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Hi All,

Just a random question - we are nearly there with getting our visa granted (mucho excited), however, I have a decent mountain bike and decent road bike - does anyone know the standard that I would need to clean them to or is it worth selling them and buying new when we arrive in Oz?


thank you :)


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Hi Kirsty


As far as I'm aware bikes need a thorough clean which you can do yourself. All traces of mud & grass etc must be completely removed to prevent spread or introduction of pests and diseases in to Australia. You may find something on http://www.daff.gov.auBiosecurity in AustraliaTravel Information‎....I've watched far too many boarder security programs lol.



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  BuntyStoops said:
Thanks guys. Will get the husband onto cleaning them... even though they are mine ;)

Beandownunder - good to see your visa didn't take too long to grant, we aren't too far behind you in the process.



where are you in the process Kirsty? our was quite quick and straightforward thankfully, the hard work starts now though! when and where are you headed?? x

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Our bikes got through fine. We bought two used bikes - my road bike and hubby's lazy sunday ride bike which we didn't clean. The packers packed them well and arrived fine. Didn't get stopped.


Our three brand new bikes - hubby's road bike, my mountain bike and son's mountain bike came air freight and we had to pay tax on them though. All arrived in perfect condition.

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Thanks for the advice guys, think I have some Jeyes under the sink - will have to find the German equivalent if I have used it! Currently we live in Germany and the plan is to head across from here.

We have just done medicals, police checks have been sent back to UK so once all that is done - we are just waiting on the yes/no. I feel worried about it, what if we have come so far and they say 'no' I will be devastated. Emotionally I am up and down at the mo, I just want to know! The whole process has been ok though, we are using an agent so they have taken a lot of stress away from trying to do it ourselves.


Heading to Perth area (in the broadest sense) - Will have to suss out where to live in relation to where we get jobs.


Edited by BuntyStoops
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  BuntyStoops said:
Thanks for the advice guys, think I have some Jeyes under the sink - will have to find the German equivalent if I have used it! Currently we live in Germany and the plan is to head across from here.

We have just done medicals, police checks have been sent back to UK so once all that is done - we are just waiting on the yes/no. I feel worried about it, what if we have come so far and they say 'no' I will be devastated. Emotionally I am up and down at the mo, I just want to know! The whole process has been ok though, we are using an agent so they have taken a lot of stress away from trying to do it ourselves.


Heading to Perth area (in the broadest sense) - Will have to suss out where to live in relation to where we get jobs.


Good luck with your plans Kirsty,

just being nosy but what do you guys do? we're a family of five with hubby - accountant and me - midwife.

Hope it all works out,

J x

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  BuntyStoops said:
I am a Youth and Community Worker and Hubby is a Diesel Mechanic. Just the 2 of us. When are you guys heading out? Have you got an idea where you are going to live yet?

I bet you guys are proper excited!

Kirsty x

yeah proper excited but no definite date in mind yet, except an activation holiday in October ~unless we have a major miracle occur between now and then (i.e. a win on the lottery or a job for hubby drops into his lap!)

the sooner the better for me :-)

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  • 7 months later...
Guest Guest6235

If the bikes were found to have a trace of mud on them what is the worst that would happen? Do you have to pay a heavy fine and they decontaminate it further?. I've just had a clean of my bike with scrubbing brush and toothbrush and there are some niggly areas I just can't get into with the toothbrush. When the time is closer I will get the thick off and probably use power washer running jeyes through it so they have at least seen we've made the effort.

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