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457 Visa approved

Guest RuairiHoly

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Guest RuairiHoly

Hi Guys,


I have been a member of the PP site for 6 weeks or so now....had some great advice via the threads ranging from the visa process, to the housing market, to mobile phone networks and many more great advice!!


I received sponsorship approval via the DIAC on Thursday 27th Feb. I applied for the Visa 457 on the Friday for my wife and I, with myself as the main applicant, and 48 hours later, yes 48 hours later we were granted our visa. Checked my hotmail account in the morning and low and behold there were two emails containing our VISAS. Was shocked, and possibly still in a tired stupor, so it took time for the penny to drop...though it soon turned to joy!!


From being interviewed in January for a position as an Environmental Scientist it has taken approx 7 weeks for the process to take place...I am aware this is a quick timeline, though ppl who are applying should keep patient and the faith!! It is worth it in the end.


Now to pack up via Pickfords, crowne or John Masons....any preferences ppl??? We hope to be out there in four weeks, as by coincidence my brother and wife will be holidaying in perth....so looking forward to our new adventure and challenge in perth.


Thanks everyone and Good luck to all



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Congratulations! great news.


We used pickfords and although they were very nice, they damaged just about everything :confused: so we are now having to play the insurance game. I am sure we were just unlucky though as I know lots of people have used them without a problem. I think I would be cautious if they cant pack the container at your house (we had access issues) as I am sure this was probably why we had so much damage.


Good luck with your next chapter - exciting times!

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Thanks westonclan and daveakaginge, sorry to hear you had a bad experience with Pickfords WC, although they are looking after the Aus side of the move, they have used EMS at this side, and so far they seem very good. They are going to pack the container at the house, so I am relieved about that!

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Guest RuairiHoly

Hi all,


thanks for all the advice on the removal companies. I have john mason out today to quote and pick fords have been out already....seem quite expensive, though generally speaking you usually pay more for a better service. Will weigh up the options and get on with the relocation.


I was going to move all furniture etc, though some of it is not that great so deciding to ebay it to reduce relocation costs.


On review furniture seems reasonably priced (ex pats moving home trying to sell up) so decided to reduce our removal size and get rid of some stuff, took sometime talking my wife around though!!

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Hi all,


thanks for all the advice on the removal companies. I have john mason out today to quote and pick fords have been out already....seem quite expensive, though generally speaking you usually pay more for a better service. Will weigh up the options and get on with the relocation.


I was going to move all furniture etc, though some of it is not that great so deciding to ebay it to reduce relocation costs.


On review furniture seems reasonably priced (ex pats moving home trying to sell up) so decided to reduce our removal size and get rid of some stuff, took sometime talking my wife around though!!


Some nice bits on Gumtree over here.

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Hi all,


thanks for all the advice on the removal companies. I have john mason out today to quote and pick fords have been out already....seem quite expensive, though generally speaking you usually pay more for a better service. Will weigh up the options and get on with the relocation.


I was going to move all furniture etc, though some of it is not that great so deciding to ebay it to reduce relocation costs.


On review furniture seems reasonably priced (ex pats moving home trying to sell up) so decided to reduce our removal size and get rid of some stuff, took sometime talking my wife around though!!


We're just doing what you're planning. We arrived here on a 457 two weeks ago and as we are spending money bringing our cat over we left all our furniture in the UK. For transporting a reduced amount we found Movecube to be good value, we filled a small one which was 420 pounds plus the aussie customs charges. We're renting our house out and storing stuff in the loft, so we didn't need to bring everything or store anything.


We've got our rental sorted and are picking the keys up this afternoon. I've spent all week going round the city getting furniture and white goods off Gumtree, good stuff at a good price goes quite quickly, so you need to be on the ball, but it can be done quite cheaply. Out of everything fridges seem expensive here and good cheap ones on gumtree go really, really quickly. Tomorrow we're going to have a look in some of the op (charity) shops that specialise in furniture, hopefully we can pick some bits up there.

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