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what are you doing at this moment


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I am now officially unemployed!!! Had a great last day in work. Only cried once. There was pictures of me taken with my work mates all over the staff room all laminated so i can take them with me. How thoughtful. I hope my future work buddies are as funny, talented and caring as the ones i'm leaving behind. Just got to empty the house, couple of parties and book flights. No more scrubs to wash and iron. Feels wierd.

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Just survived our first power cut since we have been here. Have been on at hubby that we need to get storm ready, cupboards are full, but need some more torches. Will be heading to Bunnings tomorrow as just spent the last two hours in a room with three kids and just a torch.

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Just survived our first power cut since we have been here. Have been on at hubby that we need to get storm ready, cupboards are full, but need some more torches. Will be heading to Bunnings tomorrow as just spent the last two hours in a room with three kids and just a torch.


We had about 5 power cuts in Jersey last year! During the first one I only had the light from my iPhone and our iPads

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Unfortunately we are still a bit nervous here, and my eldest son, who is 15, kept imaging that a whole load of the spiders Nikkis2000 had posted on another post were climbing the walls and ready to pounce on us all. I also just found out that when we go to bed, he never leaves his room, which made me laugh as next year he wants to do the World Challenge to India, and I do not want to discourage him, but if he cant leave his bedroom when the lights are off and no adults about, how on earth is he going to go hiking through the Himalayas!!!!!

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Unfortunately we are still a bit nervous here, and my eldest son, who is 15, kept imaging that a whole load of the spiders Nikkis2000 had posted on another post were climbing the walls and ready to pounce on us all. I also just found out that when we go to bed, he never leaves his room, which made me laugh as next year he wants to do the World Challenge to India, and I do not want to discourage him, but if he cant leave his bedroom when the lights are off and no adults about, how on earth is he going to go hiking through the Himalayas!!!!!


Oh I'm sorry SJT!! Didn't mean to cause anyone nightmares! Though I think I'll be double checking tonight too!


It was in the middle of the countryside though so I'm sure you'll be fine!!!

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Don't worry Nikki, we had those images in our minds, before we even saw the picture, which is silly as all we have had is a very small white tip spider but it was dead on the back door step, and a couple of normal house spiders, luckily we have not come across anything too worrying, but that is why you will not get me in out in the countryside after dusk, there are a lot of places for those things to hide and breed.

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Guest Guest6235
Just getting everything ready for our early start to travel to Manchester for our medicals!! Strangely excited about it!!!!


Hopefully not too excited!!!!

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