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Areas in Mandurah?????


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Hi Gary


Most of Mandurah is fine. I would avoid Greenfields and Coodanup


There not terrible, but get more than their fair share of anti social behaviour.


What things are important to you? Beach? Being close to the city / shops? There are often some good rental deals arround where you are now. Port Bouvard Real Estate are the main one to cover around where you are now.

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  GreigT said:
Hi Rossmoyne,


We don't have any children but our pets will follow in the next few months.


It will be easier for you to find a good place to live then. Verystormy has great knowledge of your area so listen to what he has to say before you make any decisions..... Hope it goes well for you...

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It will depend then on if you want to be close to the centre or more quiet and also budget


We are in southport / dawesville and love it as it is next to a great beach and one of the few that has a surf rescue and is patrolled. But, we are 20 mins minimum from the centre and in a very quiet area and it is one of the more expensive. But the houses are nice. The beach is also dog friendly


Halls head is a good options and has a very good swimming beach - though not such as great one for surfing. It is closer to the city and has better ameneties. Seascapes is very nice, but the beach is not great for swimming due to rocks and care is needed with dogs near the dunes - it is nicknamed sea snakes! But a nice area and has a supermarket, cafe and things.

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