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2015 arrivals

jo and scott

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Aww bless her. I'm sure they will settle in quickly when you move. I know my daughter will at this age they make friends so easy.

Yes we will rent when we have sold our house.

Not looking forward to packing up and getting rid of stuff. We have been in this house nearly ten years my loft is overflowing with stuff lol.

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Aww bless her. I'm sure they will settle in quickly when you move. I know my daughter will at this age they make friends so easy.

Yes we will rent when we have sold our house.

Not looking forward to packing up and getting rid of stuff. We have been in this house nearly ten years my loft is overflowing with stuff lol.


we moved schools 2 years ago, lauren settled in really well, shes made lots of friends, it took lucy a bit longer but shes happy now and also has lots of friends, so im not as worried about them moving.


we have lived together for 10 years, so know how you feel ! we still have a lot of stuff to sort out, last night i made lots of lists, whats going where and i feel so much better now, once the girls go back to school i need to get on with it, and start selling off our belongings.

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hi jac2011,


do you have family / friends in WA or QLD ? i really want to go before my eldest is due to start senior school in the uk, but need to start looking now, i dont even know where we will be living tho,


what work to you do ?


We don't, my hubby has family in SA but we aren't looking to move there. I am nearly a qualified MH nurse so I will go where I am lucky enough to be offered a job with the current employment climate. As much as I love my job and know what area I would love to work in, the move is about the children and us as a family so I will take whatever I am offered and be grateful for the opportunity. I will be looking at roles in QLD and WA and see what comes up, if we have difficulty securing in either of those areas I will start looking at other states.


I see you also moved your children schools 2 years ago, we did the same we moved from NW England to the East Mids and the children were fine, we think of it as a trial run and hopefully it taught the children some useful skills in making new friends.


If the visa was ever delayed to the point where my daughter had to start high school I think I would offer to home school her for the period. After all the school year doesn't start till the end of Jan in Oz! xx

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US!!!! Yes Me Me Me and my wonderful family are hoping to move in January 2015 if all goes to plan (fingers, toes, legs, arms and eyes crossed!!) - We are also obsessed with everything ozzie! ha!


Great thread - for those who do not know us - there is I, Mr JP and our two sproglets 4 and 18months.


Changed to Jan not sure why it originally said Dec 2015 I'd go mad if I had to wait that long hahaha

Edited by JenPen
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Us hopefully! Looking at July time 2015 so we can adjust to temperature's for it coming into their summer. Hopefully, my husbands citizenship all goes smoothly and me & my girls visa's are granted! I have a 2 year old & a 2 month old :)

Been looking at the Secret Harbour area... I've read elsewhere that it's quite 'cliquey' though, so trying to weigh up what would be better for us. They are beautiful houses down that way, 45 minutes away from my MIL and only 30 mins from Perth Motoplex!

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Hi all we were hoping to have been in WA by now but I'm currently pregnant and our visa has been placed in hold until the baby arrives end of May :)) we have completed all process just medicals to upload now as I cannot have a chest x ray whilst pregnant so hoping to have medicals June this year with visa grant soon after ( fingers crossed).


We have plans to head to Mandurah as we will be going on a 489 visa and have to live regional for 2 yeas but I really do like the look ofMandurah and there seems to be plenty of schools For my little boy Ethan aged 4yrs. Mandurah also looks like a lovely family friendly place to live considering its regional and is only 40km from perth.


We have also had discussions surrounding the best time to actually make it over to perth and feel that maybe march 2015 when it begins to get cooler in perth, I'm concerned that leaving Wales in our winter which is freezing and landing in perth in their summer time will literally finish me off in 40 degrees heat with two small children to run after lol .....trying to consider this so that it will be comfortable for us all and also so we can climatise before the next hot summer arrives would be beneficial.


But if my husband is going to apply for jobs once we have our visa we may not have so much of a choice as to when we go! work is going to be a must for us both in order to be able to settle and to ensure financial security. I'd love to go sooner rather than later mind but moving to the other side of the world is something that needs careful planning.


Hopefully we will all be able to keep each other posted on our journeys and you never know catch up for a BBQ and beer on the other end :)))


kayli xxx

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Hi hopefully us too!! We are right at the start but looking to time this with eldest daughter (nearly 10) completing year 6 in July 2015, by then we should be ready to go all things going to plan!! Seems like a long way off but sure it'll fly. We have the added dilemma of wanting to be in perth but poss needing to apply for a 190 with state nom from either SA/ACT/NT but hoping something gives between now and then as we want to be in perth!!!!!

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Hi Traceylove, i think we are sort of in the same boat, my second child is currently in yr 5 and will be going into yr 6 this coming september and will be finishing school next July (both my 1st and 2nd will be actually) so a major year to look forward to next year!! Oh we were offered SA/WA/TAS but after a lot of research we settled on Perth as to us it seems really lovely to bring up kids as have got 2 younger ones as-well (15,9,5,2). We are sort of in the early stages too as hubby will be taking his IELTS next month (ho works as a carpenter)and got his skills assess soon but looking at around end July or August 2015 before we go and if we can get flights cheap around that time, if not might be end of Aug or beginning of Sept! hoping state nom changes for you though. Any idea on where in Perth you would like to go??



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Hi tan, we loved perth when we visited we stayed in applecross and love that sort of area between perth and freo. My husband is also drawn to perth for his line of work he works in HR / recruitment and would like to get back into oil and gas where he's worked in the past. The issue for us will be where we can find a job, it's looking likely we will have to apply for SS from a diff state NT / ACT or SA and then see how the land lies re jobs. Finger crossed. What about yourselves where are you fancying??

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Yeah we looking at the Baldivis or the secret harbour area, but not 100% sure still doing the researching especially with the schools (both high and primary). Didn't realized you had been before, really good you had experience going down under before! we were going to go a few years back (to visit) hubby decided it would cost almost 10 grand for flights and accommodation for the 6 of us!! so decided we could use the the money to put towards migrating instead, but if you look at it, it actually work out better this way. You still trying for Perth or are you gonna be going other state and move after??

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Hi we went out for 5 weeks over Xmas, we did perth, melbourne and sydney so only had a couple of weeks in perth but loved it, I'm just waiting to see if I get the same consistent advice from the 3 migration agents then we will go for it!! This is something we've discussed for years and put the decision off as we'd never been there so we didn't know what we were deciding on?! When we went for Xmas it re-started the whole dream off again in our heads, we've decided this is the itch we have to scratch if we don't pursue visas now I think we will regret never having tried!!

t :-)

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