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So last night I was out with the Mum's from school; first night out since starting to announce our big adventure! I had ALL the comments!!!


You're so brave! - not really; it's taken years of of thinking about this and planning


OMG what are you going to do? - live my life!!!


We wanted to do that but it's too late for us! - Heard that one quite a lot and keep thinking why? They are the same age as me!


What about schools? - they do have them you know!


Have you got a job? - No, but I'm intelligent and determined enough to find one; if I want one!


I don't want to worry you but it's really tough to get work out there! - Hum, I'm not saying it's easy but I've applied for one job so far and have an interview!


What about the spiders? They do kill you you know! - yes but that's very rare!


I do a lot of sea swimming so I also got...you won't be able to swim in the sea because of the sharks - my OH has said I can, I just need to be faster than the person swimming next to me! Seeing as he's no. 4 in the World I won't be swimming in the sea next to him then :wink::biglaugh:


It's really hot out there you know! - yes and it's too bloody freezing here at the moment!


Etcetera, etcetera!


One thing though, everyone said they were DEAD JEALOUS!!!!

Edited by Lou8670
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I had that yesterday too " it's too late for me" erm, you're a midwife, 42, no kids, why is it too late?

also at the school gates I had a mum say (in front in font of the mil eek!) "are you moving?, as my son said joe was moving to America then he said no it's the place they have kangaroos!" when I said ( in muted tones) hopefully, she said you'd only go for a couple of years tho then come back? I said no i couldnt imagine why would I woud want to come back??

yes jealousy has a large part to play I think Lou xx

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People tell me I'm brave all the time. Think it's probably because I'm a single parent. Shock, horror, a woman moving on her own with a child lol. I don't feel brave or mad. I feel focused. Of course I'm scared and anxious. But I am an achiever if nothing else. Fact!!




Debs I admire you greatly and you remind me so much of me and where I was. I did the big move from Sussex to Perth in 1991 as a single Mum with 2 young children (5 and 8).... best decision I ever made! It was not easy and the first few years were terribly hard as I couldn't get a permanent job because of the downturn WA was going through at the time and the usual, "Oh you are a migrant" thing.... but we managed with me doing temp stuff here and there, but my nestegg disappeared along the way.... and after about 18 months I got a permanent job back in the education admin area that was my expertise. It went upwards from there. You will do it girl because you want it so much... as I did. Be strong and keep focussed.... it won't be easy ... but it can be achieved ... and you will achieve it because you believe in what you are doing.


PS sorry Tinks I got carried away with your dots again!!!!!

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Debs I admire you greatly and you remind me so much of me and where I was. I did the big move from Sussex to Perth in 1991 as a single Mum with 2 young children (5 and 8).... best decision I ever made! It was not easy and the first few years were terribly hard as I couldn't get a permanent job because of the downturn WA was going through at the time and the usual, "Oh you are a migrant" thing.... but we managed with me doing temp stuff here and there, but my nestegg disappeared along the way.... and after about 18 months I got a permanent job back in the education admin area that was my expertise. It went upwards from there. You will do it girl because you want it so much... as I did. Be strong and keep focussed.... it won't be easy ... but it can be achieved ... and you will achieve it because you believe in what you are doing.


PS sorry Tinks I got carried away with your dots again!!!!!

what a lovely supportive post, i love PP xxx

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Debs I admire you greatly and you remind me so much of me and where I was. I did the big move from Sussex to Perth in 1991 as a single Mum with 2 young children (5 and 8).... best decision I ever made! It was not easy and the first few years were terribly hard as I couldn't get a permanent job because of the downturn WA was going through at the time and the usual, "Oh you are a migrant" thing.... but we managed with me doing temp stuff here and there, but my nestegg disappeared along the way.... and after about 18 months I got a permanent job back in the education admin area that was my expertise. It went upwards from there. You will do it girl because you want it so much... as I did. Be strong and keep focussed.... it won't be easy ... but it can be achieved ... and you will achieve it because you believe in what you are doing.


PS sorry Tinks I got carried away with your dots again!!!!!


Thanks for your support. Pat on the back for you though. I bet it's much easier for me than it was for you 20 plus years ago. My parents divorced when my sister and I were young and my mum stayed single. She worked 3 jobs and took us on 2 foreign holidays a year without fail. We travelled to places that no one we knew had been to. My sister and I have inherited her good work ethic and love of travel. My mum is my biggest inspiration as well as my biggest supporter of our migration journey. She's looking forward to spending the cold uk winter months in sunnier climes lol.



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  • 3 weeks later...
So last week the local population has been buzzing with our news and I've lost count of the number of times I've been told I'm very brave!


Interesting a few people have reacted very badly and have become extremely grumpy with me. I can only assume they are jealous. :embarrassed:


Who was grumpy/jealous? Family or general populous? Strange reaction if not someone extremely close to you.

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So last night I was out with the Mum's from school; first night out since starting to announce our big adventure! I had ALL the comments!!!


You're so brave! - not really; it's taken years of of thinking about this and planning


OMG what are you going to do? - live my life!!!







We wanted to do that but it's too late for us! - Heard that one quite a lot and keep thinking why? They are the same age as me!


What about schools? - they do have them you know!


Have you got a job? - No, but I'm intelligent and determined enough to find one; if I want one!


I don't want to worry you but it's really tough to get work out there! - Hum, I'm not saying it's easy but I've applied for one job so far and have an interview!


What about the spiders? They do kill you you know! - yes but that's very rare!


I do a lot of sea swimming so I also got...you won't be able to swim in the sea because of the sharks - my OH has said I can, I just need to be faster than the person swimming next to me! Seeing as he's no. 4 in the World I won't be swimming in the sea next to him then :wink::biglaugh:


It's really hot out there you know! - yes and it's too bloody freezing here at the moment!


Etcetera, etcetera!


One thing though, everyone said they were DEAD JEALOUS!!!!




Isnt it awful but I have found a similar response.

Ive been shocked to hear some of my family/friends being so negative (some also taking pleasure in telling us were going to fall flat on our faces).

This just makes me all the more determined!

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Brave?? It's all I've been hearing the last few days. Along with "Have you got jobs to go to?....No.....But you have 3 kids!....what will you do for money?....err we have enough....omg you are soooo brave". I don't feel brave; In fact right now I feel a bit of an emotional mess! My Oh made me laugh though when he said that he thinks of being brave as handsome; he's obviously watched too much Brave Heart, Lol


lou that made me smile as it is a regular question I get asked - 'have you got a job to go to?'

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Great thread. For us it's been our dream for so long and we have talked about Oz for so long I'm sure are friends and family must be sick listening to us. But if we don't try it we will always look back are wonder what if!!!! Don't no if it's brave or mad as we have a really good life in Northern Ireland but we feel we need to try and if it's not better we can always come home. Flights booked for April so let the dream begin. My husband goin one way ticket and I'm coming for a month before I hand in my notice just in case it's not what we thought but really hope it is as I love the idea of a better out door life style n quality of life if we can afford it!!!!

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Thanks for your support. Pat on the back for you though. I bet it's much easier for me than it was for you 20 plus years ago. My parents divorced when my sister and I were young and my mum stayed single. She worked 3 jobs and took us on 2 foreign holidays a year without fail. We travelled to places that no one we knew had been to. My sister and I have inherited her good work ethic and love of travel. My mum is my biggest inspiration as well as my biggest supporter of our migration journey. She's looking forward to spending the cold uk winter months in sunnier climes lol.




Thanks for that Debs... it was hard, as your wonderful Mum and you will know, to be financially and emotionally responsible for 2 small children. I did have family to come to in WA - had none left in UK as I was the last of the clan to migrate to Oz - so I had some wonderful support that I didn't have in UK. But it was still hard. I wanted to come here to be with family and I had lived here before so knew what to expect, but I missed my friends and a lot about living in England. I go back for holidays and enjoy them hugely, but am always so happy to come home afterwards. Bottom line I was determined to give my children a good life and make a success of the disaster that my dream life had become. Hard work - determination - positivity - good friends/family..... worked for me girl and you sound just like I did. I don't know whether it was easier for me or you to go through this... probably the same in stress I would say! I am following your story on PP and so have to meet you when you finally get here!!

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I have been a bit absent the last week or two because of my darling elderly Mum stuff going on, sorry! Have spent an hour on PP this afternoon catching up and I have to say that the common theme coming through this thread is two-fold.


One - that you are all such amazingly positive wonderful people looking for an adventure and willing to give emigrating to the other side of the world a jolly good try.


Two - that a lot of you are surrounded by very negative people who probably never even go out of UK for holidays (if they have them) and family and friends who just don't want to lose you.


All I can say is - It is your life - you are adults - it is your adventure and your decision. Yes family and friends are important - but you cannot live your life adhering to what they want... it is what you want to do. So guys just go out there and do it with positivity and love in hearts!!!


Hats off to you all.... wish I could find an emoticon to show that...... :ssign19: until I can... this will have to do!!!!

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I have been a bit absent the last week or two because of my darling elderly Mum stuff going on, sorry! Have spent an hour on PP this afternoon catching up and I have to say that the common theme coming through this thread is two-fold.


One - that you are all such amazingly positive wonderful people looking for an adventure and willing to give emigrating to the other side of the world a jolly good try.


Two - that a lot of you are surrounded by very negative people who probably never even go out of UK for holidays (if they have them) and family and friends who just don't want to lose you.


All I can say is - It is your life - you are adults - it is your adventure and your decision. Yes family and friends are important - but you cannot live your life adhering to what they want... it is what you want to do. So guys just go out there and do it with positivity and love in hearts!!!


Hats off to you all.... wish I could find an emoticon to show that...... :ssign19: until I can... this will have to do!!!!

Great post Rossmoyne.

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Who was grumpy/jealous? Family or general populous? Strange reaction if not someone extremely close to you.


Someone I work with was not happy but then he is originally from Brisbane....make what you want of that!


The other person was one of my daughters friends Dads but there is a bit of a story there too! One of his best friends has just emigrated to Oz.


So I suppose they are both grumpy as they are thinking of their own personal circumstances.

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it's easier to be "brave " with family support and I think we just turned a corner! My MIL (who in all honesty would be left without and family nearby if we left) has been upset for months and months and wouldn't even discuss aus, has just told me she is feeling much better now and has snapped out of it. She intends to enjoy the kids as much as possible while she can and if we do go she will try her best to visit us as much as possible! gobsmacked erm yes !!

also, we asked her if she wanted to come with us when we validate and she's said she would as life is too short! she visited aus more than forty years ago and is looking forward to going back! can't quite believe this!.....

maybe I'm still asleep??...

J x

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it's easier to be "brave " with family support and I think we just turned a corner! My MIL (who in all honesty would be left without and family nearby if we left) has been upset for months and months and wouldn't even discuss aus, has just told me she is feeling much better now and has snapped out of it. She intends to enjoy the kids as much as possible while she can and if we do go she will try her best to visit us as much as possible! gobsmacked erm yes !!

also, we asked her if she wanted to come with us when we validate and she's said she would as life is too short! she visited aus more than forty years ago and is looking forward to going back! can't quite believe this!.....

maybe I'm still asleep??...

J x


Wow Janine that's amazing and what a relief! At last you have her onside! Maybe she'll start thinking about applying her parent visa!

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