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family meals ....


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Corn cobs on the BBQ. Either soak them in water with the husks on for an hour or so then just chuck them on and let them steam in their jackets or strip the green leaves away, dust them with a little caster sugar that you've mixed with chilli powder (mild). The sugar caramelises on the corn and the chilli warms your lips and mouth, my kids love it.


Bashed new potatoes - coat them in olive oil, add them to a hot roasting tin and hoof in a load of rosemary. Roast in the oven or BBQ then when soft bash them and squidge them to expose the tater then pop them back in and crank up the heat till they're brown.

In the meantime prick the surface of a whole Brie, (one that comes in a little wooden box), rub with a clove of garlic and pour a drizzle of white wine over the top so it fills the holes. Pop the lid of the box back on and chuck it in the oven or BBQ for ten minutes or so.

Leave to cool a little and then scoop the warm, velvety cheese out with the potato.


Nachos on the BBQ? Get the hotplate up to temp, cover with nachos then whatever you like to put on top - cheese, chilli, tomato, corn, beans, roasted pumpkin etc.

Snuffle them around a little so they don't burn but you don't want a great big mess, try to keep the nachos as the bottom layer then but the time the cheese has melted they're ready. Scoop into bowls, hoof a load of herbs on top - parsley, coriander maybe and enjoy.


A really simple one that my kids love doesn't have a name, it's just boiled chicken with Asian flavours.

Portion a whole chicken so you have similar sized small pieces. A whole thing is too much, you really want to cut them in half and use that as your guide for the other pieces. In a large pot filled with a light stock add lots of aromatic flavours - cloves, cinnamon, mace, anise, and two whole, quartered onions. Bring it to a boil, skim the surface of any foamy brownness, reduce to a very light simmer and only add the chicken when the water has calmed down. It's surprisingly quick, taking maybe 15 to 20 mins to cook, just make sure it doesn't boil otherwise the chicken will be tough and you want it light and plump.

Meanwhile prepare some dippings. Toast some Szechuan pepper and when smelling scrummy crush in a pestle and mortar, mix with some sea salt and pile it in a little dish.

Crushed chilli flakes are good too and some really finely chopped spring onion which you can leave naked or mix in with a light soy, either together or as one hot and one oniony.

When the chook is done scoop it out and while still hot and with asbestos fingers peel away the skin and pile the pieces in a bowl. Keep the stock, it will be a really yummy base for an Asian noodle soup.

Serve the chicken with the various bowls of dips and everyone can just pick up pieces and coat them in whatever they like. Yum

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Guest guest9824

I find if I make a basic ragu(from mirepoix of veg, beef mince, passata, garlic wine and stock) I have the basis of at least four family favourites, ie, cottage pie, lasagne, spaghetti Bol and chilli. So using the basic ragu, then adding things to it like chilli powder for chilli, oregano and bay leaves for spag Bol and lasagne, or no herbs for cottage pie I have a pretty easy four meals. I too like to use the barbeque for potatoes par boiled then finished on the barbeque with rosemary and balsamic.


A favourite of ours is slow cooked leg of lamb, for a roast dinner then leftovers I shred the lamb and and layer potatoes and carrots and make a Lancashire hotpot, put a pie crust on the tope when it's nearly ready Serve with red cabbage or peas. I make gnocci from left over mashed potato, made it with sweet potatoes the other day, very nice.


I think if you can make a basic white sauce,using a roux method you can make lots of lovely things, and add tarragon and Dijon mustard to it, then seve over pan fried chicken. I like to use up everything, nothing goes to waste if I can help it. Even if we have left over tortillas we make quesidillas for lunch next day.

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I have been trying to eat more healthy whilst reducing our food outlay... Even my husband is enjoying a couple of days of vegetarian food - we are loving our fresh soups and some of Tesco's own vegetarian frozen food. Tonight is some spicy sweet potato bake thing. Normally I would have a go at creating my own but whilst I am on nursing placement with 3 children (4 inc hubby) its convenience food during the week!


We love our pasta meals too and our curry's (mild ones for kids and a pack of very hot chilli's in the fridge for hubby to add).


Tonight is butter chicken and rice but we add frozen mixed vegetables to pack it out and hopefully get 2 or so extra portions out of it (7-8 portions in total) and put them in the freezer. I have a big stash of silver takeaway containers so I can always add things to the freezer. When one of the kids or hubby are being fussy and don't like the choice of meal then they have a takeout from the freezer.

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Yes me too, foil containers (just typed that and auto correct changed it to FOUL containers! Hope my cooking isn't that bad) are brilliant. I get them in costco and always batch cook meals for convenience. Do this with leek and potato soup too. Looks awful as it starts to defrost but delish once heated and stirred through.


Made samosas for for the first time this weekend. What a phaff, they were ok but not the greatest by far. I ate them to prove a point but everyone else rejected them...oh well, can't win them all.


The chicken and mushroom was a a great success though. And the bakewell....well what can I say? The texture and flavour were heavenly. Really different to how I have made it before. Had a similarity to macaroons which use the same ingredients. But mine was thick and moist...mmmm!

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just planning this weeks meals and am a bit sick of same old same old, so to all you foodies give me some inspiration for family meals......

j x


Had friends round for dinner last night. I did a creamy potato bake as part of the meal. Loved by all. Adapted a recipe I found on http://www.taste.com.au. Left out the bacon because I am vegetarian and the grated cheese for a healthier option.


Very easy to make. All you do is slice the potatoes thinly, slice some onions, layer them in a casserole or lasagne dish greased with butter, season with salt and pepper and pour 300mls of single cream and 125mls of milk over the top. Cover with foil and bake on 180C for an hour and a further 15-20 uncovered for a crispy top. Delicious.

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I find if I make a basic ragu(from mirepoix of veg, beef mince, passata, garlic wine and stock) I have the basis of at least four family favourites, ie, cottage pie, lasagne, spaghetti Bol and chilli. So using the basic ragu, then adding things to it like chilli powder for chilli, oregano and bay leaves for spag Bol and lasagne, or no herbs for cottage pie I have a pretty easy four meals. I too like to use the barbeque for potatoes par boiled then finished on the barbeque with rosemary and balsamic.


A favourite of ours is slow cooked leg of lamb, for a roast dinner then leftovers I shred the lamb and and layer potatoes and carrots and make a Lancashire hotpot, put a pie crust on the tope when it's nearly ready Serve with red cabbage or peas. I make gnocci from left over mashed potato, made it with sweet potatoes the other day, very nice.


I think if you can make a basic white sauce,using a roux method you can make lots of lovely things, and add tarragon and Dijon mustard to it, then seve over pan fried chicken. I like to use up everything, nothing goes to waste if I can help it. Even if we have left over tortillas we make quesidillas for lunch next day.


That lancashire hot pot with a crust too, sound lovely!

Edited by Akasully2
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well thank you all for your replies, lots of food for thought (see what I did there?!)

so the meal planner looks like this bacon potato bake, meatballs and pasta, Mexican chicken ring (chopped chicken mixed with fajita seasoning, mayo, tomatoes, peppers, jalapeños, grated mozarella rolled into ready rolled puff pastry so it's almost like a sausage roll then baked in the oven) cottage pie, veggie lasag, sesame chicken fingers and homemade wedges, sausage casserole, steak fajitas, chilli...sorted out for a few days!!

Thanks xx

now deserts???........



I will save the BBQ suggestions for better weather!...

Edited by beandownunder
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Try a hot salad. Fry some onions, meat (bacon, beef strips / chicken), along with say some five spice,. Not alot required. Once nice and hot, just too it into a lettuce based salad mix, voila, one hot salad. serve straight away. A great meal, and good value for money.

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