get around all of you even if it was to make sure you knew how to get your free drinks (most important I thought lol)

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Hi everyone, we would love to come along on Wednesday and meet you all, hope we are not too late replying! It would be me, partner Ciara and daughter (7). Look forward to seeing you there (providing we can find the venue - have only been here two weeks!)

Its ok port found them! hi Uberdogmag how are you doing? Have you settled in now?

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PIO is defo a LOT worse for the clique feel. But I think it's due to the abundance of middle aged women.


I do feel in a very small minority being a "southerner" (even though I was born in Aus), and a non-leftie, V8 lovin, CBD office working, big watch wearing, non-parent. :D

Clique? Really? I don't think there are cliques on either of the forums. Maybe because I just join in rather than being stuck on the outside. I always try and make everyone feel welcome and all of the people who were there that night I had never met before in my life so I was as nervous as hell but everyone made me feel so welcome.

Re your statement of middle aged women. Until your comment I'd never even looked at myself as one, I still feel young. I guess it must be lovely to be young, free and single but eventually you will also become middle aged, I just hope people don't judge you the same. :wubclub:

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