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VISA 190_Late WA Invitation_ EOI Lodged 12/12/2013


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Hi All,


Hope you all are fine.


my agent lodged my EOI for Visa 190_WA on 12/12/2013 and till now she did not get any invitation to apply for the visa ?


I would appreciate if anyone has an expectation of why that late reply from the authority ? What is the average time to reply back for candidates, bearing in mind the Christmas vacation !!

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Hi Soha,

Somthing similar happened to me, I loged my EOI back in JUly last year, I heard nothing at all, other people were getting invites, even those who loged an EOI after me.


I ended up phoning up WA migration the number on WA's website. I spoke to a lady who was really helpful.

It turned out that they could not see my EOI even though I had selected them as a state sponsor.

She did not know why this was but said now they had seen it they would be intouch in a couple of weeks which they were, and i got state sponsorship.


So it may be worth leaving it a week or two then giving them a call like i did if it still bothering you.


Hope that helps

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Hi Soha, your occupation is listed as 'schedule 2' on the list for WA. This means there are limited places for this occupation and you must also have a job offer. There is another thread on this site somewhere with a few people who have submitted EOI's for schedule 2 occupations and the last time I looked at it none of them had heard anything from WA yet (and they have job offers already). I will have a look and see if I can find it.


Tracey HR manager is also listed as schedule 2 unfortunately, if you are looking at state sponsorship from WA. http://Www.migration.wa.gov.au has the list on it, look up the criteria for state nomination.

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I think its a case of approaching employers or applying for jobs that are advertised. I think there is not a high chance of being offered a job without a visa yet though. You will have to google each state's skills list to see if the occupation is on any of their lists. Sorry its not ideal, I hope you find a way.

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  Soha said:
HI jmk79


Thanks for your reply. I will do the same and will call them, but i am outside Australia right now and could not find any numbers. I appreciate it if you please send the numbers for me.


Thank you


Hi Soha, i'm in the similar situation with you. I submitted my eoi for schedule 2 occupation on Dec 11, 2013 but didn't hear anything from WA, even no initial contact. Actually I already had a real offer on hand, with help of a channel partner of my current company. I wrote a few emails to WA to ask how I can pass the offer letter to them but was just told to wait...


Below you can find the phone numbers. I hope you can hear something new from them. please keep us informed for any news...good luck!




Migration officer

Skilled Migration WA

Department of Training and Workforce Development

2nd Floor, City Central Building, 166 Murray Street

Perth, Western Australia 6000


T: 13 23 98 | Int’l: +61 8 9224 6593

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HEllo people ad glad to see people who are helping who already got a grant.

I did my eoi on 28/10 for welfare worker same as you SOHA. I contacted them bloody hundred times and get same reply all the time.

ALso please look in the job offer properly as its really a tough market in WA currently


I willl update ya ll


thanking you

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Hi Kmchu


thanks for your concern.


I called them myself today and they told be yes i need a job offer for the HR Advisor post as long as it is listed in scedule 2.


my agent assured me just yesterday that it does not need a job offer . actualy i am in a big big trap because of her carelessness.


anyway, i do not know how to get a job offer while i am living in Egypt. Normaly employers do not give offers unless you have a work permit or any kind of visa that permit you to live and work there .


If any one of you can help me or introduce me to any employer i can send my CV and all related couments to them.


i have an excellent experince in my field as an HR Advisor and Office Manager positions and still have both assessments valid till the moment.


Any help :(

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thanks Soha for the update. Yes it's not easy for offshore people to receive an offer...it really depends on the occupation. I just got one for working in a WA channel partner of my current company by the introduction of my friend working there, and my former direct manager who is an Australian knows the boss of that company well and he eventually became my referee. I had successful interview through phone call and already received the formal employment contract.


I look lucky but actually not...even I already have the offer which is requested by WA, they haven't invited me to submit the application for state nomination.


I'm trying to ask my employer in Aus to make a call to them, but no any update yet...


In conclusion, receiving an offer is difficult...but holding an offer and waiting for invitation to submit the application is more complicated...


finger crossed!

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