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what are you doing at this moment


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Safe travels plimthing, just sorry that it's not under happier circumstances for you. Getting a flight like that when you really need it is an absolute blessing so silver linings and all that...

Thanks, it makes it a little sweeter, as you know you dont find many things cheap over here do you! The cash we save in the flight is wiped out by the fact that my wife cannot work while i'm gone as she has to be on child duty instead of me. We always said that we would be back home in times of need so thats the way it rolls...

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Just thinking that there are some tossers on PIO so probably not going to post on there again for a while....


I don't bother with POI either anymore, they all seem to just take great pleasure in sticking it to you, my wife follows poms in perth on Facebook just for the sports, seems they are worse than PIO, just all a bunch of trolls

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Guest Guest6235

Not really a 'what are you doing at this moment' from me but yeah they do seem very argumentative on PIO and you get some smart alecs and people that are very patronising, but you do get that on a few forums. Maybe it's from some who once had a senior role in a company and now this is the only way they can act controlling and a cut above. Some bloke on POI is a right one.

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someone upset you rossy x x


No TC... no-one has upset me... I was just whiling away an hour flicking through PIO and realised what a load of tossers there are on the forum these days.... haven't been on it much over the past few months because I thought it was getting toxic, but it seems to have degenerated even more since then! I like the warm and fuzzy Perth Poms where everyone is nice to each other!

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I'm in blighty having a bacon butty at my moms house. Yesterday went to the football and watched my team win. No jet lag yet' but the beer is very very nice. Its a bit grey and a bit depressing here and I do feel like a foreigner in my own land. Today I'm visiting relatives, who will probably try and convince me to come back! Good luck with that one I say!

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Spent a wonderful day catching up with one of my surrogate daughters and her beautiful toddler son.... we met in Kings Park... had a coffee.. and spent a few hours walking around the beautiful gardens enjoying the wildflowers...... a day to remember!!


Days like these make life worth living and it's days like these that are remembered fondly forever .

Good onya Rossie xx

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