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Be jezuz ive got mice now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I don't believe it not only do I have an army of goddam ants I know have bloody mice. I heard a scratching in the attic the other day didn't take any notice really. This morning oh my lord they have been partying under my sink and left evidence. did some detective work on the evidence its mice not rats thank god. I am now off to Bunnings for traps ...... I've had enough now I am not a goddam Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies !!!!!!!!!!!!! I need me a cat can anyone let me one for a couple of days board and meals provided haha

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Well have been to Bunnings and I am armed to the hilt 6 Micky traps 2 in pantry - no evidence but a caution - 4 under the sink. Ant powder purchased also.

Went about the rest of my cleaning low and behold guess what I found in one of the bedrooms Micky already dead. So one down god knows how many to go. Pic below please tell me its a mouse not a baby rat.



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Well done Elfie for being so proactive.... any idea how they are getting in? Those ants might be a clue? A you are renting, it might be worth chatting to the renting agent... they might take on this little battle for you.....


I would lend you my pusscat but he is a sook and scared of mice!

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Last night vegging out on sofa watching tv heard SNAP so off to look gingerly under the sink low and behold Minnie was caught. On getting up this am peeped under sink nothing not a thing no evidence nowt. Just hope there was only 2 if so they are both in Mouse heaven.

Ross not sure where they are coming from Johns home tomorrow night so he can have a look up the attic on Tuesday see if there is any more evidence up there.

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Guest guest9824

Elfie, they will be coming in to make their nests ready for the colder weather. Having teddy may have enticed them out too, with food and biscuits about. We have had roof rats before, I was devastated that we had them when we first moved in, but they are quite common here, and possums too in the roof at night. Good luck with getting rid of them.



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Hi Pea

Teddy didnt leave a crumb wolfed her food down in 5 mins chased her bowl around to get the last smidge left. Never any animal food left out I dont believe in freed feeding you dont get a routine for toileting then. Food goes down if its not eaten is removed till next time

Specially here with all the critters. x

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  elfie said:
ps Ross might go get me a cat from the vet next week they have lots to rehome up there. Have to work on John first :cute:


Might be a good idea Elfie.... have a chat with Port Kennedy Vets as they have a cat rehoming program.... a friend is a foster carer for them and she is always asking me if I know someone who needs a cat/kitten. Give them a ring and see what they have on offer...... Let me know how you go. Rossyx

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