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Hi All,


I am currently studying to become a nurse and after which we hope to emigrate to Perth. Just wondered what the full process in order was when applying for a 189 visa?


I understand I will need academic IELTS (can I do this at any point or does it have an expiry?), then skill assessment will this be with AMRAC or ALPHA? Then medicals and police checks - does my husband have to have these too or is it just the main applicant? The EOI?


Am I way off with this? Also if we are lucky enough to have our visa accepted do we need to validate them (all 5 of us?) or can we validate them when we move out there?


Any help would be very much appreciated.





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Hi Sarah.


firstly you do the IELTS. Has to be academic as ANMAC (the nursing assessing body) specify this on their assessment. It only lasts 2 years so I would suggest you do it at the end of your training. Also bear in mind that ANMAC require you to have some experience as a nurse (think its 12 months but not sure so check that). You need 7 points or more in each category (reading, writing, listening, speaking) for ANMAC to accept it. This will also give you 10 points towards your visa (you need 60 points). If you get 8 points or more in each category you'll earn 20 points towards your visa. There's lots of practice material that's free on the net. I used http://www.ielts-exam.net. If you get the required 7's for your assessment but needed 8's for your visa, you can re-sit the IELTS with the general test. This is why I've done it twice. IELTS costs approx £140.


Once you you have passed the IELTS you can send your application to ANMAC. You need a lot of paperwork so make sure you keep everything (contract of employment, uni transcript (full which inc hours of theory and practice), NMC approval etc) Everything that you send to ANMAC needs to be certified by a notary of the public. This cost me £70. The ANMAC assessment costs approx $850. Then you wait for it to be passed. Mine took 16 weeks. Once you have passed your ANMAC assessment, ask them to pass your file onto AHPRA (AHPRA is the same as our NMC) for your registration. AHPRA require pretty much the same as ANMAC so this saves you collecting all of your evidence again, having it certified again etc. the only thing I had to do for AHPRA was send a CV and a payment along with an application form. This cost approx $375.


Once you you have your ANMAC approval, you submit an EOI. I had an agent so I don't know what's involved here. It only took a couple of weeks.


Then you lodge your visa. Again, I didn't do this but I had to supply evidence of working so had to send copies of wage slips and p60's so make sure you keep them too.


all of this could change in the future though so always check before submitting anything. Ask on here and anyone who's done it recently will help you.



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I'm in a similar position but with social work & I've found that I can apply for a skills assessment once I finish Uni however without 3years experience it's unlikely I will get a positive assessment. Perhaps a migration agent will know for nursing?



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If you're coming on a PR visa then everyone on the visa application will require medicals and all adults (I think over the age of 16) require police checks for any country they have lived for 12 months or more in the last 10 years.


When you are granted your visa, there is a validate by date - you can make the one way trip and stay in Aus (as long as it's before the validation date)

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