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what are you doing at this moment


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Sat on the sofa with a morning coffee, dressed in fleece pants, rugby shirt, fleece robe and Uggs. I hate winter :sad:


I cant wait to be back to the chill - it is hot and stinking humid here and of course there is not a lot of respite. The though of being cold now fills my dreams

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It's warming up a treat though. It feels like one of those lovely late spring days you get back in the UK.


Deb - you soon acclimatise. We've only been here since Jan but today is already a jeans and t-shirt day for us! Back home I'd have been in a bikini in the back garden!!

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Going to have a hr in the garden in my bikini with a book then its to kings park,




Hahaha.....put trousers on for the first time this morning, mind you, I was up at 0600 hrs to play golf. Warmed up by the forth hole though!
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We really liked kings park it was as good as everyone said. We took a picnic. Can not wait until the grandkids come they will love it. View where brill,good weather.





ENJOY, let us know what you think.
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Well, been while since a post, but I'm sat in the kitchen in south Fremantle :smile:. Planning a family outing for tomorrow, which if all goes to plan may involve lots of fish, the beach, and if we can squeeze it in a trip to an animal sanctury to feed some kangeroos.


But at the back of my mind what s really bothering me is when my 4 year old daughter said she does not want to go home after our trip as she doesn't like England any more.

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Sitting in a Hilton Hotel bedroom with air conditioning on. Enjoyed looking at all the little bottles and boxes left by the sink. Only tried one and it smelled indulgent. Off out now to say farewell to all our buddies. An evening of tears and laughter in store.

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HI Vs Its a lovely place,when we are working and have a car will be visiting again.Hire car goes back weekend so trying to get out and about as much as we can.Will have to pick your brain for all the best places to go when we meet up.





What do you think of my home area? If you wanted a nice vino or two, the club house is nice and does a nice meal at reasonable price
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