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Guest Guest6235

Sat in A&E with our 14 month old daughter who has temp over 40 and heart rate of 212. She had her 12 month immunisations last Monday so could be connected but doctor not willing to say that. Now in a room waiting for a Paediatrician to come and look to see if they are happy to send her home with such a high heart rate. One doctor on duty tonight in children's A&E!.

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Sat in A&E with our 14 month old daughter who has temp over 40 and heart rate of 212. She had her 12 month immunisations last Monday so could be connected but doctor not willing to say that. Now in a room waiting for a Paediatrician to come and look to see if they are happy to send her home with such a high heart rate. One doctor on duty tonight in children's A&E!.



Good luck with the little one Keefo,they worry you to death don't they !

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Guest Guest6235

After seeing Doctor + waiting time from 19.30-midnight (oh and Erin spewing up all over my wife's clothes at reception) we were finally sent up to Paediatric ward as the Doctor was concerned about high heart rate. They did one or two things and also gave her some medication which brought temp & high heart rate down eventually. We were finally sent home at 4.30, got to bed at 5 then we were woken up at 6 with her throwing up all over cot. After that managed to grab a few hours kip but now feel pants. We were told if it happens again in the next 72 hours we would be fast tracked through the system. We get a bit worried with the high temp as my Nephew started fitting as a result of that last year.

Thanks all for comments.

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After seeing Doctor + waiting time from 19.30-midnight (oh and Erin spewing up all over my wife's clothes at reception) we were finally sent up to Paediatric ward as the Doctor was concerned about high heart rate. They did one or two things and also gave her some medication which brought temp & high heart rate down eventually. We were finally sent home at 4.30, got to bed at 5 then we were woken up at 6 with her throwing up all over cot. After that managed to grab a few hours kip but now feel pants. We were told if it happens again in the next 72 hours we would be fast tracked through the system. We get a bit worried with the high temp as my Nephew started fitting as a result of that last year.

Thanks all for comments.


Keefo,she will be good mate. Try not to worry too much (easy for me to say eh!) our little man has been ill since bloody August off and on,constant coughing and chest infections. Now told after numerous Doctors visits that he may have to have his tonsils out.


just wip them out ffs! They are very resilient little buggers tho',we worry ourselves all the time but he just carries on. He has even managed to give us both a nice cough and cold,bless him.


good luck

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Sat in A&E with our 14 month old daughter who has temp over 40 and heart rate of 212. She had her 12 month immunisations last Monday so could be connected but doctor not willing to say that. Now in a room waiting for a Paediatrician to come and look to see if they are happy to send her home with such a high heart rate. One doctor on duty tonight in children's A&E!.


I hope it was nothing to worry about Mate. Hope the Little One is all better now :)

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