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what are you doing at this moment


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  travelchic said:
I'm having a meltdown!!! Trying to transfer money from my account to moneycorp will be the death of me!! Tried to transfer money online from my bank and because it's a new recipient they have to send me a pin to my phone. Realised my phone number is listed as my old phone as I now have pay as you go because I cancelled my phone contract due to moving. Updated this and got a message saying it takes 48 hours before I can use it. Called the bank who said there's nothing they can do. I have to wait. Aarrrggggh? So I contacted moneycorp who suggested I make a debit card payment but check with bank first to see if there's a limit. Called the bank who said that the limit is more than I want to pay so it will be ok. Logged onto moneycorp, went through the payment and it was cancelled as bank needs to phone me first. But they can't phone me because my phone number takes 48 hours. So I called them. Again. They asked me all the security questions then said the payment will go through, but wait 5 minutes before checking. That was 2 hours ago and the money is still in my account. I understand that the banks have to be careful but omg I feel stressed.


would just like to add that moneycorp have been fab. I emailed them and they called me within the hour. They helped me do the online thing and were prompt in contacting me.



Oh, another thing for you to sort out. What a nightmare. Deep breaths......you'll soon be there x

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  travelchic said:
I'm having a meltdown!!! Trying to transfer money from my account to moneycorp will be the death of me!! Tried to transfer money online from my bank and because it's a new recipient they have to send me a pin to my phone. Realised my phone number is listed as my old phone as I now have pay as you go because I cancelled my phone contract due to moving. Updated this and got a message saying it takes 48 hours before I can use it. Called the bank who said there's nothing they can do. I have to wait. Aarrrggggh? So I contacted moneycorp who suggested I make a debit card payment but check with bank first to see if there's a limit. Called the bank who said that the limit is more than I want to pay so it will be ok. Logged onto moneycorp, went through the payment and it was cancelled as bank needs to phone me first. But they can't phone me because my phone number takes 48 hours. So I called them. Again. They asked me all the security questions then said the payment will go through, but wait 5 minutes before checking. That was 2 hours ago and the money is still in my account. I understand that the banks have to be careful but omg I feel stressed.


would just like to add that moneycorp have been fab. I emailed them and they called me within the hour. They helped me do the online thing and were prompt in contacting me.



I'm not surprised your stressed it'll get sorted don't worry x

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  travelchic said:
I'm having a meltdown!!! Trying to transfer money from my account to moneycorp will be the death of me!! Tried to transfer money online from my bank and because it's a new recipient they have to send me a pin to my phone. Realised my phone number is listed as my old phone as I now have pay as you go because I cancelled my phone contract due to moving. Updated this and got a message saying it takes 48 hours before I can use it. Called the bank who said there's nothing they can do. I have to wait. Aarrrggggh? So I contacted moneycorp who suggested I make a debit card payment but check with bank first to see if there's a limit. Called the bank who said that the limit is more than I want to pay so it will be ok. Logged onto moneycorp, went through the payment and it was cancelled as bank needs to phone me first. But they can't phone me because my phone number takes 48 hours. So I called them. Again. They asked me all the security questions then said the payment will go through, but wait 5 minutes before checking. That was 2 hours ago and the money is still in my account. I understand that the banks have to be careful but omg I feel stressed.


would just like to add that moneycorp have been fab. I emailed them and they called me within the hour. They helped me do the online thing and were prompt in contacting me.




Not helpful I know but I'm amazed that we allow banks to continue to operate with prohibitive and archaic self-serving systems. When you want a bank to work for you there's a hundred layers before you make any headway but default on a single payment, go overdrawn by a penny and they can soon move when it suits them.

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Luckily it is the whole container they have misplaced, as it is quite a big thing, unlike a box or two, which could stay hidden for a while, a container is quite a big thing to just lose, it will turn up, it is most probably still way out at sea and will come to port in a few days. On a positive note, if say if got lost at sea, wow what a fun time you would have spending the insurance money. (Although I know you can't replace the photos etc) and I have found it is never too early in Perth for a glass of wine.

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  Deb said:
Getting so frustrated just need someone to get back to us and tell us where our container is.


Have you got an email address or a phone number? we found that they were actually quite good with email (taking into account that its WA so you do have to wait a while) I will keep everything crossed for you, I am sure it will just be on a different boat and that they will find it eventually! I had actually come to the conclusion in the end that perhaps it would be OK if it didnt arrive and we would just spend the insurance money instead...

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  Deb said:
Thinking is it to early for a strong drink just had another Email still no luck with our container


You can actually track your container online, if you have the container number and the ship it was loaded on, I will play on google and try find the website that I used, it was great watching it go from Liverpool, over to hamburg & then on to singapore and eventually Perth, took a lot longer than expected, seemed to take forever to get delivered

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Guest Guest6235
  SaffanZimbo said:
Counting to ten (again!). Having a torrid day with my one boss who is offsite..... He nearly had me in tears today and I am the least emotional person and it takes a LOT to make me cry.


Gritting my teeth and counting down the days (106) till I can hand my notice in.


Bosses in companies are getting worse and worse wanting more & more out of you beyond your working hours, half of them couldn't give a knack about your family life. What has happened with yourself.

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  Walkabout said:
Have you its ot an email address or a phone number? we found that they were actually quite good with email (taking into account that its WA so you do have to wait a while) I will keep everything crossed for you, I am sure it will just be on a different boat and that they will find it eventually! I had actually come to the conclusion in the end that perhaps it would be OK if it didnt arrive and we would just spend the insurance money instead...



Have again Email England who says it on the ship but still been told this side its not.Have asked WA to sort out with England.

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  Keefo said:
Bosses in companies are getting worse and worse wanting more & more out of you beyond your working hours, half of them couldn't give a knack about your family life. What has happened with yourself.


I am PA to three Company Directors. I originally started out as PA to the CFO but over the past 4 years they have reduced the admin support and given me a much larger workload. I get in at 8am work through lunch and leave at 5.30pm (to pick up the girls from after school care).

I think I manage my workload really well but its building up to year end and so the workload is heavier as our Finance Team has been downsized so I am producing excel charts etc for our interims as the lady who used to do this has left and it appears no-one else can overlay market segmentation graphs - not rocket science but needs a keen eye....


Fed up to the eye teeth as only had a 3% pay rise in 2 years..... today one of the bosses complained I had not ordered salads with the lunch for his meeting and sent me a very rude email! Turns out it was not one of my meetings and had been arranged by someone else - but no apology! Ho hum - 106 days.....

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Guest Guest6235
  SaffanZimbo said:
I am PA to three Company Directors. I originally started out as PA to the CFO but over the past 4 years they have reduced the admin support and given me a much larger workload. I get in at 8am work through lunch and leave at 5.30pm (to pick up the girls from after school care).

I think I manage my workload really well but its building up to year end and so the workload is heavier as our Finance Team has been downsized so I am producing excel charts etc for our interims as the lady who used to do this has left and it appears no-one else can overlay market segmentation graphs - not rocket science but needs a keen eye....


Fed up to the eye teeth as only had a 3% pay rise in 2 years..... today one of the bosses complained I had not ordered salads with the lunch for his meeting and sent me a very rude email! Turns out it was not one of my meetings and had been arranged by someone else - but no apology! Ho hum - 106 days.....

sounds horribe, can you not look for another job in the meantime.....I bet you can't wait to hand your notice in.

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