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Thanks for all advice about when to have a wee visit to Perth - was all excited about booking but just before we did we started getting vibes from people that there aren't really any jobs in Perth. My husband works in IT and it seems its who you know not what experience you have.


Hays said we were more likely to get jobs on East coast but Perth just seems to offer exactly what we want. Sydney is far to expensive near a beach and not sure about Brisbane though it could be possible.


Just wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts on this? It seems like Perth is slipping away from us!


thanks :)

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Thanks thats really kind... Maybe once we have our visas it will be different... You only need one job i guess. Might go see Brisbane too but really wanted to live in Perth! After all the thinking about it both my hubby and I had decided we'd like to give it a go. Oh well!

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My sister is on the Gold Coast & when we visited her we had days out in Brisbane...it's beautiful! Take your swim wear for a dip in South bank pools & beach next to the river, or visit the lovely riverside cafés. What I'm trying to say is have a look as I think it has many similarities to Perth with warmer winters!

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That sounds lovely, my concerns re Brisbane is the humidity, more creepy crawlies and its not on the coast. Though i guess the rainforests would be lovely and its not as flat as Perth or remote. Perth seems to rely on its oil and mining industry I worry what happens when that runs out! Ill need to do some research! Thanks :)

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I work in Learning & Development and specialise in learning technologies - eLearning, LMS etc. The use of this kind of tech here is very immature and the discussions people have with me indicate that they're a good few years behind in their thinking. The tech is obviously here and the infrastructure is improving to support it but the business culture just isn't mature enough for the degree of change necessary for them to take advantage of what's available.


My contract ended in November and I've had two unsuccessful interviews since then with little else available. What I think is happening is that I am alienating myself at interview because the projects I have worked on the panel simply can't relate to, they're intimidated or perhaps even doubtful of the authenticity of my claims.


This immaturity may also be apparent in the IT sector. Fiona Stanley was going to be THE tech project for WA; a paperless hospital with sophisticated, integrated systems for everything but it remains to be seen if any of these ambitions will reach fruition. I sense a lot of frustration and scepticism about the use of tech and competition for contracts is becoming fierce. When Fiona Stanley fails to fulfil its ambitions the gunsights of the press will undoubtedly be levelled at the IT projects. Whether this is justifiable is irrelevant, it will impact upon the publics perception of the use of technology, certainly in government projects and limit opportunity.


I've no idea what it's like on the east coast but why restrict yourself, five years in Brissy and see if the market recovers in WA? I think you should also ask yourselves why you're coming. If it's for a professional role in your chosen field then you may very well be disappointed.


All of this is of course my opinion, there are others who work in IT who'll likely have a different perspective and I hope they are able to provide a balanced view.

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The tech is obviously here and the infrastructure is improving to support it but the business culture just isn't mature enough for the degree of change necessary for them to take advantage of what's available.


My contract ended in November and I've had two unsuccessful interviews since then with little else available. What I think is happening is that I am alienating myself at interview because the projects I have worked on the panel simply can't relate to, they're intimidated or perhaps even doubtful of the authenticity of my claims.


This immaturity may also be apparent in the IT sector. Fiona Stanley was going to be THE tech project for WA; a paperless hospital with sophisticated, integrated systems for everything but it remains to be seen if any of these ambitions will reach fruition. I sense a lot of frustration and scepticism about the use of tech and competition for contracts is becoming fierce. When Fiona Stanley fails to fulfil its ambitions the gunsights of the press will undoubtedly be levelled at the IT projects. Whether this is justifiable is irrelevant, it will impact upon the publics perception of the use of technology, certainly in government projects and limit opportunity.



The same with my husband. He's Design manager at St John of God Midland Hospital and trying to get them to try something new is a challenge. Their attitude seems to be if it aint broke dont fix it!

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Thanks all :)


Portlaunay- thanks for taking the time for your post. In answer to your questions we are going over there for a better life for our children and ourselves. We work to live so the professional thing doesn't matter as much but we still need to pay the bills to fund the lifestyle! Sorry to hear about the issues you have been having it must be very frustrating. It is what we worry about being out of work.


Linda - no we haven't started the visa process it was just to go and make sure we like it before we take the plunge. We did plan to go and speak to recruitment agencies and maybe some banks as part of the trip. It seems also on the government's monthly reports that there are a lot of System Analysts applying at mo and we need at least 70 points to go through. This should be fine, I think we'll have 75 or 80 if I start teaching again. We just dont want to waste a lot of money on the visit (costed it as 4-5k) if there are no jobs.


Dxboz- thanks for letting us know about Melbourne. We just don't fancy Melbourne. I think we'd rather just stay here. I know lots of people like it- just seems a bit to European looking plus there is a cooler climate.


Thanks all - more thinking to do!

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Sounds like you're in a similar position to us.


My OH is in IT and was learning towards Melbourne for work reasons. But I think Perth has the ideal climate and range of activities for us and is a better place to start a family.


I visited Mebourne 3 weeks ago and although I found the people amazing and I had lots of fun I felt like it was best suited to 18-35 year olds and I noticed that families tended to live out of the CBD meaning long commutes and not really being able to take easy advantages of things in town.


I also think Brisbane seems a bit too humid etc at least for us.


I hope we make the right decision going with Perth though, hopefully my OH finds fulfilling work. . .and your OH does too wherever you decide to move. At the end of the day I think lifestyles comes first and as long as we have enough to live and cover emergencies and occasional trips home we should be happy.

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