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Memoirs of a new migrant


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Guest guest9824

Sorry to hear your news Nikki, I know how much you had your heart set on this house, but there is always a reason things don't work out and as you say in your message (which I will reply to :) ) maybe it's best that it hasn't worked out. Thanks for saying to everyone it's always good to put the subject to finance Clause in as a get out, and most real estate agents worth their salt will include this. Best of luck with your container arriving too, you will be like a kid in a sweet shop!



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So sorry about the house but as others have said I have always been a big believer in 'things happen for a reason'... I have been through some awful situations in my life, however each and every one of them have led me on the path to the life in Australia that will be perfect. I am sure there is a better, happier home for you out there! x

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Sorry to hear about the house falling through Nikki.... Try to think of it as a trial run.... you know along the lines of a final rehearsal being terrible but the actual performance goes without a hitch! Just keep thinking of doors too.... as one closes, one always opens and sometimes what is meant for you isn't what you want for yourself. :biggrin:

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Hi Nikki. So sorry to hear about the mortgage. It happened to us a couple of years ago. I changed jobs in the middle of the process and the bank withdrew the mortgage.


I would recommend using a good broker as they will run through what you qualify for from the start.


You might also want to think about building your own as the banks actually like that and there is no stamp duty on new houses for first time buyers.

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Hi Nikki,

thanks for sharing your experiences with us, I've really enjoyed reading them and love how you have had so many positive experiences in such a short space of time!

I make the move in 3 weeks and reading your updates gives me a warm and fuzzy glow knowing we can make a good go if it if we try.

Keep them coming!

Sam x

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Nikki I'm so sorry that you have had a spanner thrown at you. Like others have said already, something better will come along and you will be pleased it worked out the way it did.


Did you you lose your deposit or do they refund that if you have a letter from the bank?


VS - do you not have to pay stamp duty on new properties you buy from a builder off plan or is it just if you build it yourself?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This sounds very interesting:err: does it mean if it's your first time buying in Aus? and you can be an oldie and not a twinlky? what's the normal ratio for salary to Mortgage in Aus, does anyone know- i.e. is it normal to get say 3x salary? We are renting just now as OH is out on his own, but I am wondering if we should consider buying, but we are on a 457 Visa. Would that make any difference?

Thanks for your help

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Guest guest9824
  scotland smiley said:
This sounds very interesting:err: does it mean if it's your first time buying in Aus? and you can be an oldie and not a twinlky? what's the normal ratio for salary to Mortgage in Aus, does anyone know- i.e. is it normal to get say 3x salary? We are renting just now as OH is out on his own, but I am wondering if we should consider buying, but we are on a 457 Visa. Would that make any difference?

Thanks for your help


Hi SS, many would tell you not to buy on a 457 as it's only temporary, many have bought on this visa, and are still here to tell the tale. The worry is that if your 457 is cancelled for whatever reason you only have 90 days to leave, which doesn't give you much time to sell up, easier if you are renting.


Maybe get some advice from some Banks about what you can borrow, how you stand on a 457 in terms of what you can borrow and any obligations on that visa in terms how big a deposit is required. I have a feeling it might be that you will need quite a substantial deposit as the visa would pose a risk factor with the Banks. Always good to get proper advice from a Bank/mortgage advisor.



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Guest guest9824
  verystormy said:
Yes, all first time buyers get a grant. You wont physically see it as it goes straight to the mortgage / seller. But it does help and some of the cheaper builders can arrange a mortgage using that as the deposit.


We didnt get first time buyers grant, maybe because we were classed as temp residents, on a 457 visa so didn't qualify, think the threshold was a problem with us too...

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Guest guest9824
  verystormy said:
First time buyers in Oz get the grant regardless of if you have owned in the UK. However, 457 holders do not.


A 457 holder can buy, but as Peanuts says, i would advise caution. Also, a 457 would need a minimum of 20% deposit


Thanks for clarifying this VS. I didn't want people thinking whatever visa they were on and regardless of what they buy, they will get FHOG.



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  Peanuts said:
We didnt get first time buyers grant, maybe because we were classed as temp residents, on a 457 visa so didn't qualify, think the threshold was a problem with us too...


You have to be an Australian Citizen or a Permanent Resident to qualify for the First Home Owners Grant. Doesn't work for 457 visa as it is a temp one.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all! I realised the other day that I hadn't written an update for quite some time, and reading back over this again it still amazes me how much we have achieved in the four months (to the day) since we arrived in Perth.


It struck me that the reason I haven't posted much recently is not because things haven't been happening, on the contrary we are as busy as ever, but rather that we have been busy living a normal-ish sort of life again. You know - the sort where you get up, go to work, come home, cook dinner, go to bed etc. Exactly the sort of life we lived in the UK, except we're now in this amazing place which it makes so much more worth while! I think we can say that we have moved into the final stage of this crazy process and are working on making Perth home.

Obviously there are things we are still getting used to and running a business is a big learning curve. It was hard to get into too much of a routine when OH worked 15 hour days for 4 weeks straight:err:! Things are a bit quieter now the rains have started though and he's even managed to get the last two weekends off! I've been keeping my head down at work trying to make sure they renew my contract next month so that we can get back on the house-hunting trail. We are seriously considering the building option now as it will probably be easier to finance and we get to build exactly the house we want.


We have also been trying to immerse ourselves in the lifestyle here. What we are working towards is very different, it seems, to the "norm" for migrants. As much as we love the ocean and the beach, it is the rural lifestyle we crave. The one we couldn't afford in the UK! We spend a lot of time with OH's family and have a weekly burger night. We all get together on his Aunt's Verandah while his Uncle cooks the burgers. We take it in turns to entertain the littlest one (and be entertained by her) and after eating and the little one is in bed, the boys play a game of darts while the girls jaw over a cuppa. It is very "Walton-esque" as Sully once pointed out! Last week we went to the Toodyay Moondyne Festival and got involved with the antics there. Where else in the world would you have a whole day of festivities to celebrate the life of a local character like Moondyne Joe?! (Basically Joe was a not-quite bushranger who kept escaping from the local authorities!)


Now OH has got a bit more spare time we are looking forward to exploring more of the wider area too. I went to the Pinnacles and Cervantes over the Easter weekend which was interesting. Not only for the Pinnacles themselves, but the drive up there. The landscape changes so much once you get further north! Broom, Ningaloo, Margaret River, Bunbury & Busselton are all fairly "local" trips we want to make. Further afield we think Queensland may be our first interstate trip as yet another cousin is based over there. Obviously they won't all happen at once but it's going to be fun planning and ticking things off as we go.


It seems that out of everything the only thing I am having trouble adjusting to is the season change! Not because it's Autumn when it should be Spring, but apparently my head is struggling to adjust to the thinking that darker mornings and evenings doesn't necessarily = cold!:wacko: In my head as it gets darker in Autumn it is the signal to batten down the hatches, put on woolly jumpers and trackie bums and get cosy. Which you do sort of need to do here because the house is already feeling a bit chilly. But then you go outside for whatever reason and instead of freezing, you start stripping off as you realise it's still 15 or 16 degrees! Don't get me wrong there have been a couple of quite chilly mornings where it's been 6 or 7, but so far I'd still say it's a damn sight warmer than a UK Autumn would be! Still if that the only thing I'm struggling with then I'll take it!


I'm sure, as others have advised, that homesickness will hit at some point. I have found that recently I have been thinking more about the UK, not in a homesick way but more of a nostalgic view, especially of our last few months there. I think it's because I now have a bit more headspace to reflect on the changes we've made and what we went through in the run up. I no longer have application forms, packing lists, leaving parties, house sales, junk sales, car sales, flight bookings etc etc to think about anymore and I have to say it's quite a relief to have some clarity again!


I guess the next big step of the adventure will be the house move, when it happens. We definitely learnt our lesson the first time and are going about things a bit differently this time so watch this space.......!

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Great update and what a fab journey you are having. Great that oh now has some time off and you can explore your new country. Im so pleased that you are settling in well but can't believe it been four months already! you will have been there nine months by the time we pop over!! can't wait to catch up with you while we're over :0)

take care,

J x

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Great update Nikki


Glad things are settling so well for you. You will love Margaret River and winter is the best time to go - it is cold and wet, but a cottage with a log fire and some tours of the wineries with a couple of bottles brought back to drink in front of the fire is my idea of heaven. The green rolling hills and incredible forests are a real treat

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Ooh sounds fab Stormy!

We're going to have to have our holidays in the winter as it's quiet time for OH but that sounds great.


That's the amazing thing about Oz though. In winter you have the choice of traditional winter stuff like that or skiing over east/NZ or go north and get some warmth!

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  • 7 months later...

This time one year ago we stepped off the plane as new Australian Residents and shortly afterwards I started this thread. As we are now exactly one year on I decided to resurrect this thread from the dead to give you all the latest!


Firstly I can't believe that it's been year already since we arrived. On the one hand the memories of the last few days in the UK and the first few here in Oz are still so fresh. On the other hand it feels like a lifetime ago and the memories of normal life in the UK are dim and distant.


Secondly I can't believe I haven't updated this post since May! Just goes to show how immersed in life we have become. So here we go....


On the work front, as many of you will know from my previous updates, OH has had a complete career change and is loving being his own boss and working outdoors. I'm still plugging away in an office but my job lets me get out and about sometimes and work in some interesting places. But work is work and we have to do it, so I won't linger on that subject!


The biggest event for us since my last post was definitely the purchase of our own piece of Australia! To those of you who read and commented when the first house purchase fell through - How right you were! Things really do happen for a reason and the estate agent who we dealt with during this time was the one who put us onto our block. It was put back on the market having had several sales fall through for finance reasons! We were much more cautious this time and made sure everything was in place before we put an offer in. In early June we became proud owners of 5 acres of Bush in Lower Chittering. We signed with a builder shortly after and we are now on the verge of starting construction on our brand new house.


Finalising the house designs and sorting out the block has taken up a lot of our spare time since but we have still managed to get out and about to see the place. We have done day trips to Lancelin and Dunsborough (where we went whale watching), holidayed in Kalbarri, been to various beaches, walked in National Parks, eaten and drank in some lovely places and been to all sorts of local events. We have met new friends via our family and are starting to feel that we have a network outside of the immediate family.


I still have "pinch me" moments and I hope I always will.


The main feeling I have on the subject of our move is thankfullness. I can't believe how lucky we were to get this opportunity and live in this amazing place. Sometimes when OH and I are sitting outside having a drink one of us will ask "Any regrets?" - the answer is always No! Neither of us has had a single moment of homesickness - this is home now after all!


We are so excited to see where the next year will take us. Hopefully the business will keep thriving and by Christmas we will have moved into our lovely new house. Other than that there are no plans. We love the impulsive nature of life here - wake up, see what the weather is doing, go and do something!

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