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5th IELTS test coming up and getting fed up!!!!


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Hi all,


Need some support and encouragement. I need band 8 in ielts, I turned 33 last month and therefore need more pionts for visa. I have inproved slightly over the past 4 attempts and this Saturday will be my fifth time and don't know how long I can keep this up? I got training books from Amazon and studied night after night.

All paper work for EOI and visa completed so the only thing left is getting my band 8 ielts.


Can I ask how many times did you all take the test? Any tips?

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Hi GMAC, good luck for Saturday! IELTS is so stressful, I don't know how people manage to cope when they have to do it lots of times, I really feel for you! Tips that I was given when sitting it;

with writing make sure you clearly have an introduction, middle and end - make it really obvious. Give a brief introduction outlining the situation / argument, main part present your argument - cases for and against , then write 'In conclusion' ... and state which side you agree with or why you don't agree with either!

Listening - remember to concentrate all the way through - its really easy to zone out and stop listening for a bit so really force yourself to concentrate on it so you don't miss answers

Reading - do the practice runs so you know what answers they are expecting, take your time but don't over think it, they are not generally looking for complicated answers!

Speaking - speak clearly and slowly, don't say ummm.... all the time and make sure you talk for your full minute when you have to talk about your subject.

I am sure you have heard it all before but I hope it helps a little bit, I will keep my fingers firmly crossed for you!

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You certainly have some gumption to do it 5 times! Good luck for the next one.


I did it last year and 8.5 average, felt quite peeved that I missed out on the full score.


Tips... You say you have practised so you may already be doing this but here goes.


Listening - before the tape starts read through the questions and underline the key words of what you need to be listening out for. This will help focus your mind. If you miss a question, move on. Avoid being held back by it because you will miss all the future questions.


Practise the test papers under exam conditions using the same pencils you would in the exam. Use pencil so you can rub them out. Take piles of them incase they blunt, no time to sharpen.


Writing - read the question and again, underline the key words. Beforehand at home, count how many words you write per line and divide that into the total number you need. That should tell you a minimum plus a bit more, as to how many lines you need go write. Make sure you look at a real sheet of their answer paper so it matches up.


Only use words you can spell. Avoid overly short sentences, use commas, paragraphs, capital letters and full stops correctly. Use an intro and conclusion in your extended writing. Incorporate descriptive words, i.e. Adjectives and verbs (E.g. The gigantic, ruby red boat bobbed gently on the water).


Let me know if any of that helped.


Good luck for Saturday.

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5 times! That must be difficult - well done for not giving up. My hubby is doing it for a second time on the 5th April and he needs to get 7s. He did absolutely no preparation the first time round so it's not surprising he didn't manage it. Have you looked into a tutor? That's what we're doing in the hope that it'll prevent him having to have another go, and to ensure he makes proper time for the prep this time! it's £25 per hour. I can't comment yet as to whether it's worth it but we thought it's worth a go. Which area(s) are you struggling with?

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Thanks so much for your support and encouragement everyone, I really hope I can do it this time! It took me three attempts to get the 7's I needed prior to my 33rd birthday and now I'm starting all over again to achieve 8's!


Scores on my last test were...Speaking 9.0, Reading 8.0, Listening 7.5, Writing 7.0.


The writing is the one I am really struggling with. I've not got higher than a 7.0 in all four of the tests I've taken.


Thanks Weston Clan and Akasully for the tips I have definitely taken all you've said on board.


Wild Rose - let me know how your OH gets on with the tutor. Is the tutor coming to your home? If I don't get the 8's I need this time then I think a tutor will definitely be beneficial.


Thanks again and good luck to anyone else taking their IELTS on Saturday.

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Wild Rose - let me know how your OH gets on with the tutor. Is the tutor coming to your home? If I don't get the 8's I need this time then I think a tutor will definitely be beneficial.


Will definitely let you know how he get's on. The tutor emailed over some test papers this afternoon for him to complete in a 'test environment' and then email back his answers, this along with his previous result is what they're going to work on. He's booked in for 2 hours. My Dh is going to the tutor's home in Chesterfield but mainly so that they don't get interrupted by our children! The tutor is able to travel out as well and charges an extra £5.


Wishing you the best of luck x

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Hi All,


Hope you've all had a lovely weekend.


5th IELTS over and done with and unfortunately I think I'll be re-booking it again in a few weeks time when I get my results. Not confident at all. It's so frustrating because I no I CAN do this! I felt fully prepared with all the revision I've been doing and all the tips I've gained along the way....it's just a matter of it all coming together on the day.


Me and my wife were saying earlier today that it's now been a year since we started this whole process of trying to immigrate to Perth. I really hope our dream isn't slipping away. I'm usually such a positive/glass half full kinda person but I have to say this damn IELTS test really is a pain in the a*se!


On the up side, we had a wonderful day today in the sunshine with our two little boys.

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5 times! That must be difficult - well done for not giving up. My hubby is doing it for a second time on the 5th April and he needs to get 7s. He did absolutely no preparation the first time round so it's not surprising he didn't manage it. Have you looked into a tutor? That's what we're doing in the hope that it'll prevent him having to have another go, and to ensure he makes proper time for the prep this time! it's £25 per hour. I can't comment yet as to whether it's worth it but we thought it's worth a go. Which area(s) are you struggling with?


Hi Wild rose, i think we're in the same boat! my OH is a carpenter and joiner and is going through the same thing, our migration agent has put us in-touch with a tutor and costing the same. My OH has even thinking of given up because he keeps saying there's too many parts to it and doesn't feel he's gonna pass :arghh:. Also how many times did you have to pay or use your tutor as we're maybe thinking we could use her 2 times??


Tanya & Rob

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Hi Wild rose, i think we're in the same boat! my OH is a carpenter and joiner and is going through the same thing, our migration agent has put us in-touch with a tutor and costing the same. My OH has even thinking of given up because he keeps saying there's too many parts to it and doesn't feel he's gonna pass :arghh:. Also how many times did you have to pay or use your tutor as we're maybe thinking we could use her 2 times??


Tanya & Rob


Hi Tanya, has your OH had a go at IELTS yet and what score does he need? You never know, it may be a pleasant surprise! We've got the tutor and test date booked so it's just a waiting game for now, although I need to get him practising this week. Have you completed the skill assessment yet? And have you decided to opt for 'Joiner' or 'carpenter'? From what I understand it's not worth going for 'carpenter and joiner'.

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Hi Tanya, has your OH had a go at IELTS yet and what score does he need? You never know, it may be a pleasant surprise! We've got the tutor and test date booked so it's just a waiting game for now, although I need to get him practising this week. Have you completed the skill assessment yet? And have you decided to opt for 'Joiner' or 'carpenter'? From what I understand it's not worth going for 'carpenter and joiner'.


Hi, no he hasn't yet, but been reading up on it and via YouTube, but he's already saying he will never get the hand of it as he's more of a Maths man than English! We've been told the same also so OH has decided to just opt for the 'carpenter' instead of both as apparently there is more of a demand in 'carpenter' than a 'Joiner', not too sure how accurate that is tho. Yes have completed the skill assessment and have been told by our migration agent before they can go any further OH needs to complete his IELTS, so on a mission to get him studying with hope of him taking the test by the end of next month and getting the 8 he needs to qualify for the 60 points (we hope). Where about in Perth were you planing on going and do you got a back up plan in case he doesn't get the required score? we've talk about him taking the test 2 time and if he doesn't get the required score then we might opt for the Regional! but its not something i would like to do would rather get the PR straight off and not have to worry about specific place you can live and work, will be keeping my fingers cross for your OH for his IELTS test. x

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Will definitely let you know how he get's on. The tutor emailed over some test papers this afternoon for him to complete in a 'test environment' and then email back his answers, this along with his previous result is what they're going to work on. He's booked in for 2 hours. My Dh is going to the tutor's home in Chesterfield but mainly so that they don't get interrupted by our children! The tutor is able to travel out as well and charges an extra £5.


Wishing you the best of luck x

Good luck. Hubby did his about 7 times and then finally got the pass marks we needed. he really doesn't like paperwork!! Don't give up. We booked our flights a few weeks ago and now have our visa and move in a few months. It's worth trying 20 times as the end result will be life changing!

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Good luck. Hubby did his about 7 times and then finally got the pass marks we needed. he really doesn't like paperwork!! Don't give up. We booked our flights a few weeks ago and now have our visa and move in a few months. It's worth trying 20 times as the end result will be life changing!


7 Times!! Wow, that's determination for you. Well done to your hubby for not giving up. My DH has agreed to do it as many times as needed cuz at the end of the day if we don't get those extra points we can't go! Thank you for showing us the light at the end of the tunnel, I can't wait until we're in the position where we can book flights. Good luck with your move x


JenPen - I wasn't aware of any requirement to wait 3 months before you can retake it. I hope that's not the case, we don't need anything else to drag out the process for longer than it already takes! I may email the IELTS centre this afternoon and ask. I'll let you know what I find out.

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Thanks WildRose - it was just something I had read on another thread somewhere but I can't find it anywhere - I am damn well hoping thats not the case either as we do not need things dragging either!! Thanks so much lovely - FX we both only have one attempt (well our hubby's) xx

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Thanks WildRose - it was just something I had read on another thread somewhere but I can't find it anywhere - I am damn well hoping thats not the case either as we do not need things dragging either!! Thanks so much lovely - FX we both only have one attempt (well our hubby's) xx



we didn't have to wait soon to re book as it came thru the post I would be in the phone booking the next one up lol! They just don't do them every month or get booked up so you have to wait. This was a little while ago last year I think so rules change. Good luck!

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Hi All,


because I no I CAN do this!


I don't want to be a pain, but there's a mistake right there! Concentrate GMAC and you will get the score you need.


Oh Goodness me this thread scares me!! Do you have to wait 3 months before retaking it?


No, no, no - the British Council is more than happy to take your money way more often.

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