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House Building Queries - Open Thread

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I saw Nikki you are looking at bricks and things. What we did was go to the brick companies and the roof people and get samples to bring home - they will give you a couple of bricks and colourbond will give some samples and you can bring them home to look at in different lights.


Asna general rule it is better to have lighter roofs as it reflects the summer heat. Think as well what colour windows and buttering you want. We went for surf mist for the roof and the windows and gutters. Then a very pale render. So it is very neutral. But with the render, ask if it the colour is pre mixed or painted on later. If it is painted on later, then it will result in a slightly different shade to what the colour palates say. Usually a couple of shades darker.


Also, consider the driveway colour and the colour of paving of the alfresco. We are having the driveway a different colour to the alfresco.

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Had our first experience of having to double check everything today!


We have received the online version of the pre-start folder. Our package included upgraded internal door handles so I emailed our new contact to confirm that we therefore had to make our selection from the upgrade range. I was told that no, we had to take the standard and pay for any upgrades. I questioned it and low and behold we can choose from the upgrades !


I hope this is a one off handover oversight, but something tells me it's only the beginning!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great news. The slab should be down soon!


We are still waiting for builders to start. Bricks, cement, steel work. Even the door frames are all there. Just waiting for the damned builders.


Did the air con meeting and upgraded the zones to 5. Cost was about $400 but will save us a lot of money in energy.

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Have you had your pre start meeting yet Nikki?


Had our first experience of having to double check everything today!


We have received the online version of the pre-start folder. Our package included upgraded internal door handles so I emailed our new contact to confirm that we therefore had to make our selection from the upgrade range. I was told that no, we had to take the standard and pay for any upgrades. I questioned it and low and behold we can choose from the upgrades !


I hope this is a one off handover oversight, but something tells me it's only the beginning!!

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Not yet Stormy. Based on the timelines that RI gave us I think we'll be looking at the beginning of Sept (depending on the drafters). We've been spending quite a lot of time looking at the various selections though. Took your advice and got some brick samples, now we're just trying to decide on colour schemes for tiles. We get a day out with an interior designer before Pre-start but we want to have a reasonable idea of what we want (and budget) before we get sucked into the excitement of it all and end up spending a fortune!


We've had a bit of progress on the block though and we now have a Crossover and a driveway - so everyone can at least get to the building envelope without having to kit up for a bush walk!!




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Great news. The slab should be down soon!


We are still waiting for builders to start. Bricks, cement, steel work. Even the door frames are all there. Just waiting for the damned builders.


Did the air con meeting and upgraded the zones to 5. Cost was about $400 but will save us a lot of money in energy.


Slab is booked for 11 August, I'm impressed by the speed of the brickies over here, we have two houses being built next door to our current rental & one further up the road, the walls go up at an amazing speed, is it true that brickies are paid per brick?

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Wow is that all - I thought it would take them much longer than that!


I have just joined the Homeone Forum and am busy picking up some brilliant tips! If I see anything relevant I may share it here!


Is all of that your block Nikki, it looks lovely, I couldn't live out there, too much risk of bush fires, have you looked into house insurance yet.m

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Looks lovely.


Our bricklayers turned up just now. They are just dropping things off and will be starting Tuesday or Wednesday and expect it to take about 20 days.


20 days, I think they are having you on, house up the road, the brickies started upstairs on the slab Monday this week, looks like they will be finished tomorrow, it took them a a week to get set up, bricks delivered, then craned up onto the slab, then a lift arrived etc.

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Is all of that your block Nikki, it looks lovely, I couldn't live out there, too much risk of bush fires, have you looked into house insurance yet.m


Nope it's just one side of it. We're on 5 acres.


We're not considered to be in a bushfire risk area so no special (aka expensive) additions to the house required. Although we do have to maintain fire breaks and it's common sense to have an evacuation plan.


There is a risk yes - but I could get flattened by a bus tomorrow too. I wouldn't not go in the city because of that risk!!

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Slab is booked for 11 August, I'm impressed by the speed of the brickies over here, we have two houses being built next door to our current rental & one further up the road, the walls go up at an amazing speed, is it true that brickies are paid per brick?



Yep, they get around $1.20 per brick/block

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We are happy with the 20 days after speaking to them. Even before I questioned it, they said they could "throw" it up in about 7 days. Or take 20 and give us a very high quality product. Given we have looked at lots of builds and wonder round the sites (one is going up round the corner that is almost identical to ours) and have thought a lot of the brick work is incredibly poor. I will take the 20.

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