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what are you doing at this moment


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well just cleared the loft, the tip visited, glass of wine sitting outside. just got to think what to do with all these black bags now that I so want to keep al the stuff inside.

Just found the rcpt from my engagement ring some 45 years ago.

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Sitting in the Cornerstone Pub (Butler) counting down the days until Dome Butler cafe is open.....


Pretty p***ed right now tbh..... Lol

why, is it not moving fast enough ? thinking of you at the corner stone will be my local soon i hope. But will have to have a coffee at the Dome first

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Me, wife and daughter are sat watching Catchphrase whilst looking on here reading new posts. Plus attempting to narrow the search down for towns to head to when we arrive. Since we got our Visa approved it has been none stop research every day. Unbelievable how much time goes into research by myself and OH. Wife goes to bed and ends up reading perthpoms on her mobile. Lol. Eat, Breath and sleep research into Perth, I reckon most will know more about Perth, suburbs, schools, etc... than most locals.

Our house sold a few weeks ago, so whilst its going through I have been selling everything i can on eBay that we are not taking with us.

Everything that didn't sell on eBay we took to Warrington Car boot today, the left overs are off to the charity shop tomorrow.

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going back a bit I said I would have liked the house they were looking in and you asked where it was, at the time I had not got a clue


Oh, right, makes sense now. Hilton is just up the road, pretty close to Freo and it's an old suburb with big blocks and crooked houses. It's not an obvious choice for a lot of people but I'm not really sure why, just one of those areas like ours that has a bad reputation. When you actually live there you realise how quiet it is. I like it.

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why, is it not moving fast enough ? thinking of you at the corner stone will be my local soon i hope. But will have to have a coffee at the Dome first


Cheers Odies; nothing in WA seems to move fast enough you should know that, lol. Still working to a late Sept opening date but can't see it myself.

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Rob, we drove past the cornerstone pub yesterday, is that shell of building opposite going to be the Dome?


That's the one Nikki. There is a whole pile of aluminium extrusion which was delivered on Friday and which hopefully by the end of this next week will be the roof, wishful thinking me thinks....

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Just admiring Mrs p's handiwork.

She took a job on recently to support an (up and coming), Aussie band, Ball Park Music. We saw them last year in Freo and really liked them so when they asked her if she could make something for their new video she was pretty pleased to help out. It's not the first costume she's done for a music video but she's really pleased with this one and was stoked to have been asked.

It doesn't come in until around a 1.30 but they obviously liked it as it's well featured.



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On my way to Warwick Castle as a parent helper with my daughter's school and 89 very excited year 1 and 2 children. They have taken the "are we there yet?" to a whole new level... My respect for teachers and coach drivers has also reached new levels :-)

Edited by Sideshowdeb
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Just admiring Mrs p's handiwork.

She took a job on recently to support an (up and coming), Aussie band, Ball Park Music. We saw them last year in Freo and really liked them so when they asked her if she could make something for their new video she was pretty pleased to help out. It's not the first costume she's done for a music video but she's really pleased with this one and was stoked to have been asked.

It doesn't come in until around a 1.30 but they obviously liked it as it's well featured.




I loved the music. Initially, I kept thinking mrs P must have made his T-shirt or jeans...weird I thought, you could buy those in the shops. Eventually when bird man came on the penny dropped and I instantly knew that was her handiwork. Well done mrs P and thumbs up for the band.

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All evening I have been putting a rental application together. It has taken ages. I have been emailing old neighbours and work colleagues to do references for us. One friend/colleague did the most wonderful reference for me. All I could think was, wow, it this how she sees me? Very flattered. It was so good, I would definitely rent a house to me or even trust me with the family heirlooms!

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I'm having quite a good day today, nothing special, just one of those days where people who you work with are starting to realise that i know what i'm doing and starting to value my 26 years in aircraft maintenance. On the way home i listened to Jean micheal jarre on a CD i found and it took me back the mid eighties when i didnt think my life would amount to much and lived in a dreamworld. So when i think of what i have now, and things ive done and seen, i'm finally starting to see that this bloke's done good.

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