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Emigrating in April / May 2014


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HI Akasully,

The fees were for the annual fee ( oct 13 - mar14 - $41.00) and next years fees ending 2015( $82.00). When I first sent my parcel off I sent what I thought they wanted as its not very clear on the website. I had previously emailed them and they said I needed 100 points evidence ( ie certified driving licence, marriage certificate etc). So I sent this off with as much documentation I had regarding teaching practice and degrees etc. I even sent off a certified copy of my AITSL thinking that if Australia had given me that then it should be enough for WA. No, apparently not. I got an email saying we need more. So again I sent it off but they replied saying we need certified copies of original letters from both universities stating teaching practice( I think its 45 days, I found out I had done 90!) and degrees. As for work experience I filled out the form and had letters from both education authorities I've worked in stating where I taught and for how long. These were certified too. Hope this helps and good luck! Best thing is to send off everything certified you can possibly think of! x




What was the $123 for? I thought we just paid for registering $439 plus once approved an annual fee of around $89.


Good to know that the process was the same for you. Comforting to know I haven't misread it!


As for evidence, I certainly don't have files full of stuff to send off, that's worrying. I have ensured the university letter states how many days I did on teaching practice. Luckily I found this out from a colleague who emigrated last year, I couldn't say why I was so interested in this form as it was all secret then but he did reveal that it had to be over 45 days to be valid.


When I asked the university to confirm the course I did, I made sure they said how long I did teaching practice for and that the course was taught fully in English. I don't want to leave anything to chance!


Did you send evidence of work experience? On the form it just asks for place of work, role and dates. No request for evidence. They only extra evidence I need to send is for the police checks needed for working with children. I hope I have got this right.

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Ok, so been looking at trips to:


Starting just before Easter:

UK - see family and friends

Rome - holiday

Germany - visit friends

London - do the tourist bit as kids have never been

Singapore - because we can on route to...



Each time it comes back to the same date of 14 May flying Singapore to Perth...


Blew the travel agent away with our requests so looks as though it's going to be lots of googling flights and hotels/ self catering on the internet! :swoon:


Wow you're going to be busy! This list looks fantastic, but has made me feel a bit weary just looking at it :laugh:

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We are planning to move in mid April. We are still waiting for the visa so we havent booked a flight yet. But we're thinking of flying with Malaysian Airlines from İstanbul to Perth, hopefully we may have a short holiday in Kuala Lumpur before we fly to Perth. It'd be good to break the travel time. Now the only problem ahead of us is the PCC coming from Dubai and Qatar :(

We will be staying with friends until our furniture arrives. In the meantime we will look for jobs and a flat to rent. My husband is a mechanical engineer and I'm an ex-flight attendant, now I teach English and translate books. Hopefully I wont be too old to go back to flying :)


Good luck to all

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HI travelchic, So glad you've sold :) We're not booking flights till its all signed and they can't get out of it! Only trouble with ours now is that our neighbour 2 doors away has put theirs on £15,000 cheaper than ours. ( Ours is much nicer though!!!) Hoping our buyer won't see it or does before I hand my notice in. It's never dull is it??


Now that the house is sold jonny and I are hoping to come late may. Yay. Not booking flights till closer to the time though.



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Hi Deb


I have spent all weekend and most of the week emptying the loft. Doing tip runs It all takes so long. Next weekend hoping weather permitting to do a boot sale.


Good luck with the shoes.




I have only sorted my shoes lol. Listed 16 pairs on ebay today. Not even thought of the loft yet. Have to wait till jonny is staying at his dads for that otherwise I'll get rid of nothing. He'll remember stuff and want it all shipping lol.



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There seems to be quite a few people on this thread now, lots of April/May flyers :)


I don't post on here that much as I don't feel I've got much in the way of advice, but as we are all moving at the same time I thought it would be nice if we all introduced ourselves so we know a little about each other. As much or as little as you like :)


I'll start. We are me - Susan (29), OH (34) and two girls (5 and almost 2), from Ayrshire, Scotland. We arrive on 17th May flying with Emirates and are heading NOR. We have a short term rental booked in Carramar for a month. I'm an accountant and OH works offshore in Perth just now as an ROV Pilot. We are coming over on his 457 visa.


In the process of getting shipping quotes just now which is stressing me out! Also the house goes up for rent next week and I need to hand in my notice at work. Apart from that we are ready to go just counting down the weeks!


Looking forward to meeting you all in the sunshine :)

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