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I wonder why.......


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Isn't it just people getting busier with their lifes in Perth, coming to the forum less and less? New people do arrive, but you miss a connection with them. At least that's what I noticed on a Dutch forum where I'm active.


I think you might be right @FOL. I don't come on here quite as much as I used to and I know some others that don't at all. I think when you start your journey you make connections with other people who are on the journey with you. If you are lucky enough to meet them when you arrive then there is less reason to come on here and of course you don't have the same desire for information about WA because you're actually here experiencing it. I still come on here because I like helping other people. You know what they say....and I'll probably get this wrong (I always do! LOL)...I feel the need to "play it forward" (play or pass?!?!?) :cute: Others helped me so much on my journey I feel it's only fair I help others in any way I can now.

@beandownunder when you make the move you may feel the same too. The site is busier and there are some lovely people who are noticeably absent :smile::cute::smile:

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I think you might be right @FOL. I don't come on here quite as much as I used to and I know some others that don't at all. I think when you start your journey you make connections with other people who are on the journey with you. If you are lucky enough to meet them when you arrive then there is less reason to come on here and of course you don't have the same desire for information about WA because you're actually here experiencing it. I still come on here because I like helping other people. You know what they say....and I'll probably get this wrong (I always do! LOL)...I feel the need to "play it forward" (play or pass?!?!?) :cute: Others helped me so much on my journey I feel it's only fair I help others in any way I can now.

@beandownunder when you make the move you may feel the same too. The site is busier and there are some lovely people who are noticeably absent :smile::cute::smile:


Remember the site is also about Poms in Perth, not just those making the journey. I try to include info for locals but the 'Expats in Perth' is probably the least frequented part of the site.

I think FOL is right, as soon as people arrive PP has more or less already done its job for them. Those first few months are pretty chaotic for most and coming on here is unlikely to be much of a priority. By the time they do revisit they might realise they've moved on in a number of ways and many are disinclined to return to provide advice to others.

This isn't a dig, just an observation and, having been a member for four or so years I recognise there is an ebb and flow; we're in that transitionary phase where the lull will soon be filled by new personalities, the next wave if you like.

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I still read every message put up, after a year and half here, PP, can still take up a lot of valuable time, but it's something that I cannot give up, and to be completely honest I do not want to.


I try to offer advice if and when I can. Unfortunately sometimes the advice you give, maybe not advice, but even your experience, can be taken the wrong way, and unfortunately I upset someone one day regarding what is the best time to start high school here, when leaving the UK, and this was based purely on mine and my year 10 son's experience, I had even spoke to him whilst I was writing the message and said what do you think, and he gave his side, which I felt was important as it had affected him much more than it did me. I ended up upsetting someone, which was never my intention, so to be honest I tend to hang back on my experiences now

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today I'm wondering why this forum has changed so much lately? when I first joined it was somewhere to have a chat and a laugh and get some great advice but now it just seems to be somewhere people come to tear a strip of someone else- seems a sad state of affairs if you ask me and a real shame........


I know what you mean @beandownunder. I read a couple of things recently that were getting a bit close to the mark.


There is an element of people coming on here less too. I know I sort of took a break for while, not intentionally but because we were just busy getting settled into our new lives. Now things have reached a balance of normality again I have more time and head space to join in again. I tend to stick to these sort of chatty posts, not because I don't want to help thoise going through the visa process now, but becuase I feel that I went through it so long ago that things have changed and my advice would be out-dated.

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I still read every message put up, after a year and half here, PP, can still take up a lot of valuable time, but it's something that I cannot give up, and to be completely honest I do not want to.


I try to offer advice if and when I can. Unfortunately sometimes the advice you give, maybe not advice, but even your experience, can be taken the wrong way, and unfortunately I upset someone one day regarding what is the best time to start high school here, when leaving the UK, and this was based purely on mine and my year 10 son's experience, I had even spoke to him whilst I was writing the message and said what do you think, and he gave his side, which I felt was important as it had affected him much more than it did me. I ended up upsetting someone, which was never my intention, so to be honest I tend to hang back on my experiences now

We can all only give advice based on our own experiences though. We've been there and done that. Sometimes people's experiences are so far removed from my own I do wonder if we are living in the same place! :biglaugh: It's like when we advise on Suburbs it's all subjective we all like or can afford different things but the way people dis whole ares sometimes make me cringe. Viv la difference hey?

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Remember the site is also about Poms in Perth, not just those making the journey. I try to include info for locals but the 'Expats in Perth' is probably the least frequented part of the site.

I think FOL is right, as soon as people arrive PP has more or less already done its job for them. Those first few months are pretty chaotic for most and coming on here is unlikely to be much of a priority. By the time they do revisit they might realise they've moved on in a number of ways and many are disinclined to return to provide advice to others.

This isn't a dig, just an observation and, having been a member for four or so years I recognise there is an ebb and flow; we're in that transitionary phase where the lull will soon be filled by new personalities, the next wave if you like.


I think you hit it on the head there Porty.... I have been a member of PIO since 2007, and this site since it started, and I totally concur with your view.

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Can I also just reiterate what ali said. It's not always possible for the mods to review everything that's posted and when something goes off kilter there's always a chance we'll miss it.


Reporting a post (by clicking on the little triangle with the exclamation mark in the bottom left side of a post), flags it for us to review. It's anonymous, we would never reveal who has reported something but it does allow us mods to look at it, discuss and we reach a consensus before taking any action.


Sometimes we can read between the lines but this is your site, we aren't the police, we have to gauge how people feel and apply the rules consistently. We also get it wrong and please don't feel you can't challenge us, we're actually a nice bunch of people (IMHO) and we'll always listen and try to be objective.

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I wonder why during the week you have to drag yourself out of bed everyday, but at weekends you're wide awake at the crack of dawn.


My alarm goes off at 6am, even if I've had an early night I feel like I haven't slept properly, this morning 6 am wide awake tried going back to sleep no it's not gonna happen x

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i wonder why when I just think... "oh I have to take the cat to the Vet today for his check up", the little blighter goes missing and won't come when called so we miss our appointment! Pretty hot out there today and I have no idea where he is hiding out!

Worrying times mate, hope you will find your cat alright and in time to go to the vet...

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