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Teaching Jobs


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Hi all, im a newbee to this website!

Myself, my OH and my son are emigrating to Perth in July this year (2014). I'm looking for a teaching job or even a teaching assistant job around the Rockingham area (although I am willing to travel further as we are not sure where we will plant our roots as yet!) I have googled jobs and followed links but wondered if there was a particular site I could check out that would be more specific to my search?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Not sure what site - dept of education maybe? There have been a lot of cuts in the education system for this year made by the government and a lot of jobs were effected, particularly teaching assistant jobs, with many getting reduced hours. It may be worth teaching in country initially unless you really want to work in Metro

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Get yourself on the email list for education dept ...think it is jobs.gov.au and then you select the criteria you want to them to email.

When you arrive put yourself on as many schools relief list as you can until you can get something more permanent. If you have any special needs experience this will help aswell .



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First of all though you will have to be registered with the Teachers Registration Board of WA http://www.trb.wa.gov.au as you cannot teach in any school, private or government, without registration. You can commence the registration process before you enter Australia, but until you have entered the country your registration won't be complete. The process can take a while, so it is worthwhile starting it before you get here.


All government positions are advertised on http://www.jobs.wa.gov.au, but private schools employ individually and advertise on their individual websites. A google for Independent Schools WA will give you a list.


Consider looking at teacher employment agencies like Smart Teachers, Randstat, Class Professionals. A google will give a list with all the contact details.


Currently there is a surplus of teachers in WA, but with the baby boomers starting to retire, the situation should start to change in the coming years.

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Hi all, im a newbee to this website!

Myself, my OH and my son are emigrating to Perth in July this year (2014). I'm looking for a teaching job or even a teaching assistant job around the Rockingham area (although I am willing to travel further as we are not sure where we will plant our roots as yet!) I have googled jobs and followed links but wondered if there was a particular site I could check out that would be more specific to my search?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!





I have been here almost a year now with my OH and for the last two terms I have been teaching full time in a school in Cottesloe -I only have a 12 month contract as permanent contracts are very tricky to get! The bit that I found the most frustrating was getting registered with the TRBWA (it takes a while!) so if you are not here until July I would really recommend getting started on your registration before you get here. I found relief teaching (supply) quite quickly through visiting local schools with my cv, happy to chat with you about it via perthpoms/or fb, just send me a message.





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