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Guest bob

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jamesw posted a good link.. one I was going to. Have a look at that and see what it brings for you.


Having nephews who are "tradies" I have asked them what they did to get apprenticeships. To a man they said that they went out and door knocked and asked for an apprenticeship in what they were interested in. All four are now in their 30's and well into their careers... so in the family we have an electrician, a plumber, a painter and decorator, and a mechanic. All four of them have told me that it is easier to get apprenticeships now through the aprenticeship website than it was 10 to 20 years ago, but all four of them have told me that their respective businesses are approached constantly by both male and females wanting an apprenticeship. What I glean from this is that you need to put your hat into the ring as well as follow the government apprenticeship route.

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My son is an apprentice doing aircraft maintenance, most apprentices get their job by doing a pre apprenticeship during their final year at high school or a year at TAFE, part of the apprenticeship is on job training, this is where they get an offer of an apprenticeship if they are any good, apprenticeships are a little different here in Aus, they are a year to year contract, an employer could choose to drop you after your first year etc, don't expect to get an apprenticeship straight out of school from the UK! We were lucky, my son had done a course at a local UK college, called Pathway to Apprenticship, which in Aus was the qui equivalent of a pre Apprenticship

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