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where to live ??

jo and scott

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Been here just over a week now and have been driving around areas NOR where we are staying now for the next month. We have been relying on maps on the iPad at home and remembering where to go once driving around with the sat nav. This has proved to be more difficult because the map on it is limited. Sure we can get somewhere but want to see where it fits into the wider picture. Definitely need to get a paper map!


As for areas, OH was told by an employment agent that companies would possibly overlook you if you lived too far out from the CBD as the journey would be too much for you to get there on time/early. He considered Ocean Reef too far and said to aim for half that distance. He also discounted the hills for the same reason. He said not to go east because it was either rough or industrial. So that narrows it down a bit!!!


I can can only comment on where we have seen so far-


Ocean reef- big modern houses, double storey, lots of concrete construction. Imposing and impressive. View of the Ocean above the roofs tops out of our window. Couldn't really easily walk to the beach because there is a deep dense nature reserve bit that you have to get through. There are paths every few hundred yards though. The closest shopping Mall here is called Whitfords City shopping Centre. It is huge and full of every type of big brand shop and smaller independent. We seem to spend our lives in there and time slips through your fingers. We keep having to go there to get things sorted, bank, phone, food shopping, etc.


during the day there seems to be no one around on the streets. You only see people at the shopping mall which is packed, you have to hunt to find a car park space although it is huge. Only once the schools are out do you start to see people walking around outside.


All the beach side areas further up all look the same as above. Just dearer closer to the city. Halarys Marina is impressive but I don't think you could actually live there as it is retail space and mooring. Nearest would be sorrento and again, big and expensive.


Lower down you have Duncraig which seems older with smaller houses but more realistic in terms of property size. Closer neighbours and probably more of a community. A bit further back from the sea but you would drive anyway.


Really want to get out and about and see some more areas. Feel like we have had our wings clipped by the agent. What seemed like so much choice has been greatly decreased. Has anyone else had this advice or told that it would affect a job?


I think it's a load of rubbish personally. We live in Connolly and when my husband worked in Perth it took him about 50 mins door to door on public transport and had very few problems in the 8 years he did that. He worked with people from all over Perth and as far as I am concerned it is a non-issue.


Don't be put off by this idiot's advice. You should try Joondalup for shopping too, it's going to be the biggest shopping centre in WA by the end of the year.

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Hi Arwen, we visited Connolly too and really liked it. Just thought that based on what the bloke said, it may be too far out to travel to due to OH being in the construction industry and could be based anywhere, even further south of CBD and then the commute would be seen negatively by the employers, from their experience. We drove past your golf course and I was delighted to see kangaroos on the course. How lovely is that? Lucky you! How do you find Connolly?

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Hi Arwen, we visited Connolly too and really liked it. Just thought that based on what the bloke said, it may be too far out to travel to due to OH being in the construction industry and could be based anywhere, even further south of CBD and then the commute would be seen negatively by the employers, from their experience. We drove past your golf course and I was delighted to see kangaroos on the course. How lovely is that? Lucky you! How do you find Connolly?


I have a mate who is an electrical contractor. He travels all over the place but lives in Yanchep. He has never found it a problem at all. Don't base your decisions on the say so of 1 agent.


There is a little cafe within the golf course, Cafe 28. You should pop there for a coffee. It has lovely views over the golf course. We stumbled across it by accident when an agent sent us details accidentally of our house, it was above our budget. I like it because it's older and greener and still close to transport, beach, shopping.


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That's good to know. Great view too. Just out of interest, do you have much chat with the neighbours? Only ask because around here they look as if they keep themselves to themselves, just my first impression.


It's a great cafe.


I get on quite well with both my neighbours. I know if I have a problem I can go to either of them for help. Speaking to friends I think it depends on where you live. Most people I know get on reasonably well with their immediate neighbours but unless they live in a cul-de-sac that's where it ends. My friends who live in cul-de-sac locations tend to know more of their neighbours. That's just amongst my friends though.


Back to location. When we moved I didn't want to be any further North than Burns Beach Road and no further East than Wanneroo Rd. Any further than that for me seemed like a trek to anywhere. I have the choice of many different buses to get me to either Joondalup or Whitfords. Non rush hour I can drive to the City in about 20 minutes. I think the agent your husband spoke to is typical of Perths older school mentality and isn't necessarily felt by everyone so as I said in a previous post keep an open mind and don't go on the say so of one person.

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Sully, do not take any notice of that agent, there is always someone putting "their" thinking , just take no notice. Nobody would be living up north according to him or down south then .Everybody would be living in the city, silly man or woman. Most up north who I know travel to work whether it is office based or building construction.They do not want city living etc. etc, So keep looking, have a look around Joondalup shops, Have a doughnut and coffee outside woolies or chicken and rice in the food hall if you see a cleaner named Margaret say I say hi and give her a hug from me. Go along to the Boat see if Rob is having his having his pint, it is in Mindarie Marina, have a wander through Iluka Park and Joodalup Park just before dark to watch the kangaroos and parrots. So jealous xx


Also most know there neighbours , some you may not want to know he he. But no different than back here in uk

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Has anybody been to Adelaide before? We've heard it's cheaper than Perth but is it as nice as in beaches/rivers/parks etc. Also jobs.


Went for a week. Quiet & flat. The city is easy to get around, it's a big grid with parks on each corner, so hard to get lost.


Glenelg is their equivalent to Freo, but it's very small. Nice beach though. There is a tram to get you from one to the other. It's free in Glenelg, and free in the city, but costs to go from one to the other.


Easy to get to the Barossa if that's your thing.


I quite liked it, but it makes Perth look busy.


Lots of areas in Zone 1 are still the traditional quarter acre blocks - most of Nedlands is 700-1000sqm and then you have the super dead posh folk who have a double block for their tennis court!


One of my parents lives in Dalkeith (as did I for a while). Some of the monstrosities that are in the area are insane, because we all need a tennis court and pool overlooking the river. Especially when Nedlands courts are actually very good to play on (used to play there after school most days).


OH was told by an employment agent that companies would possibly overlook you if you lived too far out from the CBD as the journey would be too much for you to get there on time/early. He considered Ocean Reef too far and said to aim for half that distance. He also discounted the hills for the same reason. He said not to go east because it was either rough or industrial. So that narrows it down a bit!!!


Have heard this too. At work we are mainly Zone 1, with a few further out (Canning Vale, Midland, Stirling). But being a contractor, it's less important for us.


A lot of people live near their work, but this is changing.


If you go east, there is a lot of industrial around Tonkin Hwy and the air port. But if you drive up Beauford St, from Perth to Embleton, you'd be fine.

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