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House Building Queries - Open Thread

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We got fencing included by the developer and a $6000 front garden and retic allowance, but we did pay a premium for the land so every little bit helps, the builder is paving the drive & crossover, but we thinking of doing exposed aggregate, so we will get a credit for the paving, we still have to decorate downstairs, carpet & tile floors and do window coverings and upgrade the light fittings

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We got fencing included by the developer and a $6000 front garden and retic allowance, but we did pay a premium for the land so every little bit helps, the builder is paving the drive & crossover, but we thinking of doing exposed aggregate, so we will get a credit for the paving, we still have to decorate downstairs, carpet & tile floors and do window coverings and upgrade the light fittings


The fencing will save you a lot of money. We aren't allowed fencing as there is a covenant stating limestone walls only. But I considerednit as a short term option.


If if you want the details for our painter let me know as they have done an excellent job.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Woohoo - just been advised that the slab for Daughter and SIL's house was laid today..... so we are trotting off this evening to go have a look when they get home from work....



I remember that stage well. Very exciting. A couple of tips


dont worry that the measurements are slightly out - they are meant to be.


When it dries watch for cracks. Faint ones are ok, but ones that appear deep should be raised.

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I remember that stage well. Very exciting. A couple of tips


dont worry that the measurements are slightly out - they are meant to be.


When it dries watch for cracks. Faint ones are ok, but ones that appear deep should be raised.


Thanks for that Stormy, I will pass that gem of wisdom on to them. Rossy

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To be honest Rossy I think that is only going to happen when we get to site! It's seven months now since we signed up with Redink. We haven't had a particularly complex case, no titles to wait for or anything. I'm a little bit over it at the mo and fed up of having to keep chasing up people that should know this process inside out and have little or no sense of urgency!

Sorry for the rant!


Awesome news for your daughter, they must be excited to see the start of their home!!

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To be honest Rossy I think that is only going to happen when we get to site! It's seven months now since we signed up with Redink. We haven't had a particularly complex case, no titles to wait for or anything. I'm a little bit over it at the mo and fed up of having to keep chasing up people that should know this process inside out and have little or no sense of urgency!

Sorry for the rant!


Awesome news for your daughter, they must be excited to see the start of their home!!


I know exactly what you mean about chasing people ....... My daughter and her hubbie signed up for this in February last year and at the time were told they would be in by Christmas.... Christmas 2014 that is! On that basis they gave up their rental, packed their home into my garage and house and moved in with me. So here we are 11 months later and the slab has only just gone down. Still as we said at dinner last night, at least it has meant they will have 8 extra months of good savings behind them and I get house/animal sitters so I can go away often!


Keep that smile on yer dial as you hassle people Nikki!! Rossy

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Just back from our place and lots going on today. Joiner is there finishing internal doors, guys are out back clearing mess / rubble and the cleaner in cleaning behind them. Fly screens going in today.

The site supervisor was there as well and he informed that carpets are going in Tuesday, then an inspection by an independent building inspector, a week of fixing anything that the inspector picks up and we get the keys. So about two weeks to moving in!

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Just back from our place and lots going on today. Joiner is there finishing internal doors, guys are out back clearing mess / rubble and the cleaner in cleaning behind them. Fly screens going in today.

The site supervisor was there as well and he informed that carpets are going in Tuesday, then an inspection by an independent building inspector, a week of fixing anything that the inspector picks up and we get the keys. So about two weeks to moving in!


But VS didn't I read on PP that you were going back to UK soon and renting out your newbuild?? Or did I get that wrong?

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We don't know. I am getting desperate for work - at the point that we had to pay the mortgage with a credit card this month. But, I have a couple of job hopes.

things are coming to a head either way. If the work I am hoping for comes off, then it at least keeps us here for maybe 6 months and buys a lot of time. If not, then we have to leave. I know I can get work in the UK and we have housing available.

I expect to know about he time we are ready to move in.

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I remember that stage well. Very exciting. A couple of tips


dont worry that the measurements are slightly out - they are meant to be.


When it dries watch for cracks. Faint ones are ok, but ones that appear deep should be raised.


Progress at last, our slab was slightly out, we have a 2" gap under our family area windows, and the SS is asking me what to do about it?, they wont pour concrete in it as will be push the bicks out, I said I dont care as long as its not there when i do handover

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We don't know. I am getting desperate for work - at the point that we had to pay the mortgage with a credit card this month. But, I have a couple of job hopes.

things are coming to a head either way. If the work I am hoping for comes off, then it at least keeps us here for maybe 6 months and buys a lot of time. If not, then we have to leave. I know I can get work in the UK and we have housing available.

I expect to know about he time we are ready to move in.


Keep positive.... hope works out for you.

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Been reading this thread with great interest, after our Reece in November we hope to move over the following year, we are keen to buy at least 6 months after our arrival depending on jobs, we will not commit to something until we are certain we are financially stable. Due to never being a home owner in the UK (always knew we would emigrate so put our money into that) we will have approximately $40k to put towards a house, from experience do you who are building/have built think we are likely to get much for this? I have read up on LMI etc, we would love to build and would be hoping to build around $500k, would our $40k be enough or are we likely to need a lot more? Would be looking at baldivis SOR and alkimos NOR, depending on our job location. Thank you.

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Sme lenders will loan based on a 5% deposit.

Pour build with land is coming in at about $530k. But, that was a expensive block for the area where we live as we have a pretty stunning view. We also went with a better house - lots of bells and whistles. A more basic house on a more normal block would have come in well under $500k. But it depends a lot on suburb as well. There are a lot of suburbs close to the city now where the average house is over $1 million.

Mandurah is a lot cheaper which is one of the reasons we came here in the first place. You can be beach side at the sort of money that is more affordable.

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