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what are you doing at this moment


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I'm trying to keep it together. It's my youngests last week at first school ( years reception- year 4) the tears have been threatening all week, she gave her to closest friends who are moving on to different schools, goodbye cards and gifts this morning all us mums had tears in our eyes, they have a special leavers service on Friday, I'm going to be a mess, make me think what will it be like when we move to Aus


Toni x

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I'm trying to keep it together. It's my youngests last week at first school ( years reception- year 4) the tears have been threatening all week, she gave her to closest friends who are moving on to different schools, goodbye cards and gifts this morning all us mums had tears in our eyes, they have a special leavers service on Friday, I'm going to be a mess, make me think what will it be like when we move to Aus


Toni x


Oh Toni those tears are still fresh for me and we left 3 months ago. I'm not sure if I'll want to go home; I miss people so much but by the time we go home I know everyone will have moved on and it won't be the same :sad: so we have to move forward...one day we'll feel the same about leaving our friends in Australia. Stay strong xxx

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Guest Guest6235

Mulling over another job offer back in UK. I think I'm going to take it but they'll be pi**ed off when I leave at either Christmas or March/April time as it's a role that will develop, so they will be putting a bit of time into showing me things.

I wouldn't like to be there long term as they have 20 days hols + bank hols which is fair enough but they shut down at Christmas for 10 days leaving you only 10 days to take whenever you want.


What are holidays like in general over in oz?

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I'm trying to keep it together. It's my youngests last week at first school ( years reception- year 4) the tears have been threatening all week, she gave her to closest friends who are moving on to different schools, goodbye cards and gifts this morning all us mums had tears in our eyes, they have a special leavers service on Friday, I'm going to be a mess, make me think what will it be like when we move to Aus


Toni x

Oh dear... I'm dreading Bella's last day... I hope you're feeling a bit better x

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Oh I know how you feel. Our sons leave their school on Friday too as well as me leaving my teaching job after 14 years. It's been emotional for all of us. Big, big party for all their friends ( 43 so far!!!) on Saturday and even more leaving parties with family and friends on Saturday and Sunday. It's hard : ( but we know its a kind of bereavement we have to go through like everyone here. We'll take each day at a time and look to the future : )

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Guest Guest6235
Oh I know how you feel. Our sons leave their school on Friday too as well as me leaving my teaching job after 14 years. It's been emotional for all of us. Big, big party for all their friends ( 43 so far!!!) on Saturday and even more leaving parties with family and friends on Saturday and Sunday. It's hard : ( but we know its a kind of bereavement we have to go through like everyone here. We'll take each day at a time and look to the future : )

Think you've hit the nail on the head there, it will be like a bereavement when I say bye to parents.

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Oh dear... I'm dreading Bella's last day... I hope you're feeling a bit better x

I'm ok at the moment she keeps saying are you going to cry again mummy bless her she finds it funny I'll be ok after Friday it's when all the class is together, they've has a lot going on as a class for the past months then it suddenly stops x

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Oh I know how you feel. Our sons leave their school on Friday too as well as me leaving my teaching job after 14 years. It's been emotional for all of us. Big, big party for all their friends ( 43 so far!!!) on Saturday and even more leaving parties with family and friends on Saturday and Sunday. It's hard : ( but we know its a kind of bereavement we have to go through like everyone here. We'll take each day at a time and look to the future : )

good luck for all the parties hope you have a lot of tissues x

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Oh I know how you feel. Our sons leave their school on Friday too as well as me leaving my teaching job after 14 years. It's been emotional for all of us. Big, big party for all their friends ( 43 so far!!!) on Saturday and even more leaving parties with family and friends on Saturday and Sunday. It's hard : ( but we know its a kind of bereavement we have to go through like everyone here. We'll take each day at a time and look to the future : )

It does feel like a bereavement. With only 2 weeks left it's all getting quite emotional but I feel a bit numb...

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Am I just missing something.........it's an adventure,hard work but it is for a better life for us and our own family. My parents have had a great life and enjoyed it,it will be hard for them to have their only grandchild the other side of the world. The UK is a great country but it's best days are over our parents had those! We are adventurers by nature. They/us haven't lost anyone we have moved that's all.


surely if the wrench is that bad to cause a bereavement feeling would it not be better to stay?


Life is way way too short to have regrets......:wink:

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Am I just missing something.........it's an adventure,hard work but it is for a better life for us and our own family. My parents have had a great life and enjoyed it,it will be hard for them to have their only grandchild the other side of the world. The UK is a great country but it's best days are over our parents had those! We are adventurers by nature. They/us haven't lost anyone we have moved that's all.


surely if the wrench is that bad to cause a bereavement feeling would it not be better to stay?


Life is way way too short to have regrets......:wink:

I think I may have given you the wrong impression? I wouldn't compare it to a bereavement in terms of the sadness. I would never intentionally put myself or my family through something like that.

We've been thinking about this time for nearly 7 years and I had expected it to be awful. I thought I'd be really emotional and anxious, having lots of last minute doubts, but I'm not. I'm really calm and feeling so calm when I'd prepared myself for the opposite leaves me feeling a bit numb. The only other time I've had this sort of numb feeling is when my father and my grandparents passed away.


I'm actually really excited and so happy to be finally on our way. I feel really emotionally prepared and I'm looking forward to every aspect of the move.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's how I feel and I just wanted to clear that up ?

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I think I may have given you the wrong impression? I wouldn't compare it to a bereavement in terms of the sadness. I would never intentionally put myself or my family through something like that.

We've been thinking about this time for nearly 7 years and I had expected it to be awful. I thought I'd be really emotional and anxious, having lots of last minute doubts, but I'm not. I'm really calm and feeling so calm when I'd prepared myself for the opposite leaves me feeling a bit numb. The only other time I've had this sort of numb feeling is when my father and my grandparents passed away.


I'm actually really excited and so happy to be finally on our way. I feel really emotionally prepared and I'm looking forward to every aspect of the move.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's how I feel and I just wanted to clear that up 


i no what you mean about the numb feeling at the moment. A lot of my friends and family are getting upset and I feel like you say 'numb'

this is not me at all and like you expected too,to be sitting being an emotional wreck. It's just not happening. I also feel so excited it seems to be deleting my emotions and I feel awful about it. Don't get me wrong ,the morning we wave my family off at the door I'm sure will be the worst thing ever but as for the minute, I'm fine. Ready for this and waiting.

think we are in holiday mode deb, and think it won't hit us until we are out there and it sinks in we have left everyone, but, that's what we are doing and we will come to terms with it.the lifestyle for our family as a whole will well outweigh everything.

hope everything is going good for you, not long now for us xxx

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i no what you mean about the numb feeling at the moment. A lot of my friends and family are getting upset and I feel like you say 'numb'

this is not me at all and like you expected too,to be sitting being an emotional wreck. It's just not happening. I also feel so excited it seems to be deleting my emotions and I feel awful about it. Don't get me wrong ,the morning we wave my family off at the door I'm sure will be the worst thing ever but as for the minute, I'm fine. Ready for this and waiting.

think we are in holiday mode deb, and think it won't hit us until we are out there and it sinks in we have left everyone, but, that's what we are doing and we will come to terms with it.the lifestyle for our family as a whole will well outweigh everything.

hope everything is going good for you, not long now for us xxx




I felt the same then got here and after a while when you know you are not going back it hit me.

Enjoy your time at home then you have your future to look forward to as they say life to short for regrets and no one knows what the future got in store.

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Personally I don't think it's a "better life" here in WA but I also think it depends on where you're coming from in the UK. Yes it's an adventure and a different way of life. However, I had a better social life in the UK, kids were in good schools, we had lots of friends and good jobs. Here we are starting from scratch! We're slowly making friends, we are working towards getting our kids into good schools and hubby is trying to get a good job. We have joined the same clubs we were in back home. But it is different, the people are different; it's not home, not yet. I don't think anyone should come here thinking it will be easy and automatically a better life. It's what you make of it.


I miss home and at times when the homesickness kicks in it does feel like a bereavement, but we are moving forward and we know it will take time. I see so many people arrive thinking Australia is the solution to all their problems back in the UK but homesickness gets the better of them and they go home before they've given themselves time to adjust. I suppose I'm just saying, don't expect it to be easy, expect it to be challenging and talk about how, as a family, you'll deal with the challenges you might face. :smile:


Not long now though Roadhouse and Sideshowdebs! I can't wait to meet you both!!! :wink:

Edited by Lou8670
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It does feel like a bereavement. With only 2 weeks left it's all getting quite emotional but I feel a bit numb...


Was exactly how I felt. I got emotional at my friend's wedding when it sunk it that it might be the last time we'd see many of the people there, but a lot of that was because I was pi$$ed I think. When it came to saying goodbye to family it didn't seem real, so it was hard to get upset about something which didn't seem like reality. The closest thing I can compare it to was being sat in the funeral car before my grandma's funeral; where it was like I was watching it happen on the TV and i wasn't actually there. I was completely numb, and then got worried afterwards that I was some sort of emotionless odd bod for not crying.


Sitting at the departure lounge waiting to board was the hardest thing I found. If Rick had have turned round and said that he wanted to go back home I think I'd have jumped at the chance. There was no sense of celebration just impending doom and fear of what we were about to do. Once the plane took off though a weight was lifted because the decision had been made and we were off, so there was bugger all I could do about it. Then there were a few wobbles in the first few weeks when I thought about family and stuff, but on the whole I've been too busy to stop and think much.


You'll be reet. Just enjoy your last days in blighty and make the most of the people you're with x

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Personally I don't think it's a "better life" here in WA but I also think it depends on where you're coming from in the UK. Yes it's an adventure and a different way of life. However, I had a better social life in the UK, kids were in good schools, we had lots of friends and good jobs. Here we are starting from scratch! We're slowly making friends, we are working towards getting our kids into good schools and hubby is trying to get a good job. We have joined the same clubs we were in back home. But it is different, the people are different; it's not home, not yet. I don't think anyone should come here thinking it will be easy and automatically a better life. It's what you make of it.


I miss home and at times when the homesickness kicks in it does feel like a bereavement, but we are moving forward and we know it will take time. I see so many people arrive thinking Australia is the solution to all their problems back in the UK but homesickness gets the better of them and they go home before they've given themselves time to adjust. I suppose I'm just saying, don't expect it to be easy, expect it to be challenging and talk about how, as a family, you'll deal with the challenges you might face. :smile:


Not long now though Roadhouse and Sideshowdebs! I can't wait to meet you both!!! :wink:

I feel emotionally prepared for the move and I'm expecting a challenge. I have a very optimistic outlook, but I don't think I've got rose tinted glasses? I always expect things will turn out well, because I'm prepared to do what it takes to make that happen. I expect some bumps in the road but life wouldn't be life without them and I'm pretty sure if you ask me in a couple of months whether looking back did I feel I took things for granted? Well, I think I can see already I may have been more guilty of that than I had thought. No regrets though, just lessons for the future.

Can't wait to meet you guys in person... still not sure if it's sunk in that I'll be landing in 2 weeks? I'm just off to work now for my last day and I don't even think that has properly sunk in... God help Rich when the tears do start flowing, lol x

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I feel emotionally prepared for the move and I'm expecting a challenge. I have a very optimistic outlook, but I don't think I've got rose tinted glasses? I always expect things will turn out well, because I'm prepared to do what it takes to make that happen. I expect some bumps in the road but life wouldn't be life without them and I'm pretty sure if you ask me in a couple of months whether looking back did I feel I took things for granted? Well, I think I can see already I may have been more guilty of that than I had thought. No regrets though, just lessons for the future.

Can't wait to meet you guys in person... still not sure if it's sunk in that I'll be landing in 2 weeks? I'm just off to work now for my last day and I don't even think that has properly sunk in... God help Rich when the tears do start flowing, lol x



Enjoy your last day Deb!

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