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This time last year........


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we were in Perth for our reccie!


Time has flown by and looking forward to our move later this year. First container quote visit booked for 2nd May.


The girls will have their last UK Easter Egg Hunt in the garden on Sunday and no chance of them melting like they did last year :laugh: (much to the amusement of our hosts who got the girls Aussie chocolate eggs which did not melt!).


This time next year....


we will have been happily settled in Perth for approx 7 months and (hopefully!) will have survived our first proper summer since leaving SA/Zim in 2000!

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Is this a thread for us all to join in? :cute:


This time last year we had just lodged our visa application after having been invited to apply on April Fools Day :wink:


This time next year we'll be in Oz and hopefully hubby will be working, we'll have a home, new friends, a little nephew or niece, kids will be settled in school we'll have had our first visitors in Oz and be loving life. :biggrin:

Edited by Lou8670
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Guest guest10912

This time last year everything was much the same for me as it is this time this year. Same house, same job, same for OH. That is not very exciting is it?


This time next year, I hope that I will have sold the house in UK and bought the house in Australia. Lets see..

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  dxboz said:
Wow how time flies. I cannot believe you have been in your current job a year VS. I remember you talking about starting there - seems like a couple of months ago!


Lol. Time flies. I find particularly in this job it goes way too quick. This is my second swing for the year and got 4 more and it will be christmas - that is if i am still here (very doubtfull)

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This time last year I had just waved off a dear friend from work who immigrated to Sydney and arranged to go and visit them for Christmas as my OH wasn't on board with the idea of immigrating ourselves.


Now, here we are, in sunny WA!


This time next year we will all be happy and settled and will hopefully be preparing for MIL to come and visit us.

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this time last year my darling oh was about to resit his IELTS after I booked the general test and he needed the academic, a year later we have the golden ticket but alas I feel no further forward at all.

It appears everyone has their flight tickets or has an end date in mind and we have neither. Im a "do-er" whilst the oh is a "calculated thinker" quite frankly it's doing my head in. He's not keen on doing anything until after our reccie and I'm mega frustrated- October is ages away.......

sorry rant over :embarressed:

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This time last year we had received a negative outcome on our skills assessment. Felt like the dream was over before it had enough got going....


A quick online Australian diploma and a re submission later and we have now booked our flights for the 29th July........

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  beandownunder said:
this time last year my darling oh was about to resit his IELTS after I booked the general test and he needed the academic, a year later we have the golden ticket but alas I feel no further forward at all.

It appears everyone has their flight tickets or has an end date in mind and we have neither. Im a "do-er" whilst the oh is a "calculated thinker" quite frankly it's doing my head in. He's not keen on doing anything until after our reccie and I'm mega frustrated- October is ages away.......

sorry rant over :embarressed:


Well, be a do'er and just amend the plan to be the move :)

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  nikkiwd said:
Sorry Bean, must be so frustrating not being able to start planning and having a date to work towards. You should amend your flights in October to make them one way!:biggrin: xx

I truly wish Nikki :-( its the sensible accountant in him, very cautious...


my friend was leaving for Adelaide in nov and Singapore have changed their flights meaning they would miss their activation deadline, so they're going in sept instead! I'm just a tad jealous! x

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Guest Hamed

Dear members.....I have two options to live in regional areas of the Perth city and Adelaide(not regional) as well.I am really dubious about which one I should choose...I am married and I have one child.If you you have any information please let me know....:confused:

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Hi Hamed.

Welcome to PP. I'm not well placed to answer your query and it might get a bit lost on this thread. Why don't you start a new thread in the Migration Issue forum and tell us a bit more about yourself and your situation. This is a very friendly site and I'm sure someone will be able to help.


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  • 1 year later...

This time lSt year I'd been in perth for nearly 11 weeks and none of my boxes had been removed from the garage and unpacked. A year on and they are still in the garage and still not unpacked.

I also have a years worth of photos that hAvent been made into photo books or printed out to go into albums!! Lol

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