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cost of migration?


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I've seen a few post now that say, it cost around £10,000 in all (for a family of 4) to migrate once, visas, medicals, skills assessments, shipping, flights etc are all accounted for.


But is this if you do it alone and then find work once here? If you were to come over on a sponser say as a nurse, is it any less? do they cover any of those expenses? And ifso, how much is it then?


Thanks in advance

Edited by ImmilBees
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Its difficult to generalise. If you come over on a 457 sponsored migration visa, then the employer will normally pay for the visa, and may help with other costs as well. I had my own visa, and my employer paid to ship me, my family and our goods out.


If you can be a bit more specific, i.e. if you are a nurse, then some others may be able to help more.


Best of luck



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It has cost us in the region of £17,000 to get to Aus and have somewhere to live for the first 6 weeks!


Visas - £8,000

flights - £2,500

Shipping - £3,000 ( shared container so this is a cheaper price to a lot of people)

Hire cars (UK and Oz) - £900

Short Term Accom - £3,000 for 6 weeks


and I'm sure there have been a few other costs that I have forgotten about!!!


Its certainly not a cheap process but to me, it makes it all the more appealing in a strange way! Although I would rather it be cheaper to get here it also means that people really have to want to come here and really save and commit to their futures in a different country. Luckily for us my wife has recently secured a job and starts 2 weeks after we get there so a lot of stress has been relieved as we will at least have 1 wage coming in to the household.


we can't wait to get there now and are in our last few weeks!!!! Eeeeeeeekkkkk!!!!


Liz and Mike

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I would say for a family of 4, 10k is about right. Though skills assessments can vary a LOT - a few hundred to a few thousand.


I would say that would not include shipping - about 4k.


TRA assessment is now $1000 and in some circumstances people need a points assessment too which is also $1000. If there are any errors with your paperwork or they turn you down for any other reason and you need to have it reassessed then that's also $1000 a time. I'm not a huge advocate of agencies, having never used one, but depending on the situation I think they could save more money than they cost. We did our TRA ourselves and it was third time lucky. Thankfully it was only $300 then but it all adds up :-)

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I know people who would spend £10k on a family holiday to Florida so in the bigger scheme of things....


Sorry that doesn't help....


We applied before the visa fees went up so for 2 adults and 3 kids we paid approx....


£2k visa (this would now be at least double)

£300 skills assessment

£300 IELTS (we both sat it)

£1k medicals

£2.5k flights

£4.5k shipping...


So over £10k...


We didn't use an agent so avoided those additional costs.


Of course we sold the house and there was a cost there, had various leaving parties and an extended holiday in the UK and stopover in Singapore.


We haven't had to fork out for accommodation as we're staying with family but if you have kids there'll be school uniform and equipment costs, obviously food, buying a car, fuel and travel expenses in WA and day to day living.


I would say most would need £30k although some have done it on a lot less....

Edited by Lou8670
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Thanks everyone,


yes I am a nurse, but we have decided against coming on a sponsor now, as it ties us down a bit, with regards to location, hours worked, and we want permanent residency, which apparently you can't get on a sponsor.


And I get what you mean about holidays to Florida!! We didn't spend 10 grand but, it was more than the average trip to spain!

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Hi its so hard to know how much to bring out you just have to save as much as you can and hope it enought.Everyone spends differently.We wanted a car as soon as we arrive public transport is great but you need your own car.When we got here we decided not to get a car as that money was need for bill and rent.

If you get work then things change but you need to prepare because it can take a while.

People would say how much when we said what we paid out and i would say you can pay that much on a good holiday.

It can be hard and a struggle but its worth it.

Good luck with everything

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