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Memoirs of a new migrant


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Guest guest9824
I have had comments from a few of you recently asking what the latest update is. So - get comfy, it's a long one!!


I wrote in my first post that we had been here a week and it felt like a lifetime since we were at Heathrow. Well times that by about three lifetimes now!


Our main focus in the few weeks following our arrival was to sort out the rental and get moved in. We were extremely fortunate to have a very generous cousin (yep another one!) with a house in Ellenbrook which she rents out. She is letting us stay there until we get settled and find our own place. However back in January the house had only just been vacated by the previous tenant and it needed a bit of TLC. Numerous trips to Bunnings and Masters later and we were ready to spend a few days slapping paint on walls, tidying up gardens and putting up blinds (I left at the point the swearing started when OH realised the window frames were metal :wideeyed:).



We moved in at the beginning of Feb, just in time to pick our beloved moggies from Quarantine :cute:.


We managed to also get some fun bits done and crossed off Yanchep National Park, Perth Zoo and Caversham from the tourist "to do" list. We were invited to dinner by our lovely new friends. We watched the Australia Day fireworks from across the River having done a pub crawl on the way. We spent an afternoon at Hillarys. We had two, 2yo birthday parties within 2 days. We had a lovely slap up lunch at a winery for our wedding anniversary......and then I got a job!


I couldn't believe how quickly it all happened. The many hours of trawling through Seek and updating Linked In seemed to have paid off and, in between decorating, I had a few more meetings with agents and even got a couple of interviews. I'd had a few phone conversations with one particular agent after he had found my details on Linked In. He asked if I was happy for him to put me forward for this job. Of course I agreed and they subsequently invited me for an interview. The agent wanted to meet in person before the interview, which I thought was fair enough, so got all prepped up with my best interviewing answers. Well, if I was in the room for more than 10 minutes it was a long time! He said yes he was happy I didn't have two heads and good luck for tomorrow! I duly turned up for the interview the following day, once again all prepped up. The most challenging question they threw at me was "Well does it sound ike something you can do?" my response "Errrrrr.......Yes?!" Once again I was probably in there for about 10 minutes! OH and I drove off to do some shopping and I settled in for the typical WA "Wait Awhile" before I heard anything about the job. Not so! Less than an hour later, whilst standing in Dick Smiths looking at TVs, I got a call that went along the lines "Congratulations mate - you got the gig. Can you start next Wednesday?"


So that was it - after less than a month in the country and a grand total of 6 weeks since I left my job in the UK, I was back on the workforce! I was really pleased, obviously, but there was a small part of me saying that maybe I hadn't finished having my holiday yet! So we've been making sure that we fill the weekends with nice stuff! It helps that you can fit so much into a day round here, and yet life happens at a pace that means you still get the chance to sit back and enjoy it. Even on a work day I'm up and out of bed with the larks (or parrots!), I get to the gym, fit in a full days work and still have time to get home and enjoy the evening. A couple of weekends ago we had to go into Perth first thing on the Saturday so we took a picnic with us and went up to Kings Park after our meeting. We even had time for a couple of hours on Cottesloe Beach on the way home and were back home in time for a bbq!


Of course it helps that over the last few weeks I have had a house husband. I haven't had to lift a finger and I still haven't worked out my way round Woolies yet because he's been doing the shopping! However, he has also been quite busy working on other things as well, and as those of you who have been reading Porty's thread on "Going it alone" will know, we have bought into a water delivery business in Chittering and he has started working this week. The principle is fairly simple - he and his cousin deliver water in the rural areas that rely on rain-water tanks. Its getting to the time of year where people are starting to run out so he's going to be pretty busy initally - I guess I'd better dig out my marigolds again :sad:!


So you might be thinking by this point that there couldn't possibly be anything else to report, that all of this is more than enough to fit into 7 weeks but no - there is one more thing! I have debated whether or not to go public with this yet as I'm not sure if I want to tempt fate and it all falls through. But in the interests of giving a full and frank update I think it deserves a mention. Sooooo - weboughtahouselastweek. See, if I say it quickly it's not too bad!


It's still early days and is all subject to finance & surveys etc etc but due to the way things work over here, we have already signed the contract and have a move date of 14th Apr! :eek: We haven't even received our container yet :wacko:!!


I know this goes against all the advice of renting for six months and finding out where you want to be etc but things have worked out slightly differently for us. We knew before we moved that we didn't really want to live in suburbia and Ellenbrook, for all it's good points, has confirmed that. Also with OH now running a rural business it felt a bit wrong to not live in, and contribute to that community. Its going to be one heck of a commute for me but it's not totally unreasonable (just under an hour) and to be honest its worth it to go home to this every day..




Well I think that is just about it for now. I feel quite exhausted re-reading it, it makes me realise just how much we have achieved in such a short space of time.


I suppose the main things people really want to know when they read these updates is "Are there any regrets?", "do you miss the UK", "Is it really that good?"

My responses, right now, would be "Not one", "No way!", and "Hell Yeaaah!"


Love Nikki xx


Wonderful for you and James, so happy for you both, great post!



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Always said it...you are a whirl wind! You make me laugh, we got our visas at the same time but you will have moved into your own house before we have even got there! Well done, really pleased that everything it dropping into place nicely for you. Great new avatar too, great to see what you look like. Cute little mate with you too!

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Thanks everyone!


We've had a little hiccup with the bank (maybe I was tempting fate!) but the estate agent has put us onto her mortgage broker so fingers crossed it won't fall through!


It really is a beautiful house and so well finished we won't have to do anything for years. Good job really as we're going to be skint! It's in Lower Chittering which sits in Chittering Shire about 40km north of Perth and is just outside the Perth Metro area. It's pretty rural up there, most of the houses are on 5 acres plus and aside from a couple of small local IGAs, the nearest shopping centres are at midland or Joondalup, both about a 30 minute drive! We will be on rainwater only (luckily I now have a hubby in the right line of business

;0) ) and bottled gas.


I'm trying not to get too carried away with imaginings in case it falls through but I really want to try and grow some vines. We're not talking wine making quantities, but there is an area at the front of the block that would be perfect!


I'm really glad that my posts help others. As I'm writing I sometimes think "is anybody actually interested in this?!" So it's nice to hear that you are and that I help in some small way!!


Angela - when you say it like that, I do find it amazing that we've done so much in such a short space of time. It was this time 12 months ago that I submitted my skills assessment! I guess I ' m the sort of person that once a decision has been made will just crack on, I don't see the point of sitting around waiting unless there is good reason to. It makes it easier as well that there is just the two of us to consider. It's not like we have schools to arrange or exams to work around etc.


It is nice to get the support and feedback from you guys that you don't think we're completely bonkers for buying so quickly - I have had my doubts and this week has been no exception!


To be honest we maybe got a bit carried away with it all. It wasn't really planned but as the bank said we were good to go for a loan etc we just started looking round to see what was out there and to get an idea of what we liked. As it happened we found our dream house within a week - whoops! As I alluded to, the bank were actually wrong and we're not quite there in reality. Well we are in terms of paying the mortgage but when they calculated the set up costs they mis-calculated the stamp duty (like they completely missed it!) so we're quite a bit short! But hopefully there is a way round it and it'll work itself out! Needless to say the bank have felt my wrath and they won't be having our custom for much longer!!


There I go waffling on again! I'd better let you all get on - plus I need to go and cook some dinner!


Will keep you posted......

N x

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I am interested and so are most people on here, so please keep posting.


I don't think you are mad for buying so soon, sometimes you just know that it's right and I hope everything goes OK and you will soon be celebrating your new home.


It seems like you have grabbed your new life by the horns with both hands and making it work for you both.


Good luck with everything and I can't wait to hear your next installment.

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Hi Nikki great post, really interesting- keep it coming! my OH is going out on thursday and returning end April to help with shippers and I will come out Aug ( family stuff to sort)

2 questions, what did you need for the driving licence? you said loads of info- also do your no claims from over here have any influence on your car insurance in Aus?

I have 4 months living out of a suitcase to look forward to after our stuff is shipped in April so I am going mad trying to think what I should keep out and be still be able to take on a plane in Aug. Just bought new rollerblades to use on the cycle tracks- my last ones had a family of mice set up home in them as they never got used in the rain and potholes in scotland ( they had stolen dog food and put it inside too for winter - very sweet -( in the garage not the house!).Do you just feel relief now you have arrived? is there anything you wished you had done before you left Blighty? We went up to see Balmoral last weekend to discover it was closed ( a thing I promised I would always do - to give my real mother the chance of welcoming me back into The Firm :laugh: . we are also drinking our way through the booze cabinet- did you take any bottles in your shipment? my OH reckons we are allowed 2 litres each in our boxes? He often states things as fact that are wishful thinking...

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Lovely to read your posts and good on you for buying a house! I cannot wait to buy a house over there and will do so as soon as I can... I am old enough and silly enough to know the pitfalls but you only live once and I want my family to feel settled finally after living a life on hold for the past 6 years!


I hope everything works out well!

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Hi Nikki- meant to say my heart goes out to you about the house- fingers crossed for a solution! never easy- stressful enough without someone else mucking you around and forgetting stamp duty.. we are in process of 2 purchases in uk (kids! who'd have 'em) and I have definitely aged 104 years. So keep your chin up and as they say "what's for you won't go by you "

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So the house fell through :sad:


After being right royally shafted by the bank on the stamp duty front, it also came to light that they got it wrong about the number of payslips I needed and the info that that was required. I did think at the time it didn't seem right. Nine and half years in financial services means I should've questioned it harder but when you are being categorically told it's fine by a so called "Migrant Specialist" you kind of go with it!


Needless to say I am very angry and frustrated with the bank as they are not even trying to do anything to assist or formally apologise. I have lodged a formal complaint but I shouldn't imagine I will get very far.:mad:


But as Porty pointed out I do have endless enthusiasm for our new life so I'm not going to let it get me down. We'll chalk this one up to experience, sit tight, and get saving! Oh and we'll be changing banks too :ssign9:


On much happier themes - Our container is being delivered on Monday!!!!!!!! Very excited about getting everything back, especially the bed :jiggy:! I have spent most of the morning wandering around the house trying to figure out where everything will go and if it will fit! Whilst its not very comfy having no furniture, its going to feel quite crowded once its all in. We've got quite used to having lots of space, even if it is a bit echoey!!


I went out and bought lots of plugs this morning to put on all our appliances........just need to learn how to change a plug now :err:

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:sad: boo hiss about the house, thats pants! really sorry to hear that you got messed around. Out of curiosity what happens with this? as you said you signed a contract, can you just get out of it without any problems or is it a bigger headache than that? Hope you dont mind the question but its one that I have been wondering about!


Hopefully this minor set back just means that there is something better just waiting for the timing to be right! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

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Thanks guys! As always your support means a lot when things get tough.


:sad: boo hiss about the house, thats pants! really sorry to hear that you got messed around. Out of curiosity what happens with this? as you said you signed a contract, can you just get out of it without any problems or is it a bigger headache than that? Hope you dont mind the question but its one that I have been wondering about!


Hopefully this minor set back just means that there is something better just waiting for the timing to be right! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.


Although you do sign the contract when the offer is accepted there is a clause that states "Subject to Finance" It means that if you are declined finance then you are not tied into the contract, although you do have to make effort to get the finance and must have a letter from a lender saying you are declined. You can't just not do anything and expect to get out of it - you are liable for the whole amount if you don't have that letter.


The one decent thing the bank have done, is supply me with a letter. I just need to give that to the estate agent and it all gets sorted. Not sure what costs I am/am not liable for to date though!

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Thanks guys! As always your support means a lot when things get tough.




Although you do sign the contract when the offer is accepted there is a clause that states "Subject to Finance" It means that if you are declined finance then you are not tied into the contract, although you do have to make effort to get the finance and must have a letter from a lender saying you are declined. You can't just not do anything and expect to get out of it - you are liable for the whole amount if you don't have that letter.


The one decent thing the bank have done, is supply me with a letter. I just need to give that to the estate agent and it all gets sorted. Not sure what costs I am/am not liable for to date though!


Sorry to hear the house has fallen through Nikki and I can't believe the cheek of the bank.


I hope if you've incurred any costs you'll be including them in your complaint to the bank.

Edited by Lou8670
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