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26 yr old in need of some girly mates!!!

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Have been living in Perth on and off now for about 3 years, have decided to move here permanently :) am originally from Birmingham. Most of my mates have moved to Melbs. I am missing the girly nights in and out, catching up for coffee, etc. Am looking to make some more mates. Always up for a laugh and for having fun.


I'm on Facebook, if you want to message or add me. Victoria Baynes (its the black and white photo).



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Hello Victoria


I made the big move 2 months ago. Loving it but is with the weather. I too miss girlie catch ups and not having a group of friends. I'm slightly older, 33, still no idea how that happened. If you fancy coffee give me a shout. I am on fb too, Kirsty mclaughlin. Photo is with cocktail in hand!



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I'm also living in Perth with my boyfriend we have been here since November. Really missing my girl mates back home and especially the cheeky vino or two! Find it hard meeting new people as work for a nursing agency so always working somewhere different. Defo looking to meet some new mates and having a girlie gossip!


I'm on Facebook if U want to message or add me. Gemma Bickley- its the random photo of the back of my head!! Gotta love a scenic shot staring out to sea!! :-)

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Hey! I'm originally from walsall, not far from Birmingham and have been in perth for a month, just moved here with my partner from Melbourne! I also miss girls times and I am in need of friends! Add me on Facebook - Kate Haris! Would be good to meet up for coffee, or wine!

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Guest Jeannie82

Hi guys, not sure if you managed to meet up already? I tried to find some of you on Facebook but no luck! I've just moved to Perth for a year and looking to meet some new people and make friends. I like travelling, eating out, exploring, socialising etc but happy to just meet anyone at present!



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Guest rachael30

Hi guys not sure if you have all met up already, I have been in Perth a few years and don't have many friends here. Im on facebook too Rachael Snelling just a pic of me and my boyfriend I have red hair x

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Hi there,


Myself and my husband have been living in perth now for almost a year. I am a 26 year old girl looking for someone to meet up with for coffee and nights out!!!! I am originally from Kent. I am on Facebook as Nicola Stefan Gregory. Message me if you fancy meeting up for a coffee or glass of wine. I live in Scarborough x x x

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Hi girls I've been here for a year and a half now. I'm originally from Sunderland and luckily have found a close group of couples that me and my fella Chris spend most of our time with. I'm still up for meeting new people as I know how hard it can be moving here and knowing no one. Add me on facebook if you want to 'Dionne Ganley' :)

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Hey girls


Im Sarah 27 years old and originally from Bedfordshire. I came over with friends on a working holiday visa but they have now all gone :( so I'm just here now with the Aussi bf, looking to make some friends :)


i actually created a poms meet up page on Facebook that your welcome to join, there are now over 200 people and we have regular meet ups - my name on fb is Sarah-Jayne Nolan if you wanna add me

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Hi Girls,



My name is Kerry. I am 28 from Birmingham and currently live in Cairns Australia. I am in the process of possibly (99% sure I will be) moving to perth in the next few months. I know I want to, I miss the variety of city life!!!! But I am scared to if I am completely honest and just need that push. I moved to Cairns 4 years ago - initially on a working hol visa for 2 years, then I decided to move permanently. I like Cairns but after 4 years it is starting to feel small to me and it's really hard to make friends who get my sayings and English quirks lol but Cairns is very transient and full of backpackers so real friends are hard to find, plus the men are hopeless lol I have visited Perth twice ... currently here for one more day on this visit lol and I am checking out the local beach areas in the north. I love Cottesloe and my first thought is to move there as its a mix of beach and it is near the city but, I am open to ideas!! My main worry is moving here alone and not knowing anyone. I am frankly scared and at the age of 28 that's not cool lol I am a primary teacher and really down to earth and witty. I love my exercise and a laugh but also a serious conversation and above all a vino or cocktail lol. I am currently job searching and I am looking for an apartment or house share with girls similar to me. Thinking of moving nov/dec/jan this year so if anyone would be open to making a new Brummie friend that would be fab!! I saw several ppl say on this forum add me on facebook and Id really like to do this or have you add me to start up a group. I am Kerry Sweeney in a redish dress, brown hair and posing ... not normally so daring though hahahaha

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I'm glad I've seen this post!

I'm moving to Perth in a few weeks and leaving all my friends and family in the UK I will definately need some new girly friends.

Me and my boyfriend are moving to Scarborough beach, we have both been granted a 457 visa so looking to stay for at least 4 years!

I am on facebook - Phillipa Jayne Hodgson - black and white photo of me and my boyfriend if anyone wants to add me and hopefully I will see you when I arrive! :)



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Hi Victoria :) Also 'Hi' to many others of you who responded to OP!


I'm Gabi, just turned 30 and will be arriving in just over 6 weeks with my other half Andy. I am beyond excited about the move and can't wait to meet some new girly mates to have shennanigans with ;) Nights in and out, dinner parties, learning to surf, general exploring... don't have any kids and not planning on any anytime soon but we do have a little Italian Greyhound and I love taking him out to the beach or parks and on random adventures.


My FB is gabrielle.l.thomas



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