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What's a girl supposed to do!


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I was on a health kick before Xmas, motivated for the move, then I moved back in with the folks and it quickly went down hill! They live on a farm so thick white bread, proper bacon and apple pie and custard is the staple diet... I've ditched the "skinny day clothes" . :laugh:


I always come to the conclusion that life is too short to restrict yourself ALL the time ;0)

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I always come to the conclusion that life is too short to restrict yourself ALL the time ;0)


Yes, but I really should restrict myself SOME of the time! Been on the lemon cake already with a cup of tea. Wine and nibbles coming later.


It is my birthday tomorrow so indulgence is going to be high on the agenda. OH has booked something special for me...I'll tell you more after the event. So excited! :jiggy:

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Trying to fit my life in a 30kilo bag :( We fly out on wed and this has been the most traumatic part.. Any advice ladies out there, what/what not to bring? I have fat/thin/good/bad/happy/sad day clothes...How do I choose?


Maybe you should just choose a few things so you're prepared for when you first arrive, then pick the things that will be hardest to replace. Don't waste precious space with things you can pick up easily once you get settled. Ditch the plain stuff, tees, vests, leggings etc. If anything is too painful to part with but not important enough to make it in the 30kg then just airfreight a box? Don't make anything more traumatic than it has to be!

Good luck and safe journey,


Deb x

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I've been here seven months, and have stayed the same weight, but have tried so hard to lose some, but its the wine you drink, you just can't help yourself, you literally feel as if you are on holiday and so get in that way of thinking. It has not helped us as we have the in-laws here who are staying for three months (they go home in a week), so we can't be on diets all the time whilst they have been here, watching what we eat and not drinking, as it feels unsocial able. Also Pete has been home for seven months so we tend to pop out for lunch (well we did before the kids broke up for the school hols) to make the most of spending the time together. There is a big fitness thing here and you see people all the time jogging, fast walking, personal trainers on the beach, there is a real mix, I'm looking forward to getting back to a bit of normality once the in-laws have gone back and hubby goes back to work. And yes you read that right, Pete has a job and starts Mon, so we have been celebrating this week (again lots of wine has been drunk). Roll on when we get back on to our diets and fitness regime.



congratulations to pete !! best of luck for Monday too :-))

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