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The start of normality?


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One of the best things about PP is that no matter how you are feeling, there are plenty of people who have been there and done that. Great to read about so many people having made the move. Unlike most of you, we appear to have not much a huge amount of thought into moving. My wife got offered a job just after Christmas, and all been well we will land in June. We haven't even applied for visas yet, but spoke to immigration and because we are 457s it should be a fairly straight forward process (here's hoping). We nearly made the move years ago, and completely over thought it and did nothing. This time we thought, what the hell! In about 17 weeks the three of us will land in Perth with a suitcase each. Nothing is being shipped and we don't really know what we'll do.

There are two type of people in this world, those that do and those that Don't. Glad to see we find ourselves in the company of so many doers!

in the next few weeks I expect to post lots of panicky questions, so thanks in advance!


Over thinking....sounds familiar! Glad that you have stopped thinking and are now just doing!! Ha, ha.


Hope it all goes well for you.

Keep us updated.

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