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what are you doing at this moment


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I'm starting to panic and wondering if I am doing the right thing. I feel like I have so much to do and its just not getting any easier. The task seems so huge I just want to fast forward. Also the cat went to his new home today... this has made it feel very real. I am quite upset by our parting of ways, can't begin to imagine how I will cope with saying bye to people!

I would be sleeping a whole lot better if at least one of us had a job to go to. This is my biggest worry at the moment. Guess many of you guys already have the t shirt on these kind of emotions. ...

hugs zebradeb, all totally normal emotions im afraid. Go with it and remember it will all be worth it and a dim and distant memory in no time :wubclub:

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I'm starting to panic and wondering if I am doing the right thing. I feel like I have so much to do and its just not getting any easier. The task seems so huge I just want to fast forward. Also the cat went to his new home today... this has made it feel very real. I am quite upset by our parting of ways, can't begin to imagine how I will cope with saying bye to people!

I would be sleeping a whole lot better if at least one of us had a job to go to. This is my biggest worry at the moment. Guess many of you guys already have the t shirt on these kind of emotions. ...


Very normal, deep breath and chill. You are only going to a plane ride away

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Guest guest9824

In my first class lounge, having a cuppa tea....just made cinnamon scrolls, waiting for them to cook.....



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I'm starting to panic and wondering if I am doing the right thing. I feel like I have so much to do and its just not getting any easier. The task seems so huge I just want to fast forward. Also the cat went to his new home today... this has made it feel very real. I am quite upset by our parting of ways, can't begin to imagine how I will cope with saying bye to people!

I would be sleeping a whole lot better if at least one of us had a job to go to. This is my biggest worry at the moment. Guess many of you guys already have the t shirt on these kind of emotions. ...


Hey hon - know exactly where you are coming from.... so many of us do! But this is your new family adventure and something you have wanted and planned for, so just keep this in mind when you say "toodle-oo" to friends and family. Sending positive vibes and hugs.....

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In Dubai and having a scotch and about to go for a bite to eat in the first class lounge - lobster and steak is looming large. But would rather be in Perth with my darling wife than heading off for another month in the bush :(


What a nice bloke you are VS...... being part of a FIFO family too I totally understand where you are coming from.....

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Just catching up on PP after a manic family "sort the drama day"... you name it, we have had the drama today and Aunty Rossy seems to be who everyone comes to when they have a problem!


Niece just moved to London from Perth and got shafted on a rental deal - agent won't repay deposit paid on the property Niece thought was her rental to move into because agent got a better offer;


Daughter and Husband in Perth got shafted on buying a block of land because agent accepted an offer of more dollars even though daughter and hubby had signed on the dotted line.... guess this might go to REIWA to sort out;


Very close family friend has been subjected to lots of sexual harrasment at work for many months and finally made a complaint recently that resulted in the perpetrator getting the sack, and she is now being subjected to horrendous bullying issues from work colleagues and is now on stress leave and suicidal....


Needed all my counselling skills today, along with the tissue box and love and hugs for everyone involved.


Struggling hard to keep pushing the "be positive" thought out to my family today.... why can some people be such disgusting humans???? What happened to honour thyself and thy neighbour? Don't answer cos I know it is all down to greed and self-gratification, and it makes me so angry when it affects the people I love.


OK Rant over.... thank you for listening....er reading!!

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Just catching up on PP after a manic family "sort the drama day"... you name it, we have had the drama today and Aunty Rossy seems to be who everyone comes to when they have a problem!


Niece just moved to London from Perth and got shafted on a rental deal - agent won't repay deposit paid on the property Niece thought was her rental to move into because agent got a better offer;


Daughter and Husband in Perth got shafted on buying a block of land because agent accepted an offer of more dollars even though daughter and hubby had signed on the dotted line.... guess this might go to REIWA to sort out;


Very close family friend has been subjected to lots of sexual harrasment at work for many months and finally made a complaint recently that resulted in the perpetrator getting the sack, and she is now being subjected to horrendous bullying issues from work colleagues and is now on stress leave and suicidal....


Needed all my counselling skills today, along with the tissue box and love and hugs for everyone involved.


Struggling hard to keep pushing the "be positive" thought out to my family today.... why can some people be such disgusting humans???? What happened to honour thyself and thy neighbour? Don't answer cos I know it is all down to greed and self-gratification, and it makes me so angry when it affects the people I love.


OK Rant over.... thank you for listening....er reading!!


Wow, sounds like you've got broad shoulders! They're lucky to have such support. Hope things look brighter soon,

Deb x

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Just catching up on PP after a manic family "sort the drama day"... you name it, we have had the drama today and Aunty Rossy seems to be who everyone comes to when they have a problem!


Niece just moved to London from Perth and got shafted on a rental deal - agent won't repay deposit paid on the property Niece thought was her rental to move into because agent got a better offer;


Daughter and Husband in Perth got shafted on buying a block of land because agent accepted an offer of more dollars even though daughter and hubby had signed on the dotted line.... guess this might go to REIWA to sort out;

What a horrible day, I hope it all gets sorted out soon for everyone especially your family friend x

Very close family friend has been subjected to lots of sexual harrasment at work for many months and finally made a complaint recently that resulted in the perpetrator getting the sack, and she is now being subjected to horrendous bullying issues from work colleagues and is now on stress leave and suicidal....


Needed all my counselling skills today, along with the tissue box and love and hugs for everyone involved.


Struggling hard to keep pushing the "be positive" thought out to my family today.... why can some people be such disgusting humans???? What happened to honour thyself and thy neighbour? Don't answer cos I know it is all down to greed and self-gratification, and it makes me so angry when it affects the people I love.


OK Rant over.... thank you for listening....er reading!!


What a horrible day

I hope it all gets sorted out and there are happy endings especially your family friend x

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Certainly sounded like it! Just saw another...golden brown and a lot more dainty. It's the time of year I guess and we are living in the middle of the countryside.


Just had a mental thing happening about a song that used to be around many years ago about a mouse "with clogs on in the house"...... sorry just been having a laugh... so needed a laugh today!!

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