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Hi all.


So sorry I've not been on here much but I've been so busy. And I do feel guilty not coming on and helping others but I'm a little more settled now so I'm back.


So I want to add a bit to my progress report. House is fab. I love it. It's in a secluded little spot and I can only see 1 neighbour and I don't see or hear them often. I love my little mailbox too. It's so cute. Except when there's bills in it lol. Got my first water bill. $9.90. Don't know how I'm going to manage that ha ha. Granted it's only for a 3 or 4 week period but it says we use approx 48c per day. I can live with that. Don't have gas, just electric. Not had a bill for that yet. We have Foxtel which is free for the first 3 months then I think it's about $75 per month thereafter. We have internet and phone for $59 per month with 100GB. I live in Beldon but my job is in Mt Lawley. I filled up my car for $69 and it got me to work and back 8 times. It's about 30km each way. Shopping, i spend about $120 per week for the 2 of us and that includes cleaning products, toiletries etc.


School. Jonny loves school. And I'm so happy about that. He also loves going to the child care centre Attatched to the school and gets a big cob on if I pick him up from school. He wants to go to after school care even if I'm not in work. Feel a bit redundant but at least he's happy. He's doing well in all of his subjects.


Work, I love work. The staff are so nice and friendly. They are trying to train staff up to be able to do the job that I do. And I just waltz in and start doing it straight away. I think a few of the staff were a bit disgruntled but I have been doing it for over 5 years so they just have to suck it up I suppose. Can't quite believe how much everyone swears though. And I can't believe I get a morning break, lunch break and afternoon tea break. I break more than I work. Very different from the nhs.


Anyhow, I'm rambling. I just wanted to say that so far, we love Australia. And since the weather has warmed up a bit it's even better.


So what have I missed while I've been away. Can anyone update me please...

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Hi all.


So sorry I've not been on here much but I've been so busy. And I do feel guilty not coming on and helping others but I'm a little more settled now so I'm back.


So I want to add a bit to my progress report. House is fab. I love it. It's in a secluded little spot and I can only see 1 neighbour and I don't see or hear them often. I love my little mailbox too. It's so cute. Except when there's bills in it lol. Got my first water bill. $9.90. Don't know how I'm going to manage that ha ha. Granted it's only for a 3 or 4 week period but it says we use approx 48c per day. I can live with that. Don't have gas, just electric. Not had a bill for that yet. We have Foxtel which is free for the first 3 months then I think it's about $75 per month thereafter. We have internet and phone for $59 per month with 100GB. I live in Beldon but my job is in Mt Lawley. I filled up my car for $69 and it got me to work and back 8 times. It's about 30km each way. Shopping, i spend about $120 per week for the 2 of us and that includes cleaning products, toiletries etc.


School. Jonny loves school. And I'm so happy about that. He also loves going to the child care centre Attatched to the school and gets a big cob on if I pick him up from school. He wants to go to after school care even if I'm not in work. Feel a bit redundant but at least he's happy. He's doing well in all of his subjects.


Work, I love work. The staff are so nice and friendly. They are trying to train staff up to be able to do the job that I do. And I just waltz in and start doing it straight away. I think a few of the staff were a bit disgruntled but I have been doing it for over 5 years so they just have to suck it up I suppose. Can't quite believe how much everyone swears though. And I can't believe I get a morning break, lunch break and afternoon tea break. I break more than I work. Very different from the nhs.


Anyhow, I'm rambling. I just wanted to say that so far, we love Australia. And since the weather has warmed up a bit it's even better.


So what have I missed while I've been away. Can anyone update me please...


Nothing much has happened really........ Except for Dome Cafe Butler will be opening shortly...... Lol

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So good to hear from you Debs, sounds like its all slotting into place :-)

really pleased Jonny has settled in well too, must be a huge relief. Were replacing Joes bed this week and he's so sentimental he cried for ages yesterday coz his old bed was going! dread to think how he will react if we ever pack up to leave for Aus!

See you in 9 weeks I hope,

J xxx

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Loving reading your updates, and well done for all you have achieved so far you seem to have settled in so well. You must be relieved that your son is loving school and has settled, that is one thing I am worried about as my daughter is 4 and will have to start here in September we are then hoping to be in oz before Christmas so she will then have to start all over again when oz term starts, but I'm sure she will be fine.

Good luck with everything and I look forward to the next instalment!


Michelle x

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9 weeks will fly by. It is hard with the kids but Jonny has just slotted right in. They adapt quite quickly. Jonny is quite outgoing though so I'm lucky. He is feeling insecure though. He is killing me with kisses and hugs and tells me every 5 minutes that he loves me. He had toothache on Sunday night so I looked on the internet for a dentist that could see us that day and found one about 10km away. When we went they said he needed 2 teeth extracting and that they could do it there and then so I let them. Wish I hadn't. They removed one which was ok. But the other one he could feel and he said it hurts and was crying. So she stopped, waited a few seconds and then went for it again. He screamed the place down. Another dentist come in then. Now, I'm not an overbearing mother, but I was up on my feet ready to kill someone. The second dentist removed it after giving him a lot more local and told me it's because of the abscess he had. Ffs. They should have put him on anti biotics and brought him back. I was fuming. Then they gave me a bill for $662. I felt like a really **** mum for letting them hurt him. We've now been to the dentist at the school and they treat him for free until he's 11. They said they would have given him gas and air as well as the local. And they are really nice. The worst thing is, he's now terrified of the dentist which is something I've always avoided. Gutted. So lesson learnt. When you do make the move, enrol with a dentist that bulk bills for the kids.

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Oh no poor thing, it's awful having toothache but to have them do that seems extreme. But they are the professionals so you just assume they are right, that's brilliant to have dentist at the school though hopefully he is all sorted now and will be feeling much better soon. Lots more hugs and kisses :smile2:

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Oh poor Jonny... I hope he's feeling better now. I didn't think dentists behaved like that anymore. It sounds medieval... Does he have to have anything else done or can you keep him away for a bit while the memory fades?

Glad you're settling in. We arrived last Friday and I can't believe it's been a week already!

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Not sure I can make a nigh time one deb. My mate looks after jonny 2 from school 2 nights a week while I'm in work. And I'm dead grateful. Can't ask her for more.



Bring Jonny to the kings park meet up he will love It.

Hope he getting over the dentist I feel for him I hate the dentist.

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